I Created An Ancient Vampire Empire

Chapter 231 Continue To Dig

If you keep digging!!

Maybe you can catch a lot of money!!

Everyone hopes to get more material here!!

After taking it out, Su Yang decisively swallowed it in one gulp!!

The violent energy reaches the whole body in an instant!

It is indeed the panacea that everyone wants to get!

The effect of the blood lotus is tens of thousands of times if it is not upgraded to the first rank!!

Now the power of the fifth-grade blood lotus is so powerful!!

At least Su Yang has improved quite a lot!!

I felt a strange feeling all over my body!!

Reiki keeps growing!!

It's like Yiwang Hot Spring is still accumulating 13!

This substantial increase in combat power can play a big role in battle!!

The blood of the first generation of vampires has become stronger and stronger!!

"Could it be that after taking the fifth-grade blood lotus, the body will change?"

Su Yang is quite puzzled!!

But I feel myself getting lighter and lighter!!

Obviously, the strength has risen quite a lot!!

If you fight with your current strength!!

I am afraid that the western gods will not all be killed in a short period of time!!

"Strong, this is what I've been looking forward to!!"

Of course, the recovery of the power of heaven and earth also played a big role!!

at the same time!!

In the entire ancient continent!!

The rest of the racial forces have begun to enter a period of absolute weakness!!

As long as Su Yang's ancient blood empire occupies more natural treasures!

There are already many people, and the strength is stronger than others!!

Running to your face, basically irresistible!!

The point is that Blood Emperor Su Yang is too strong!

This has caused many forces to dare not compete at all!!

Afraid of being directly wiped out by then!!

Isn't this self-inflicted?

It's better to stay away from the blood empire and get some corners of heaven and earth treasures!!

Much less stress and still not getting hit!!

"World, I'm back again!!"

In the ancient continent, the eternal energy of Japan is awakening!!

The wireless expansion of the power of heaven and earth allowed him to absorb enough vast aura!!


The supreme god of ancient times has opened his eyes!!

Unexpectedly, there is a human being who does not know whether to live or die in front of me!!

What a coincidence, Su Yang is right next to me!!

In the face of surging combat power, Su Yang is obviously too small!!

It showed great combat ability just after attacking!

The power that Odin has mastered is revealed!!

Boom boom boom!!

The ancient continent trembled!!

What a strong force!!

This is stronger than the enemies from the ancient continent that I encountered before!!

Abyss Domain!!

Whoosh whoosh!!

This first trick started to attack Su Yang!!

Too bad it didn't work out this time!!

didn't work!

He was actually dodged by the phantom clone!!

It's so dangerous!!

Su Yang is still in shock!!

It can be seen that this Odin is absolutely difficult to deal with!!

"You can actually avoid my Light and Shadow Destiny!!"

Odin starts to look up to Su Yang!!

A person with the strength of 207 is definitely not easy!!

It is amazing to be able to play such a wonderful operation!!

Bright Slash!!

White light appeared in the sky!

Almost as big as Odin's body!!

All you need to see him is to stick out your fist!!

It is very easy to beat the white light to disappear!!


Su Yang was shocked!!

This combat power is truly terrifying!!

Odin will continue to attack continuously!!

The moves are ever-changing!!

In the abyss domain, the power is multiplied many times!!

Black light continues to occupy the sky!!

Let Su Yang have nowhere to hide!!

Must catch these tricks!!

Otherwise, you will die suddenly!!.

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