I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 131 Bend the bow and shoot the eagle! 【1 more】

Yes, Li Yan is poisoning.

The venom of rattlesnakes is very powerful. In the 21st century, rattlesnakes, even young snakes, can poison adults to death, but the length of time is different.

So, the ancient version of the rattlesnake should be more poisonous, right?

This made it hard for Li Yan not to associate the rattlesnake's venom with the poison.

As long as all the arrows can be poisoned, then...then the process of hunting wild beasts will be much simpler.

Basically, one arrow can kill a beast, which can greatly speed up the hunt and kill the beast and collect 1,000 furs.

In addition to the time to process the fur, it is estimated that in two or three days, 1,000 furs can be collected!

More importantly, Li Yan was still thinking about how to attract those large raptors to a low altitude, and then hunt them.

Now there is a way.

As long as you can hunt down even one beast, you can use the body of this beast to attract vultures to eat carrion.

At that time, can't it be one arrow at a time?

How to hunt down more than 20 raptors and make arrows from their feathers doesn't seem to be very difficult.

It is estimated that in three to four days at most, they will be able to return to the Earth Tribe.

It took three or four days to go back to the tribe, and Li Yan didn't think so before he came out.

His plan was to gather 1,000 furs in a maximum of 10 days. If you can't get it together, you have to go back to the tribe.


After 10 days, Li Yan was not sure whether these tribesmen could withstand the temperature, but he certainly couldn't bear it himself.

Excited in his heart, Li Yan's brows were full of excitement.

He kept taking out arrows one by one, squeezing the poor rattlesnake's teeth, and poisoning them.

Behind Li Yan.

The tribal people became more and more curious about what Li Yan did, and a few people were calm and thoughtful.

They were actually thinking about the purpose of doing this.


After all, they don't have such high IQs as terrestrial, snails, and buns, so even if a flash of light flashed in their minds, they didn't think of a reason in the end.

At this moment.

Kun walked up to Li Yan and squatted down.

"Yan, what is this doing?" he asked curiously.

Before leaving the tribe, the land told him that if he did not understand something, he should ask Li Yan immediately, and he would learn a lot of useful things by doing so.

So now, Kun found that he couldn't understand, so he chose to listen to the leader of the land and asked Li Yan actively.

Thinking of how to quickly kill 1,000 beasts and 20+ raptors, Li Yan was in a good mood. He heard Kun ask himself, and immediately chuckled and explained:


"Poisoned?" Kun was even more puzzled, and he heard a new term.

"Well, poisoning!

Li Yan nodded with a smile and continued to explain:

"Poisoning is to apply the venom of a viper to other things, so that this thing is also poisonous and can kill other beasts."

When Li Yan spoke, he also pointed at the poisoned arrow:

"Apply these venoms to this arrow, and then use this arrow to hunt beasts, you can easily kill other beasts! 99

Under Li Yan's continuous explanations, not only Kun, but also most of the other tribesmen understood.

Their eyes lit up one after another, and their hearts were shocked.

They were amazed that Li Yan was too powerful, he could even think of this method to hunt wild beasts, and at the same time, images appeared in their minds.

In the picture, Li Yan took the poisoned arrow and shot it at the tiger. Immediately, the tiger was eroded by the poisonous arrow. After a whimper, it fell to the ground. die!

This picture has had too much impact on the ancient human beings like Kun.

They never imagined that wild beasts could hunt like this.


Immediately after that, a few people thought of another picture. If the arrow bruises the human body, can it kill the human easily?

thought here.

Kun subconsciously took a step back and avoided the arrow in Li Yan's hand, for fear of being accidentally injured.

Following, Kun Cai asked Li Yan: "Yan, what about people? Will they also die?


Li Yan raised his head, looked at Kun in surprise, and nodded with a slightly dignified tone: "Well, he will die too!

Certainly will die, but this is also impossible.

If time was not too tight, Li Yan didn't want to do such a thing that might happen unexpectedly.

However, just be careful now.

The big deal, put the arrow upside down, and don't allow the clansmen to approach their quiver.


Under Li Yan's full venom, the rattlesnake's venom was squeezed by Li Yan to the point where there was no drop of it.

Li Yan collected all the arrows, took out the bone shovel, dug a 20-centimeter hole on the ground, buried the rattlesnake's head in it, and then completely relaxed after filling in the soil.


Li Yan stood up and looked at the tribesmen: "Bring your tribesmen to collect some firewood."


Li Yan looked at the axe: ~ You and your clansmen started to build a wooden house, it is better to be bigger, so that we can all cover the rain, we will rest here tonight.

"Also, Wing

Li Yan looked at the young clan's "Wing" and said with a smile: "Take out the tinder, firewood, twigs, and hay, I'm going to make a fire!"

The light rain is not big, as long as the fire can be born, it will not be extinguished.

Before leaving the tribe, Li Yan asked more than a dozen tribesmen to bring firewood, tinder, twigs, weeds, water scoops, jars... These daily necessities and fire-making supplies would not let Li Yan and these people are drinking blood in the wild!

When Li Yan made all the arrangements, soon, all the tribesmen began to act.

It's just that compared to the previous madness, now, the attitude of the tribesmen should be much more careful, they are afraid of encountering rattlesnakes!

Li Yan also set about making a fire.

However, just when Li Yan had already taken out the bow drill and selected a fire place, above the sky, white eagles that were twice the size of the previous eagle chirped from the sky. He dived up and down, and fell towards the grass somewhere close to Li Yan.

The speed of the white eagle is very fast. At this speed, at most 5 seconds, it can land on the grass ground, and then it will fly high again.

The noise from the white eagle was so loud that Li Yan couldn't even pay attention.

When he saw the picture of the white eagle swooping down, Li Yan was stunned for a moment, then, he stood up with a "swoosh", stretched out his hand and grabbed the big bow with antlers in his hand, then stretched out his hand and squeezed an arrow. He picked it up and put it on the bowstring.

After doing all this, Li Yan looked up at the white eagle, and it seemed that he locked the huge body of the white eagle in just an instant.

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