I Created An Internet Empire

Chapter 312 Finding a Breakthrough\r

Not long after, Chen Fan came back from his morning exercise. As soon as he entered the door, he smelled the strong aroma of the food, and suddenly felt hungry.

"Aunt Qu, what are you doing for breakfast today? Does it smell so good?" Chen Fan asked.

"Yes! Yes! What are you doing?" Lan Haoxuan, who had just climbed up from the carpet in the living room, also asked curiously.

"Haha! I didn't actually do anything, it's just an ordinary meal. If you think it's delicious, I'll eat more soon!" Aunt Qu said embarrassedly, wiping her hands with her apron.

"Hee hee! Well, I'll definitely eat more in a while! I'll go get Dai Mubai to get up first, we'll come over to eat when we're done washing up!" Lan Haoxuan said with a playful smile.

"Okay! Hurry up! Otherwise, it will be cold in a while! It won't taste good when it's cold!" Aunt Qu said.

"Okay!" Chen Fan and Lan Haoxuan happily agreed.

After a while, the three of them packed up and served the table. The three of them looked at the colorful bowl of soup in front of no one, and they were immediately stunned. How could they be given soup so early in the morning, and it didn't smell very good.

"Auntie! What is this?" Lan Haoxuan asked, pointing to the soup bowl in front of him.

"Ah! This! It's nothing, it's just an ordinary hangover soup. It can help you refresh your mind. Hurry up and drink it!" Aunt Qu said indifferently.

When the three heard what Aunt Qu said, even if they didn't want to talk, they had to talk. After all, others were well-intentioned and worked hard for themselves, they couldn't even give this face away!

So the three of them drank the sobering soup in front of them, which did not taste very good, under the eagle-eyed gaze of Aunt Qu.

Seeing that her soup was all drunk, Aunt Qu was also happy.

"Mubai, our company is going to ask Yan Qing to help us make a promotional video about our new improved software!" Chen Fan said, biting the bread in his hand.

Dai Mubai, who was drinking soup, suddenly heard the news, took a small meal with a spoon, hesitated for a long time and wanted to ask something, but he didn't ask.

"Ah? Did she agree?" Lan Haoxuan, who was eating fried dough sticks, asked in surprise.

"No, I mentioned it when I quit the hospital with Xue yesterday to see her, but she immediately rejected it!" Chen Fan said regretfully.

"That's right!" Lan Haoxuan said with a pat on his thigh.

As soon as these words came out, it immediately attracted the eyes of all the people at the table. Looking at the pair of Rui's sharp eyes, Lan Haoxuan shrank his neck and closed his mouth, and stopped talking!

"Is it because of me?" Dai Mubai asked in a low voice.

I don't think it's because of you! " Chen Fan said thoughtfully.

"Really?" Hearing that Yan Qing might not be rejecting it because of herself, does that mean that she doesn't actually hate her that much? Dai Mubai asked in anticipation of surprise in his heart.

"No! I didn't tell her about my relationship with you!" Chen Fan relentlessly explained

"Uh! Alright! Then why didn't she agree?" Dai Mubai said.

"It must be because the capital you gave is too low!" Lan Haoxuan complained in a low voice

"500,000! Not enough?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at Lan Haoxuan.

"Alright then! Is that because she is not someone who loves money, so she doesn't want to come?" Lan Haoxuan asked in confusion.

"No, when I was with her before, she was also a fan of petty money!" Dai Mubai immediately objected.

"Then how can you be sure? What if they liked it at the time, but don't like it now?" Lan Haoxuan immediately retorted.

"Yes, this little girl's family is the most fickle!" said Uncle Qu, who was on the side.

"How do you say it?" Lan Haoxuan asked curiously. Chen Fan and Dai Mubai in the chairs also looked at Uncle Qu with curious expressions, hoping that he could answer their questions.

"Cough cough! It's actually like this!" Seeing so many people waiting for him to answer their questions, Uncle Qu suddenly found the feeling.

But just a second before he was about to speak, Aunt Qu said, "You know what a shit! You know, it's all nonsense! Women in this world are different, what do you know!"

A pot of cold water was poured from head to toe at that time, giving Uncle Qu a heartfelt chill, and obediently shut his mouth and said nothing.

Chen Fan and the other three were eagerly waiting for Uncle Qu to spread knowledge to them, but after being reminded by Aunt Qu, they also felt that what Aunt Qu said was reasonable.

There are no two identical leaves in the world, and naturally there are no two identical people, so the dispositions of the two people are also different.

So one method may work for one person, but if the same method is used for another person, it may not work.

After listening to Aunt Qu's words, the three of them went to work each with their own thoughts.

When Chen Fan arrived at the company and saw Xue Ci, the haze caused by Aunt Qu's attack was swept away. Fortunately, he found a simple-minded girlfriend, so he didn't need to guess what she was thinking.

Lan Haoxuan was not as lucky as Chen Fan. He met the person he wanted to be with so quickly, and he was not as painful as Dai Mubai. A few years ago, because of his own mistakes, he slandered the person he loved the most.

In fact, there is also Bai Yueguang, whom he regards as a god, in his heart, but it is a pity that they have not met again.

"Minister Lan, I think I have a breakthrough in this software!" Ma Hua Teng looked at Lan Haoxuan who had just come in and said with a look of surprise.

"What's wrong? Where do you plan to start?" Lan Haoxuan asked in surprise.

You must know that since they lifted the invisible virus yesterday, they have been repeatedly watching the difference between their company's software and other companies' software, but after watching it all afternoon, have they found anything?

Therefore, their big plan to improve the software could not be carried out. Now that he has just come to the company, Twisted Teng told him such a big news. What else is there to be unhappy about?

"Then do you plan to start from there?" Lan Haoxuan asked.

"Look, when their software is running, the connection here is not smooth, and it is vulnerable to virus attacks. This is a flaw in their software, and we can just catch this flaw." Ma Hua Teng pointed to the computer screen and said.

"Let's see!" Lan Haoxuan said as he approached the computer.

After Lan Haoxuan's re-run, it was confirmed that what the Twisted Vine said was right, their software is indeed a connection problem at this point!

In this way, they can fine-tune their software in a targeted manner and gain new advantages for their software

"Should we tell President Chen?" In addition to being happy, Ma Huateng did not forget to tell Chen Fan the good news.

"Well! Tell him!" Lan Haoxuan said.

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