I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 143 Want a Pig [1 more]

Of course, Li Yan didn't plan to let the whole tribe eat beef hot pot.

This is because although there is enough beef, there are not so many seasonings. For example, Li Yan has only a small amount of dried chili, which can be made into chili oil. The amount of pepper is quite large, and it can also be boiled into chili oil. , But few of the key tribal people can accept this numb and spicy feeling?

In addition, there are no seasonings such as onion, ginger, and garlic sesame oil. Li Yan believes that there are not many people who like to eat this kind of hot pot just by using some salt as a seasoning.

As for people who really like to eat this kind of clear soup hot pot, then eat it. Anyway, how to knead and burn the hot pot, I will teach them later.

What Li Yan really wanted to teach them was how to cook a fire boiler, and how to make bacon and bacon.

In the past, the conditions were not good, the temperature was too high, and there was no way to make bacon and bacon.

Now it's different. The temperature is so low that bacteria are not easy to breed. Now we don't make bacon and bacon, and when will we make them.

Unfortunately, the small intestines of hairy cattle are thicker than the large intestines of those domestic pigs in the 21st century, so they are not suitable for making sausages.

Otherwise, 14, that is the real delicacy.

Especially the sausages in Chongqing, Li Yan remembers that when he was a child in an orphanage, what he most looked forward to was the Chinese New Year, to be able to eat sausages throughout the year.

"It would be nice to have a pig. 33 Li Yan thought so.

Strange to say.

There are so many beasts in that grassland, those that eat grass, eat meat, eat rot, and eat everything... But there is no pig, otherwise, what Li Yan wants to eat is not hot pot, but sausage!

When Li Yan thought about this, the eyes of all the tribesmen lit up.

Fire boiler.

When I heard the name, it felt amazing.


All the clansmen hurriedly nodded at Li Yan, planning to go back to eat barbecue as quickly as possible, and then go to Li Yan to learn how to make a fire pot.

Standing beside Li Yan with bright eyes, she thought: Can I learn something new again?

Mo, on the other hand, looked at Li Yan with great curiosity, and secretly said in his heart:

Isn't this guy amazing too?

Soap, earthen house, water tank, back basket, ground cage, trap... Now, he is going to teach the tribal people how to make a fire boiler.

Also, what is a fire boiler?

With this idea in mind, she and Luo joined the small family of Li Yan, and together with Luo, started to prepare lunch for noon today.

Lunch was very monotonous, just fish soup and beef.

Beef, Li Yan chose some of the best parts of the cow, all of which are "snowflakes". Snowflakes are the most tender and delicious part of the beef. The snowflakes of each cow are pitiful and can be sold in the 21st century. Get the most expensive price.

Even the woolly cows in ancient times had less than 2 pounds of snowflakes all over their bodies.

8 hairy cows, a total of 10 catties of snowflakes, and the rest of the beef, Li Yan chose the "second best" spoon, upper brain, and some tender meat!

In the 21st century, as an authentic Chongqing native, Li Yan naturally knows what to eat in beef hot pot!


At about 1:30 pm, all the clansmen had finished their lunch and gathered at the door of Li Yan's earthen house.

The light rain was still falling, but it had little effect on the Earth tribe.

In addition to pregnant women, even four or five-year-old children will not get sick because of this little rain.

However, it is very cold.

But what's the coldness compared to learning new things?

Li Yan stood at the front, Luo stood behind Li Yan on the left, Mo stood behind Li Yan on the right, the three stood in front of the Tuhu, looking at the pair of hot and shining eyes in front of them, Li Yan chuckled and said at the :

"Land, bring some clansmen and carry some clay over here."

"it is good.

Without saying a word, he walked directly towards the place where the tribe placed the clay and made the concrete.


A dozen or so clansmen brought thousands of kilograms of clay on their backs.

Li Yan didn't say that there were too many transports, and he didn't plan to let some of the clansmen continue to build earthen houses, leaving the other part of the clan to learn how to make fire boilers here.

He thought so, but seeing the eager expressions on the faces of all the tribesmen, it is unlikely that this is possible.

With Li Yan, he definitely doesn't want to work now.

Not much to say.

After mixing the clay with the river water and reconciling it into a certain proportion, Li Yan took out a large lump of mud and began to knead it step by step according to the knowledge and skills he had acquired earlier.

The process of kneading the fire boiler is a little complicated, because it needs to be divided into two layers, the inner and outer layers, and holes have to be punched to keep the inner and outer layers together. The outer wall of the outer layer has to be raised a little higher, so that it can hold more boiling water and scald more things at one time.

However, it is so complicated, but in fact, as long as it is divided into two steps to knead, it is not that difficult.

Li Yan first kneaded the inner layer and made a cylinder like a bucket. The bottom of the cylinder was sealed to ensure that the water would not flow.

Next, punch holes in the middle of the cylinder, a total of 12 holes in a circle, each of which allows the water flow to penetrate to the outside and maintain the transfer of temperature.

After finishing this step, Li Yan immediately glued a layer of soil outer wall on the outside of the cylinder, however, the outer wall of the first layer should be slightly lower than the 12 holes, and then, on top of the first layer of 863, knead the second layer outer wall.

The two outer walls will be glued together above the small hole, preventing the possibility of boiling water flowing out.

The next step is to make small holes in the hollow part of the two outer walls, so that the water in the inner layer can be quickly heated by the cobblestone, and the temperature can be transferred to the outer layer of the hot pot.

Do it all.

A full hour has passed, because Li Yan's speed is actually very slow, so there are already many people in the tribe looking thoughtful, as if recalling how Li Yan made it.

As for what's the use after it's done, as long as it's something Li Yan taught, it will definitely have a big effect.

Just when Li Yan was thinking, should he ask "Have you learned it yet?", if not, he will teach it again.

The snails and steamed buns standing behind Li Yan actually walked to the clay side, planning to make a fire boiler.

"Is this learned? 99

Li Yan was stunned for a moment, and was a little surprised.

In the entire earth tribe, only two girls, snails and buns, learned how to make a hot pot after just one look?

This, Peerless Shuangjiao?

[The 1st update, I am here with my mother-in-law. Today's updates are all before 7:00 in the morning, and there is no time to update during the day. Please ask for a reward, a monthly pass, and a subscription support, thank you!!!].

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