I Created An Internet Empire

Chapter 306 Removing the virus\r

Lan Haoxuan got Chen Fan's reminder and knew Ma Huateng's mood, so he immediately shut up and stopped talking.

But Ma Huateng didn't stop blaming himself because of the catastrophe he suffered. He remembered it all his life. Of course, it was not just the catastrophe but also his good boss. He never blamed him from the beginning to the end.

Even though Chen Fan has said it several times, it doesn't matter, but Ma Huateng still said to Chen Fan, "I'm sorry Mr. Chen, but I don't know anyone well!"

Chen Fan looked at Twisted Vine, who had fallen into self-blame again, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you develop software for the company well!"

"Let him pass the past! After all, what has already happened, even if we regret it, we can't do it again. The only thing we can do is try to make up for it and remember the lesson. Don't make the same mistake next time! "

"Yes, what Chen Fan said is right!" Lan Haoxuan comforted the Twisted Vine full of self-blame.

"Well! I know, I will definitely develop new software for the company in the future!" Ma Huateng said with renewed confidence

"Well, that's right, but do you have a way to get rid of this virus?" Chen Fan asked.

"Yes, of course I made it, then I will definitely know how to get rid of it. President Chen can rest assured that I can get rid of this virus in five minutes!" Ma Hua Teng said confidently.

"Okay! Then we are waiting for you!" Chen Fan said.

If you find the person who originally created the 970 virus, you will get twice the result with half the effort if you get rid of it.

It only took a long time. During the process of solving the software, he found that the virus in the software was somewhat different from what he had designed before, so it took some effort to solve it.

"Mr. Chen, the virus has been removed by me!" Twisted Vine said to Chen Fan. "

"Okay! Then run it again! See if it has any other problems!" Chen Fan said.

"Okay!" Twisted Vine agreed, and immediately started the operation on the computer. Chen Fan watched the operation of Twisted Vine, and the whole program ran smoothly without any problems.

"As far as it looks, the smooth running effect is not bad!" Chen Fan said.

"If it can be successfully implemented at that time, it will definitely become a hit!" Lan Haoxuan said regretfully.

"Well, this software was designed according to the market demand at the time. It can be said that it is needed by the public, but in the end, due to Xie Yun's reasons, it had to stop implementing it!" Ma Huateng said

"The software market is changing every day now. It was popular at the time, but it would not be popular anymore, so it's a blessing in disguise if it can't be implemented! The provincial ones were eliminated soon after they were implemented!" Chen Fan said

"That's right, then let's improve this software and strive to make a bigger splash in the software world!" Lan Haoxuan nodded.

"Do you have any good ideas now?" Chen Fan asked.

"I think the original intention of the design of this software can be retained, because its core technology is still very practical to this day, and if the original intention of the design is revisited, it will be too late!" Lan Haoxuan considered.

"Then we can only start with technology!" Twisted Vine said while touching his chin.

"Now we are running very fast, and the connection is very close, so where do we start?" Chen Fan asked.

"I think, since they framed us for plagiarizing them at that time, why don't we start to improve it according to the version released by their company, so that we can also overthrow their frame-up against us," Lan Haoxuan suggested.

"I think this method is feasible. When I designed this software at first, I had no worries, so all his connections have been tested and improved!" said Ma Huateng.

"That is to say, when designing, we aim for perfection, and the designed product (cfca) is naturally perfected. If we only break through from our own point of view, it is very difficult!"

"In this way, it is better to compare directly with their products, which can also save time. Get twice the result with half the effort!" Ma Huateng suggested

"Okay! Since it's coming so fast, then come here. Release the product as soon as possible!" Chen Fan called out

"This software improvement will be carried out in Lan Haoxuan's R&D department. You Huateng and Zhang Zhidong will guide them as foreign aids. In addition, the improvement will include those graduates of Longcheng University!" Chen Fan said .

After Chen Fan distributed the task, he sat in the office and thought about how to create momentum for the launch of their new software.

Before, their company's software release was equivalent to nothing at all, and they just released an advertisement and it was over, but this time it was Red Star's comeback, and they were naturally so careless.

After thinking for a while, Chen Fan felt that he was still undecided, so he called Xue Ci in.

"Xiao Ci, what do you think is the best way to create momentum for our new software launch this time?" Chen Fan asked

"To create momentum? You mean to hype our new software?" Xue Ci said.

"Yes, that's what I plan to do now. Red Star's current situation is different from before. It needs to develop new customers and pay attention to keeping the original customers!" Chen Fan said

"Well, then only through the media and the Internet!" Xue Ci said.

"In the words of the media, is it asking me to participate in an interview or something?" Chen Fan asked

"Yes! It's like this now!" Xue Ci said.

"What about the network?" Chen Fan said

"Mr. Chen, I personally feel that the software we launched this time is a micro-chat, which is designed for people to chat, so can we consider letting celebrities speak for themselves?" Xue Ci said tentatively.

"Celebrity endorsement?" Chen Fan thought eagerly.

"Then you mean we shoot an advertisement?" Chen Fan then asked.

"It doesn't have to be in this form. We can ask her to help us make a promotional video and broadcast it on TV to expand our influence!" Xue Ci said,

"Since you said that, do we have to wait for our software to launch before making our promotional video?" Chen Fan asked.

"Well, it must be like this. Naturally, there must be something before we can appeal to everyone to try our new software!" Xue Ci nodded and said.

"Then do you have any good recommendations for star candidates?" Chen Fan asked.

He has always been obsessed with software development, and he doesn't know much about the new muffler and Xiaohua, but fortunately, he has a star-chasing secretary and girlfriend by his side.

"I think the recent good Miss Yan Qing is quite suitable for our software" Xue Ci recommended

"How to say? Does she have any characteristics?" Chen Fan asked

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