I Created An Internet Empire

Chapter 303 Recessive Virus\r

This hot pot restaurant was discovered by Lan Haoxuan before, and then he often brought the two of them to eat. The number of times they came, the proprietress in the restaurant knew the three of them.

It's just that the three of them are fully armed this time, so the proprietress didn't recognize him for a while

After the four entered the store, they went directly into the private room they frequented. Finally, after unanimous decision, Xue Ci went out to order food. They first reported all the dishes they wanted to eat, and finally Xue Ci reported it together.

The speed of serving the hot pot restaurant is still very fast, and the dishes ordered by a few people came up after a while.

Dai Mubai looked at the dishes that had been served all the time, and thought that he hadn't been here for a long time to eat hot pot. Chen Fan and Lan Haoxuan on the side were also looking at the dishes they hadn't seen for a long time, very cordial.

Xue Ci was attracted by the hot pot soup base, and he also enjoyed it. The "One Eight Three" meal was eaten heartily by everyone.

"Hiccup! It's been a long time since I've eaten so much!" Lan Haoxuan said while burping, rubbing his stomach.

"That's right! It's really cool!" Dai Mubai agreed.

"Hello?" Chen Fan answered the phone and said.

"What! Well, I'll go back immediately!" Chen Fan stood up and said

"What's wrong? Did something happen to the company?" Xue Ci immediately asked nervously

When Dai Mubai and Lan Haoxuan heard Xue Ci's question, they also cast a concerned look at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan looked at Sanshuang's worried eyes, warmed his heart, and replied, "It's not the company's fault, it's our previous software!"

"Is that the software project that was decided to abolish before?" Xue Ci asked.

"Well, since I planned to restart the project, Ma Hua Teng has been studying the similarities between the project and the similar projects, and then improving our software in a targeted manner," Chen Fan explained.

"What? He just called you and said he found a difference?" Lan Haoxuan asked.

"No, he found a hidden virus in that software!" Chen Fan said with a gloomy face

"What? A hidden virus!" Lan Haoxuan said in surprise

"So, I have to go back and have a look!" Chen Fan said.

"I'll go with you. I want to see who has the ability to install invisible viruses in software in front of so many people!" Lan Haoxuan said angrily.

"Since the two of you are in a hurry, let's go back quickly!" Dai Mubai suggested.

Although Xue Ci on the side didn't understand these software programming, but just listening to the tone of Chen Fan and Lan Haoxuan's conversation, he could also guess that this time the matter was not easy.

The four quickly returned to the company. Since Dai Mubai was proficient in medicine, he did not stay for long and drove back to his home.

Chen Fan and Lan Haoxuan hurried towards the R&D department, but they were shocked by the sight in front of them. They saw that all the computers in the R&D department had been invaded by viruses.

Seeing such a situation, Chen Fan's face turned black all of a sudden, he just went out to eat, and came back to be mad.

Twisted vines are resisting quickly on the computer, and their fingers are constantly flying, for fear that if one step is slow, the virus will invade the core information of the computer, and they will be all over.

All the secrets of Red Star Technology will be made public, especially now that Red Star is in a critical period of recovery, and there can be no mistakes!

"How's it going?" Chen Fan asked with a solemn look at the computer screen.

Ma Hua Teng was so busy blocking the virus that he couldn't speak at all. Zhang Zhidong, who was on the side, immediately spoke to Chen Fan about the whole story.

Originally, they planned to install the original software on the computer to see if there were any major loopholes, and then use their new analysis program to scientifically analyze the difference between their software and other companies' software.

I just didn't expect that when they installed the software and were about to open the software, there was a virus invasion.

When they invaded, they were just like viruses. As long as they found the attachment point, they could keep multiplying, and it was extremely fast. If it wasn't for the timely discovery of Twisted Vine, the Internet would now be all their company's secrets.

Hearing this, Chen Fan's face was gloomy like the bottom of a black pot, and he just stared at the computer screen without saying a word.

I saw lines of code appearing on the screen, and the lines were quickly uploaded and then uploaded.

"Secretary Xue, go get my computer!" Chen Fan said to Xue Ci who was behind, "Xiao Zhang, go and get me my computer too!" Lan Haoxuan said to his secretary

The two secretaries moved quickly, and they all knew that it was the moment when Red Star died.

If you are not careful, the red star may disappear in the software world of Longcheng. Chen Fan and Lan Haoxuan took over the computer and started typing on the keyboard quickly.

It is a top network talent, and the situation is reversed after a while. With the addition of Chen Fan and Lan Haoxuan, who has been working hard all the time, the whole person is relieved

A lot, but fortunately the burden on myself is much lighter. After a while, with the joint efforts of the three, the virus was successfully blocked, but in order to be able to completely

It will take some time for the virus to be cleared, and the three of them continue to fight the virus on the keyboard. Four hours passed, and the last remaining virus was wiped out.

Seeing that their efforts finally paid off, the three of them breathed a long sigh of relief.

Has lived up to expectations and successfully blocked the virus. "Hua Teng, you've worked hard!" Chen Fan patted the Twisted Vine on the shoulder and said.

Hearing Chen Fan's comfort, Ma Huateng gave Chen Fan a nonchalant smile. He was really tired.

He was speechless, and now he felt that these two arms were not his own. "However, how did this virus come out?" Lan Haoxuan said in confusion.

2.7 Hearing that Lan Haoxuan had to ask a question, Ma Hua Teng took a sip of the water in the cup and said, "I see

When I wrote the report before, I didn't find any major problems, so I thought about installing it on the computer, running it, and maybe I can find out where the problem is." "But I didn't expect that there would be a virus just after I installed it! "

"You mean that the virus has invaded the moment you installed the software on your computer?" Lan Haoxuan asked

"Yes, that's it, I haven't opened and run, there is a virus, and then I quickly research

All the computers in the hair department are poisoned. "I saw that it was out of control, so I first connected the network of the R&D department with the network of the whole company.

The network is cut off, so that the networks of other departments can be exempted from the harm of the virus! ""You did the right thing! At this time, it is natural to be able to keep one is one! Chen Fan agrees

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