I Created An Internet Empire

Chapter 345: The Thoughtful Chen Fan\r

After sitting in his office, Chen Fan found his secretary, Zhuo Yihang.

"Mr. Chen, what are your orders?" Zhuo Yihang, who was in a formal suit, asked Chen Fan, who was sitting there.

"Go check the information of a person named Jiang Xiche, hurry up!" Chen Fan ordered.

"Yes." Although Zhuo Yihang wondered why he wanted to investigate Jiang Xiche, he did not ask Chen Fan why

Turned around and walked out of Chen Fan's office.

Now, only Chen Fan is left in the office.

He turned on the computer, took the documents and pen on the desk, and started working.

After a while, Zhuo Yihang, who was instructed to check the information, returned.

With a document in his hand, he knocked on the door and entered.

Mr. Chen, the information you want has been sorted out! "Zhuo Yihang put Jiang Xiche's information in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan took it, opened it and started looking at Jiang Xiche's documents from childhood to adulthood.

Through this information, Chen Fan learned that Jiang Chengjie and Jiang Xiche are not related by blood

Jiang Chengjie is a lonely old man who met Jiang Xiche by chance

So he was adopted, and he has been raised to this day.

He has always been very good to Jiang Xiche, and he has not suffered any hardships.

Jiang Xiche is also very filial and knows that he has no blood relationship with Jiang Chengjie.

Because he was brought up by Jiang Chengjie, he was very kind to Jiang Chengjie.

His academic performance has always been excellent. After entering high school, he used his vacation time to work to subsidize the family and relieve his grandfather's burden.

I just entered university this year. It is the best university in China, and I majored in computer science.

Computer major, Chen Fan who saw this thoughtfully tapped his fingers on the document.

In the hospital, Jiang Xiche was still standing beside his grandfather's bed, waiting for Jiang Chengjie, who was lying on it, to wake up.

Jiang Chengjie, who had only suffered some skin trauma, has not woken up yet.

He sat aside, looking at his grandfather Jiang Chengjie's old but kind face, and remembered what Gu Yiniu told him

if. Just now, Grandpa's attending physician, Dr. Gu, called him over and said something about his grandpa's condition.

matter. Dr. Gu said that although his grandfather Jiang Chengjie was not a big deal after the collision, he just suffered.

Some skin injuries. The reason why he didn't wake up was that the narcolepsy that he had never shown appeared.

The first time is not too long, and the time to fall asleep will be longer and longer.

And the time to fall asleep is not necessarily when, tell him to prepare him mentally

And then his grandfather's broken leg wasn't the result of a car accident.

Said his grandfather because of his old age, osteoporosis, his bones became very fragile, and it was easy to suffer from it.

Fracture after external force. In the future, it is best not to let Jiang Chengjie do some heavy work and work that has potential safety hazards.

Fractures after a fall. This time, they need to stay in the hospital for a long time to observe and observe, and the medical expenses are also

A lot of payment. After speaking, Gu Yiniu let him leave, and then changed into Yiniu's white coat and left his own.

Fei Lu novel internal group 1142529731 Office. "Grandpa, why are you still awake"? "Jiang Xiche looked at Jiang Chengjie on the bed and said in a low voice.

Suddenly, Jiang Chengjie on the bed rolled his eyes and moved his head.

"Grandpa, grandpa, can you hear me?" Jiang Xiche grabbed Jiang Chengjie's hand beside the bed

Jiang Chengjie's eyelids raised a few times on the bed, and he had to close them again because he couldn't adapt to the light in the room.

eyes. Seeing this, Jiang Xiche stood up, walked to the window and closed the curtains.

Then he quickly walked back to the bed, when Jiang Chengjie had already opened his eyes.

"Heechul, where is Grandpa?" Jiang Chengjie asked Jiang Heechul.

"In the hospital, did you forget that you were in a car accident and were brought to the hospital!" Jiang Xiche patiently

's answer. While talking, he poured a glass of warm water for Jiang Chengjie and handed it to him.

Then he opened the food he bought not long ago and prepared it for Jiang Chengjie to eat.

"Grandpa, are you hungry after sleeping for so long? Eat something" Jiang Xiche took Jiang Chengjie's hand

cup in said. Jiang Chengjie nodded, Jiang Xiche shook his grandfather's bed up a bit and put a bed behind him.

Only the pillow was placed on the bed by Jiang Chengjie, the table on the bed was also propped up, and the food was placed on it for Jiang Chengjie to choose.

Jiang Chengjie slowly ate the food Jiang Xiche bought while Jiang Xiche sat aside and watched the food brought to him.

book of. Because the curtains in the ward were drawn, the light was a little dim.

After a while, a nurse came in, and she came to check on Jiang Chengjie's condition

Seeing that Jiang Chengjie on the bed was awake and eating, he said hello, "Grandpa is awake.

, your grandson is very filial and has been guarding by your bed! Hearing this, Jiang Chengjie smiled and said, "Girl, help open the curtains!"

Jiang Heechul, who was reading a book at this time, was very serious and didn't realize that someone was coming.

"Okay!" Then she went to the window and pulled the curtains back.

Stimulated by the sudden light, Jiang Heechul raised his head from the book.

I saw the nurse coming from the window and said, "Nurse sister is here!"

"Little handsome guy is very serious about reading, he didn't even notice that his sister is here!" the nurse teased

Jiang Xiche, who was a little embarrassed by what the nurse said, scratched the back of his head and smiled shyly.

"Okay, I'll go first!" The nurse who saw Jiang Chengjie's situation left the ward.

Seeing that his grandfather had finished his meal, Jiang Xiche put down the book and put the things on the table.

Packed up a bit. Jiang Xiche, who had packed up, was going to throw away the rubbish that he had packed up, fearing that his grandfather would be bored.

So he turned on the TV in the ward and tuned in a program that Jiang Chengjie likes to watch.

He said: "Grandpa, I'm going to take out the trash, you watch TV alone for a while, I'll be right back

Jiang Chengjie nodded, and then Jiang Xiche went out with the garbage.

Jiang Chengjie was half leaning on the bed, watching the show that Jiang Xiche chose for him

Looking at it, my eyes suddenly lost focus (Zhao Zhao), I closed my eyes and fell asleep again

The picture on the TV is still changing, and the sound is constantly coming out.

With a click, Jiang Xiche returned after throwing away the trash.

Then he saw Jiang Chengjie who was already asleep on the bed.

Jiang Xiche came over, turned off the TV, and flattened the bed.

After adjusting the sleeping position for Jiang Chengjie on the bed, he sat down on the chair on the side.

Keep reading his book. Looking at it, I suddenly felt that it was a bit wrong for Ji Chen Tianci to pay the medical bills.

So he took out his mobile phone and called Chen Tianci.

beep... beep... sweat

After a few rings, Chen Tianci over there answered the phone.

"Hey, I'm Chen Tianci, who is it?" Chen Tianci, who was really working and didn't look at the TV ID, said

After reporting the door, he asked, "Hello, I'm Jiang Xiche!"

Hearing that the other party said it was Jiang Xiche, Chen Tianci put down the matter in his hands.

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