I Created An Internet Empire

Chapter 383. The struggle between companies\r

"Mr. Liu, our company's people found that their company's people are collecting materials for some related matters."

“Follow them when they can. Remember to bring back the material they find to our company, remember not to let them know who we are.”

"But if we really do it, then their company must know that it is our company."

"If you know it, you will know it. Anyway, our company must not make their company better."

"Okay, Mr. Liu, I see."

"Go and arrange for someone to follow them."

"I'm going to arrange a few smart people to follow them."

"Well, let's go."

Chen Fan, since you treat our company like this, don't blame our company for being rude. You wait, what you find is ours. I see how you can test without these materials? How to go to the next step.

"Chen Fan, we are not far from the goal. We have already known that the material of the conductor has basically been tested. But now the most important thing is that the conductor cannot carry the energy of each chip.

"Conductors can't carry chip energy. But oh, from what we've found, conductors can carry chip energy."

"But our researchers have ruled out so many conductors, none of which can fit.

"Continue research and increase research efforts."

"Could it be that our discovery is wrong? Or is there something wrong."

For energy, conductors must be used as materials. So this discovery must be correct. "Impossible, this discovery is absolutely not wrong. Want to carry the current brought by

"Then why we have tested so many and still haven't found the most correct material?"

"Continue the research and let the researchers continue to test."

"Okay, I'll go tell them to go ahead and test."

"This discovery can never be wrong. But the most important thing right now is that Qualcomm has made the right results. The fear is that they, with their own company's people and strength, can surpass our company."

"Probably not. After all, their company doesn't know yet. What's the most important thing? It shouldn't overtake our company so easily."

"I hope so. What we can do is to increase our research efforts and find the most suitable materials as soon as possible."

"Yes, hopefully we can find it soon."

"Mr. Liu, our people found out that there are people in their company and got into the car with a suitcase. Do we need to take action?"

"Find the right time to act, remember not to hurt anyone, so we won't be able to explain

"Okay, I'll let them pay attention."

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?"


"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that we took a fancy to the boxes in your hands."


"What do you want our box for?" "What else do you want the box in your hand? Don't you know?"

"You want to intercept the materials in our hands and bring them back for research. Are you from Qualcomm?"

"Just leave the box to us, we don't want to hurt you, the rest of you

No need to know. "

"Go up and get the box back."

"Is your company already so despicable? You can still do such a thing."

"Then it's up to you to say. Well, the materials have been handed in, you can go.

"Hope to see you next time. You can find the latest material."

"Your company is really despicable." "Thank you for the compliment."

"Chen Fan is not good. Our people were kidnapped on the way back to the company. Even the newly found material

It was also stolen. "

"Why is there such a thing? Have you found out who did it?" "According to their description, it was done by someone from Qualcomm."

"It seems that their company can still do such a thing. I really don't want our company to be better than such a despicable method."

"Then what should we do now? All the materials our company found were snatched by their company's people."

"Their company does this, so we should go to their company and have a good chat. Find a few

People, let's go to their company together. "Okay, I'll find a few people and go to their company together. "

"Although this material has been looted, then we will continue to conduct research. Let them not

Lose confidence in this matter. Let me solve this matter and let them continue their research. "Okay, I'll go tell them..."

The people of Qualcomm will even use such means to stop our company, otherwise our company will take the next step. It seems that your company is just like that.

"Mr. Liu, people from Chen Fan's company want to chat with you face to face. People from their company have already come downstairs to our company."

"Really? People from their company talk to us first. Then go and see what they can say.

Say. Let them in.

Mr. Liu said to let you go up. "

"Mr. Liu, it's been a long time no see."

"Then what's the matter with you coming to our company this time?"

"You're really joking. Didn't you ask this knowingly?" "Oh, then I really don't understand why you came to our company. Let's hear it."

"Since you say so, then we have nothing to say, just want to ask your company, it's a little long since I haven't seen you for so many days."

"I don't know what means you are talking about, but the competition between companies is also

Necessary, as for the means, of course, it is for your own company. "

"Really? Is it really that simple?" But who doesn't think about the interests of their own company? Am I right? "Then I have something to tell you. Recently, a person from our company was caught on the road by a

The crowd grabbed it and cut off the material we recently found. Since your company doesn't know

Dao, then I will intentionally remind you for a 0.2, the materials than yours will be robbed by others. ""Oh, really? There is still such a thing. Then our company has to be careful. "But what's the most important thing, you know? These people actually came in the name of Qualcomm.

robbing. Say, we belong to Qualcomm, but we can't make our company better. Do you think your company can bear this?

"Oh, robbing your belongings in the name of our company. It seems that we have had hatred with our company."

"Yes, so your company should be careful. Since your company doesn't know, then we will

Go first. "It's so slow to go." "

"Xiao Chen, come over and explain to me why? Why do they say they hit us?

Qualcomm's name. "

"I don't know that either."

"It looks like they came prepared."

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