I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 147 Eat hot pot! [5 more]

Soon, Li Yan and his party walked to the kiln.

Inside the tribe, the work of building houses had stopped at this time. Therefore, it can be seen that many women, under the protection of men, went to the woods, they should be planning to learn Li Yan and make bacon by smoking.

In the kiln, there are also a lot of clansmen, who are taking out the mud bricks and mud tiles that were fired during the day to prepare for the construction of the house tomorrow morning.

I saw the three of Li Yan come over.

These clansmen immediately shouted respectfully at him: "Yan!"


"Flame! 35

Mo watched this scene silently.

When she first came to the Earth Tribe, because her body was very weak, she hadn't walked much, so she still knew too well how noble Li Yan's status in the Earth Tribe was.

And now.

She knew "eight seven zero".

Li Yan in the earth tribe, is the god, the god that all tribes believe in.


The word "God", I certainly don't know what it means, but that's probably what it means!


Li Yan greeted them one by one and nodded in response.

"Does anyone know in which kiln my fire boiler is fired? Li Yan asked.

His voice settled.

A woman immediately walked from behind one of the kilns, holding a hot pot that had been fired into shape, and walked in front of Li Yan.

"Yan, your fire boiler." The woman was in high spirits, looking into Li Yan's eyes.

Li Yan smiled at her, took the boiler with both hands, turned to look at the snail, and said softly:

"Luo, go and call Di, Kun, and Ji, tonight, I'll treat you to hot pot!"

Li Yan's face was full of smiles and anticipation.

The word please, Luo actually does not understand.

But this word is no longer important, what is important is that she heard that she was eating hot pot tonight.

"it is good."

Snack Snail didn't hesitate for a second, and after reacting, like a rabbit hopping, it ran to the "Tuwu?" of Di, Kun and Ji.

After saying goodbye to the clansmen here at the kiln, Li Yan went back to the earth house with Mo.

Along the way, Mo was silent.

She is still thinking about what kind of man Li Yan is to be so powerful?

Li Yan was thinking about what to do next.

When the two returned to the tuwu, Li Yan stopped greeting the bun, and immediately took out a large pottery bowl and put it on the kitchen stove of the tuwu.


Li Yan lit a fire on the stove, and when the temperature was high enough, Li Yan poured some edible animal oil left over from making soap into a clay bowl.


Li Yan took out the sun-dried sharp peppers from the storage room of the earth house, chopped them with a bone knife, took out the peppercorns that were picked before, peeled off the shells of the peppercorns and the seeds inside, and left the seeds behind. , Li Yan waited.

While waiting, Luo brought Di, Kun, and Ji to the earth house.

Li Yan asked them to sit and wait, and let Luo go to the fireplace to heat the pebbles.

He himself was waiting, waiting for the animal oil in the clay bowl to boil, then poured all the peppercorns and dried chili peppers into it, and added a certain amount of salt to make a mixed seasoning.

As for whether the taste is good or not, with salt, pepper, and pepper, where can it be?

The only pity is that there are too few ingredients for hot pot, only beef, otherwise it will be more delicious.

This process needs to wait for a long time. After all, the kilns of the earth tribe are not very closed to the temperature, and the pottery bowls they make are not very good in terms of heat resistance.

But wait, you can't wait.

Li Yan cut the remaining beef as thin as possible with a bone knife, so that after the seasoning is ready, the hot pot can be cooked directly.

Because the fireplace in the earthen house kept burning, Li Yan was "chopping vegetables" in the kitchen, and slowly, he felt a little hot.

Almost an hour passed.

Only then did Li Yan see that the animal oil in the pottery bowl had boiled, and the beef was almost cut by Li Yan.

He cut the beef for a few more minutes, and after all the beef was cut into slices, Li Yan threw the dried chilies and peppercorn shells into the hot "oil pan", poured in a certain amount of salt, and used a Clean sprigs, stir fry back and forth.

This process doesn't take too long, just allow the flavors of the various seasonings to blend together.

After about 10 minutes, Li Yan made the seasoning mix!

He took out six pottery bowls and poured the "oil dish" in the large pottery bowl into the six pottery bowls almost equally.

"Luo, bun, come in and help." Li Yan shouted outside.

Di, Kun, and Ji are the guests, so they don't need to do anything.

Soon, two girls walked in, and while the two were extremely curious, the three of them took out the six bowls and placed them on the table in the living room...


There is a table in Li Yan's living room, but it is not a wooden table, because it is not easy to fix, but a stone table built with several stones and slates.

Around the stone table, there are also 8 clay stools made of clay, and only 6 people Li Yan are enough.

This series of operations made the five ancient human beings see it in the eyes and love it in their hearts.

They thought to themselves: this is hot pot?

Li Yan just smiled lightly, walked to the side again, and cleaned the boiler back and forth several times. After confirming that all the ash and sand inside had been cleaned, Li Yan put the boiler on the stone table.


Li Yan also instructed Luo and Mo to go to the kitchen and bring out all the beef in the clay bowls. There were more than a dozen large bowls. The scene looked very spectacular!

Li Yan himself went to the fireplace. He used a bucket without water to sandwich a dozen hot pebbles, and by the way, he took a bucket of clean cool white water and walked to the stone table.

Under everyone's attention, Li Yan poured the Liangbaikai into the inner layer of the hot pot, until a lot of water seeped out from the outer layer, and the hot pot could be scalded before stopping adding water.


Cobblestones were added to the inner layer of the boiler by Li Yan.




When the seventh piece was added, "Zizi", "Zizi", "Zizi"... The sound of boiling water, and the white mist, constantly came out of the boiler. 3.3

Li Yan's face brightened, and he saw that the water in the outer layer of the boiler had also boiled.

"You can eat it.

Li Yan said suddenly.

Everyone's eyes lit up at first, and then became suspicious.

How to eat this? Put the raw meat into the boiling water with your hands, and then take it out?

Don't be kidding, they're not stupid

Li Yan's face was calm, he took out the chopsticks he had prepared before but never had the chance to use, picked up a snowflake, and put it in the outer layer of boiling water to scald it.

Under everyone's attention, the piece of snowflake beef, at a speed visible to the naked eye, changed from the original bright red to a dark white that was cooked!

[The 5th update, there is another update before 7:00 in the morning, please ask for rewards, monthly tickets, flowers, automatic subscription support, thank you!!!].

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