I Created An Internet Empire

Chapter 144 Sorry, you are late!\r

Gates was full of excitement. He felt that after this spy scandal, he had grown up.

The open cooperative mode seems to have opened a new door for him.

And his thinking is very active. Since I can operate the open cooperation well, why don't I directly acquire these companies and merge them into the soft company series of products?

This will be better!

All interests are in your own hands

Isn't this beautiful?

At the moment, Paul didn't understand Gates' thoughts, but he still obediently found some information about Adobe from the information folder.

The company was founded in 1982 by twelve people, John Walker and Charles Bou.

At the beginning, I worked hard to create more convenient tools for "May Three Three". Of course, it also experienced a lot of twists and turns. However, in general, in the early days of this company, it was still very successful.

The company's first product at the beginning was a printing programming language Postscript, which was the first attempt of desktop printing software. Of course, this attempt was undoubtedly a great success.

It is also because of this incident that the subsequent Photoshop appeared, and finally in 1993, it achieved more than 300 million yuan in revenue.

Because of its strong functionality and high operability, it has been greatly favored, and it has gradually expanded Adobe's reputation.

In the current era of 1998, Adobe is already a very famous company, but no matter how high its revenue is, it is not as high as a soft company.

So Gates at the moment, is playing this idea.

Seeing these materials, he rolled his eyes and smiled at Paul: "You said, how about we buy Adobe?"

When the words fell, Paul was stunned.

Isn't this topic jumping a bit too big?

He didn't understand Gates' brain circuit at all.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Paul's confused look, Gates smiled: "Did you forget what I said just now? But in this matter, rather than an open policy, it is better to directly put these Buy the company, or invest in these companies and become a major shareholder.”

"This can enrich our company's industrial chain."

Gates paused, then pushed his glasses: "At the same time, it can strengthen our own strength, and it also gives those companies a better R&D environment, so that they don't need to worry about R&D funds in the early stage."

"In this case, we can have more cards and confidence to fight against Chen Fan's Red Star Technology.

After Gates' explanation, Paul immediately responded.

He thought for a moment, and nodded in agreement.

It's really a good way to do this.

Although it is relatively expensive, but the 10 billion renminbi has been spent in the past, are you still balancing this so-called "this little" money?

Use money to create greater income, why not do it.

"Your thoughts, really."

He was a little dumbfounded, and at the same time admired his old classmate even more.

This way of thinking has changed so quickly.

Sure enough, he is a person with a high IQ of 160.

"Then according to what you said, let's carry out this matter."

Paul agreed.

They didn't delay, Paul picked up Gates' phone in the office, found the other party's phone number, and called the other party.

beep —

The prelude sounded before the phone was connected, and after a while, a woman came from inside: "Hello, this is Adobe, I'm the secretary of President John Walker, Nelia, which company are you in charge of? What do you want to do with our president, John Walker?"

Hearing Nelia's voice, a smile appeared on the corner of Paul's mouth.

"I'm Paul Allen, the vice president of the Soft Company, and I want to talk to John Walker about something right now. Do you have time for John?"

At this moment, Paul is also a little excited. If he can really open the door, it may be a new attempt and change for the whole Weisoft company.

And the benefits brought about by this change are definitely very, very large.

He is waiting for the other party's reply...

On the other end of the phone, it took about ten seconds for Nelia to reply to Paul.

"Dear Paul, I want to ask you a question."

"Excuse me, do you want to buy our Adobe company?" "What is the question, please say

Hearing Nelia's voice, Paul didn't even think about it, and asked directly: "

As soon as these words came out, not only Paul, but even Gates was shocked.

This idea of ​​my own has just come into being, how did the other party know about it?

It's only been five minutes, is John Walker opposite a prophet? Can you guess the purpose of their call this time?

But no matter how shocked, this thing must continue.

"Yes, Nelia, we have this idea, so can you make an appointment with John first, how about we meet and talk?

Originally, according to the original rhythm, today's Adobe is completely inferior to today's Microsoft.

This is equivalent to Adobe showing his face to Paul, but Paul is also a little anxious at the moment, so he didn't pay attention to these small details.

After all, this is not a small thing.

Nilia responded very quickly this time, but this time, there was a hint of apology in her tone.

"2.2sorry, Mr. Paul."

"Our company has been acquired by Gu Ge Company with a direct investment of 10 billion yuan, buying all 100% of our company's equity, and the employees will not be laid off. John Xianniu and Mr. Charles Bushi are still The company's president, position and original operation will not change, but our equity is all under the name of Google Company."

At the end, she apologizes again

"I'm really sorry, Paul."

"If I guess correctly, is Mr. Gates by your side now?"

"Can you tell me a word, please? It was said by President Larry Page of the Google Company."

"Do you want to buy Adobe for a soft company?"

"Sorry, you are late!"

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