I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 127 Birds of Prey and Beasts Coexist! 【3 More】

It's still just the arrival of autumn, and many of the people of the Earth Tribe, with such a strong physique, have been infected with a mild cold.

That is to say.

If the clansmen of the earth tribe do not have enough furs to use as anti-cold materials, then even if they can survive the winter, some people may not be able to bear it.

Adults are fine.

With earth houses and fireplaces, it is not too difficult for the adults of the earth tribe to survive this winter.

After all, that's what they've been through all the time, and there's no food crisis yet.

But what about kids?

What about babies?

What about pregnant women?

Especially those pregnant women who are about to give birth, what should they do?

Therefore, Li Yan felt that it was necessary for him to make a decision for the earth tribe, and let some of the tribe, or simply all the women and a few men stay in the tribe and quickly build earthen houses, while the other men all went out hunting together-.

Kill as many beasts as possible. This time, you don't even need meat, you just need to bring all their fur back to the tribe.

not far away.

Carrying a small log weighing 500 to 600 jin on the ground, he walked slowly and heavily on the road to a foundation. He heard Li Yan say this. Suddenly, a "bang" resounded. The log was thrown to the ground by him.

follow closely.

He raised his head, glanced at Li Yan, and nodded respectfully: "Okay, I'll go now!!!"

Di used the fastest speed to gather all the tribes of the earth tribe.

Li Yan stood there, his eyebrows lowered, and he began to ponder in his mind how many wild animals and how many wild animal furs would he need to hunt at one time, so that the earth tribe could survive this cold winter?

In the end, Li Yan got the answer: about 1,000.

That is, the earth tribe needs to hunt down 1000 beasts.

In fact, there is no need for so many, only 300 pieces of fur should be able to make all the tribesmen of the earth tribe survive through the winter.

But what Li Yan wants is not to survive, but to live well.

So, 1000 furs are enough.

Only by killing 1,000 beasts and gathering 1,000 furs can all the tribesmen of the earth tribe live comfortably in winter.


In addition to hunting wild beasts for their fur, Li Yan also plans to find some raptors by the way and use their feathers to make arrows.

There are a total of 129 adult men in the Earth Tribe, and those children are not considered for the time being, so... in the case that each person only needs 20 arrows, it is probably necessary to hunt 120 to 150 raptors.


Li Yan didn't plan to arm the entire tribe with "bow and arrow" now, that kind of thing is too difficult.

However, it is still possible to excavate a team of 20 talented archers from the tribe and train them to become the exclusive archers of the earth tribe.

That is to say, only need to hunt more than 20 raptors.

Also, after hunting these raptors and beasts, on the way back, Li Yan also planned to go to a cave rich in "rock salt", not to continue to carry rock salt, but to transport the rock salt there. I picked some of the "seeds" on a "prickly ash tree" and plan to try to plant it next year.

While Li Yan was thinking about this.

The girl, Luo, had already cooked the fish soup and planned to let Li Yan and Mo go to have breakfast together, but she saw more and more clansmen standing in front of Li Yan.

Lu, who knew that Li Yan was about to leave, immediately stopped walking. She stood silently behind Li Yan, pouting, and muttered reluctantly: Are you leaving so soon?


Including the land, except for babies and pregnant women, all the tribesmen gathered in front of Li Yan and looked at Li Yan respectfully.

This scene made Mo feel very strange.

Just now, she had already learned from the snail that Li Yan was not the leader, the man named Di was the leader.

Therefore, she did not understand why the leader did not have a noble status as a clan.

She also asked Luo why, but Luo just snorted proudly and explained in ancient language: "Of course, Li Yan is so powerful, you will know later.

Mo's shock didn't matter.


Seeing that all the tribesmen had arrived, Li Yan immediately looked at the ground and asked, "Di, do you know where there are the kind of raptors from before? It's the kind of eagle that eats the little rabbit, similar to the big bird that can fly. also!""

・・・・・Seeking flowers...  

Li Yan's words are no different from the language of the 21st century.

Not to mention the confused look on Mo's face, even the people of the Dadi tribe didn't quite understand it, but Snail and Di understood all of them.

Up to now, in fact, apart from some new and unfamiliar things, the IQ representatives of the two earth tribes, the snails and the earth, cannot understand them. In terms of daily communication, they are no different from the modern people in the 21st century.

Hearing what Li Yan said, Di immediately pondered and recalled for about half a minute before raising his head. He hesitated for a while, but still said:

"I know, but, far, far away! 35

"How far?" Li Yan asked.

"It's a lot farther than hunting the bowhorn deer." The ground couldn't describe the specific distance, only the bush where the bowhorn deer lived was used for comparison.

"Is it that far?"

Li Yan frowned, and quickly, asked again: "Are there any other beasts there?

"Yes." Earth answered with absolute certainty.

"A lot?" Li Yan's eyes lit up and asked again.

"A lot, a lot!" continued to nod.

"More is good.

Li Yan felt satisfied.

This time out to hunt wild animals, Li Yan didn't plan to come back in a day or two. After all, he needed 1,000 wild animal skins.


In places where raptors can be hunted, there are many other beasts. Isn't this place a holy place that you want to go to?

As for the bow-horned deer... When I come back, I will hunt down a dozen more and make them into big bows with antlers.

thought here.

Li Yan raised his head, he looked at the snail waiting behind him, and said in a sonorous and determined tone:

"Luo, when the tribe men and I went out to hunt wild beasts, you led the tribe's children and continued to make fish soup for the tribe, understand?

Li Yan has started scheduling tasks!

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