I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 129 Ancient rattlesnake! [5 more]

Of course, it is said that thousands of horses are galloping, but in fact there are not so many wild horses.

Li Yan glanced at it, and he estimated that there were at most two or three hundred wild horses. However, it doesn't matter how many horses there are, what matters is that you can find wild horses here.

That's a horse.

Before the birth of the car, it was the most important means of transportation for human beings.

If a group of wild horses can be raised, domesticated, and become the household mounts of the Earth Tribes, then when the Earth Tribes grow and become qualified to recruit other tribes, the Earth Tribes will be able to ride horses to fight in all directions.

The cavalry, in any kind of war in ancient times, played a much stronger role than the infantry.

Why did Genghis Khan, the arrogance of a generation, establish the Yuan Dynasty and almost turn the Eurasian continent to the bottom, isn't it because the Mongolian cavalry far exceeds that of any other country?

As long as the earth tribe can have cavalry.

Then, in any future war, the earth tribe will occupy an absolute dominant position!

It can be said.

Even if he went out to hunt wild beasts this time, he didn't find any raptors, and he didn't collect 1,000 hides, just finding 14 of these wild horses would be enough.

However, Li Yan does not plan to attack these wild horses now, although he does not see many wild horse cubs in the wild horse herd!

This is because Li Yan has not yet acquired the skills to domesticate wild horses.

So, don't startle the snakes!

After he has acquired the skills of domesticating wild horses and knows how to turn wild horses into war horses, Li Yan will bring his clan to come here to take all these wild horses. Adult wild horses can eat meat and hides to keep warm, while young wild horses can eat them. Can be used by Earth tribes.


Even if the system does not give rewards for this skill, Li Yan also plans to bring his clan here again after the spring of next year. Even if he does not take all the young wild horses at once, he can take a small number of them and bring them back. In the tribe, try to use the method he figured out to domesticate!

In short, living people will not be suffocated to death by urine.

After watching the wild horses for a minute or two, Li Yan took his eyes away from them, and then turned to look at the birds of prey flying in the sky.

In this era, the protection of nature is too good.


At a glance, Li Yan saw no less than 4 species of raptors, namely: vultures, eagles, white eagles... and a raptor that looks like an eagle, but is fundamentally different from an eagle.

The total number is more than 100.

Looking at the grassland, there are all kinds of cattle, sheep, deer... all kinds of herbivores, it's just endless.

Not to mention the number of thousands, thousands, tens of thousands, there should be!

Of course, tens of thousands of them are not an exaggeration, but they are too far away from this low forest. There are not too many beasts that people like Li Yan can easily hunt down.


There should be a lot of carnivores on this grassland. Even if there are no big guys like tigers and lions, there should be no shortage of medium-sized carnivores such as wild dogs and jackals.

What's more, Li Yan was still vaguely tens of thousands of meters away, and saw "the trace of a mammoth?

It can be said that the species of this large grassland is very complete.

Li Yan still did not instruct the tribesmen to take action directly.

It's not that he wants to set traps in this place, but that he wants to continue to observe the surrounding environment.

See where to find water? Where to stay overnight?


There is no way to quickly set traps in this prairie.

Because, although the soil is not as hard as it is, it is not as soft as the black soil around the Dadi tribe. If you want to dig out enough traps and hunt down 1,000 beasts, I am afraid that this year will not be able to do it.


Li Yan had to think of something better.

As for how to do it, Li Yan has no clue now. He plans to find a place to start a fire and build a shelter that can block the light rain, so that he can survive the cold night!

Where there are wild beasts, there should generally be a water source.

Therefore, Li Yan's eyes focused on the places where the beasts gathered.

Behind Li Yan.

108 tribesmen, all standing quietly.

Although they didn't understand why Li Yan didn't hunt down so many beasts now, who was Li Yan? He was a stronger man than the leader of the earth.

There are some clansmen, their eyes light up slightly, they remembered the last time when they hunted the bowhorn deer, Li Yan also had this thoughtful expression.

This made them think to themselves: Could it be that Li Yan wants to set up some very powerful traps?

When they thought that they could witness a miracle happen, but these people didn't have the opportunity, the hearts of these clansmen throbbed.


Li Yan found a waterhole about 2000 meters away from here.

Looking at the water pool from such a distance, it seems to be very clear. It is not the kind of crocodile swamp that often occurs in the prairie.

There is a small forest near the waterhole, and it is definitely an excellent place to build a shelter there.

Did not continue to observe.

Li Yan raised her head and waved behind her: "Follow me.


Li Yan took the lead and walked carefully towards the pool.

Why be cautious?

This is because there are definitely a large number of poisonous insects and beasts living in this grassland, or there are some carnivores who are good at hiding.

If you're not careful, you might get hurt or even die.

This made Li Yan not dare to relax at all, after all, he just has a system, not that he will not die!

Under such careful circumstances, it took almost 40 minutes before Li Yan and the tribesmen came to the water pool.


Li Yan's expression froze.

God knows if God is playing him that way on purpose.

He was still thinking before that there are a lot of poisonous insects and beasts in these places. Now, under a stone next to the water pool, he saw one curled up in a ball, but with his head held high, he swallowed snake letters, his tail kept vibrating, and the sound of "rustling" was heard. "The sound of the "long bug" is staring at their group of people.


"Ancient version of the rattlesnake?" Li Yan narrowed his eyes, his face became weird!

[The 5th update, ask for rewards, monthly tickets, automatic subscription support, thank you!!!].

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