I Created An Ancient Vampire Empire

Chapter 70: Completely Get Jiang Cheng's House And Build A Vampire City

There was a ringing sound on the phone, and I was in a very complicated mood at the moment, even though I knew that my choice was wrong!!

However, it has to be done!!

It's better to go missing than to become a blood Servant!



The phone was connected, and Su Yang's clear and masculine voice came from the opposite side!!

Hearing the voice in his ear, Xiang Qian couldn't help gnashing his teeth for a while, and an endless flame of anger rose in his heart. He can't wait to rush down the network cable and strangle this hateful oriental vampire to death...!

If it weren't for him!!

How could the mission to escort Vampire Annie fail, how could Canaan... ...... fall into the hands of this guy... !!

Annie was taken away!!

The Bruch family, the thirteen ancient vampire families in the West, will definitely send a large number of vampires into China and into the Jiangsu Province......

Not only that!!

The rest of the vampire family will also send their children into China!

Find the whereabouts of their princess!!

Chinese warriors!

Because of the need to guard Qin Huang, most of the strength has been drained. If the vampire army enters the building in a large scale...

Huaxia's pressure will double...! 13 I am the culprit, I still don't know what will happen!!

If you add the Canaan thing!!

Even if Xu Zhiruo really killed herself, no one would stand up to speak to her, and she even wished she could make two more knives on her body!!

"Director of the Suppression Bureau of Dark Creatures in Jiangsu Province, move to each other!"

Xiang Qian kept his tone calm and suppressed the anger in his heart!!

"It turned out to be Director Xiang Qian, nice to meet you!"

Su Yang's voice was equally calm: "Canaan, in my hands, has become my most loyal Blood Servant!!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Qian on the other end of the phone couldn't help but take a deep breath, and it really was the worst result...!


"How to do this business?"

The voice on the other end of the phone seems to have grown old and asked!!

"Canaan is my Blood Servant!"

"But how can such a beautiful beauty go to fight and kill?"

"She will stay with me forever and no one will know!"

"I hope!"

"From now on, Jiang Cheng's mansion will never see any dark creatures to suppress the martial artist!

"You should be able to meet this small request, right?"


"From now on, there will be no incidents of dark creatures hurting people in Jiang Cheng's house!"

Su Yang believes in herself!!

I believe that this small request will not be refused!


Su Yang hung up the phone, and there was a trace of a successful smile on the corner of his mouth!!

Su Yang is conditional on Canaan not appearing again!

In exchange for the Dark Creature Suppression Bureau no longer stationed in Jiang Cheng, of course, the superficial work still needs to be done!!

Jiang Yidao will lead dozens of people into Jiang Cheng, but all of them are retired!

For Su Yang!

These are like ants, as long as they are disobedient, they can be crushed to death. They came to Jiang Cheng just to show the higher up!!

Jiang Cheng, is still under the control of the Dark Creature Suppression Bureau!!

Before the Central Bureau of Dark Creatures in China found out, Su Yang had a lot of events to develop and grow his ancient blood empire!!

What is lacking in our own ancient blood empire!!

First: top combat effectiveness!

There are only two troll blood bats in the ninth level of the Duke, which is not enough at all, but if the Central Bureau of Dark Creature Suppression in China or even Xiangqian personally ends up, he will have to catch him blind!!

Second: Too few subordinates!!

This is also a place that makes Su Yang very blind. There are too few talents with three-star talents. Su Yang estimates that it would be good if he can find a thousand talents with three-star talents in Jiang Cheng!!

Now I only have more than 300 main star talents under my command!!

Fifteen million people!!

There are almost 10,000 talents with a three-star talent!!

As for the four-star talent, it is even less!

Canaan does not count, not from the Jiang Cheng Mansion!!

Shen Xue, Li Qing'er, Lin Xiaoyan, and Su Mucheng are just four...!!

Su Yang feeling!!

This four-star talent must be at least one million to one......!

As for Anne, a five-star talent, who is also the most talented princess of the foreign vampire family, it is almost impossible to meet!!

So next!!

Su Yang intends to quickly develop his own power before being discovered by the China Dark Creature Suppression Bureau!!

First: Try to improve your strength, try your best to improve the strength of your Blood Servant!

Second: Try to recruit a large number of people who pursue common ideals with the ancient blood empire, and intersperse them in various positions!

Third: buy people's hearts, at least let the citizens of Jiang Cheng recognize themselves in their hearts, and let Jiang Cheng completely become their base camp...!

Fourth: Sneak quietly towards the cities around Jiangcheng Mansion, look for dark creatures to kill to improve their strength, and provide nourishment for the blood fruit trees, and gradually gain the hearts of the people in the surrounding cities...!

A single spark can start a prairie fire!!

If your stand is correct, then you will stand in an undefeated position...!

After Jiang Yidao and those people came, Su Yang would not let them idle, and all went to test their talents!!

The method of A, B, C, D, E for warriors to test their talents is still very useful!!

I have to replenish the power of Blood Servant in large quantities!


As Jiang 360 City Mansion is now his base camp, the Blood Servants under his command can also go to see their family members and parents!!

However, now you still need to hide your identity!!

At least until the family members accept their daughter's new identity, they need to hide it as much as possible...!!

time flies!!

Under Shen Xue's operation, advertisements belonging to the ancient blood empire appeared overwhelmingly in the entire Jiang Cheng Mansion!

Su Yang's task progress is also changing rapidly!!

Just a day away!!

Task condition 1: More than 80% of the citizens of Jiang Cheng know the name of the ancient blood empire, and the progress is 36% complete...!

Task condition 2: More than 30% of the citizens of Jiang Cheng know the meaning and mission of the existence of the ancient blood ancestor empire, and the progress is 100% complete!

Task condition three: 1% of the citizens of Jiang Cheng are willing to work for the ancient blood empire and pursue a common ideal, and the progress is 0.001% completed!

Mission 3 is really too difficult!!

Times of Day!!

There are only 150 people who are willing to follow the ancient blood empire and complete the common ideals and goals!!

According to this progress, I still don't know when I will be able to complete the task!!


The method has not been released yet, the first day is just testing the waters, to see how the progress of the normal completion of the task is!!.

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