I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 156 Making stairs! [2 more]

Li Yan did not seriously think about how the people of the Dadi tribe would pick wild fruits.

He guessed that instead of hitting it with a branch, it should be hit with a stone? Otherwise, could the ancient humans have come up with other ways?

But Li Yan never imagined that the women in ancient times were so sturdy.

Local women can give birth so vigorously that they hardly need to use any delivery skills. As long as the fetal position is adjusted, it will be born like excretion.

After giving birth, Li Yan was shocked to be able to laugh and watch the picture of Li Yan raising her hands up to the child.

but now.

Is this sure that the evolution is not complete and still retains the ability of monkeys?

Li Yan was dumbfounded.

That woman's tree-climbing skills were so terrifying that Li Yan even thought that even if he obtained the "master-level" tree-climbing skills from the system, he probably wouldn't be faster than these women in terms of speed.

In such a short time, when Li Yan looked up again, the woman had already climbed to one of the branches of the tree, and even grabbed a wild fruit with one hand, twisting it so hard, it was about the size of an adult fist. Such a large fruit was plucked 14 times.


The woman picked the fruit, immediately looked down, and shouted towards the snail.

"I see, just throw it down."

Luo immediately held the back basket in his arms and made a "pick up the fruit" action.

The woman smiled and threw the fruit in her hand at the snail. With a bang, the fruit smashed into the basket.

Because there was nothing on the back of the basket, it could be seen that there was juicy water splashing out, and a mouth was rubbed off the skin of the fruit, but the tribesmen didn't seem to care, and didn't think there was anything wrong with this scene.

Luo even took out the fruit after it fell into the basket, and handed it to Li Yan as if offering a treasure.

The other clansmen also looked at Li Yan at this time, their expressions Li Yan did not understand, they all wanted to say: Li Yan, try it, how does the fruit taste?

In the hearts of the Dadi tribesmen, Li Yan has only been here for such a short time, and he must not know what the fruit tastes like.

This is the only thing they know more than Li Yan, so they actually have a little bit of anticipation in their hearts, and Li Yan has a shocked expression on his face after eating the fruit.

Li Yan smiled and took the unnamed wild fruit from the snail's hand. After wiping it off with the animal skin on his body, he felt that with his current stomach, there was no problem in eating it like this, so he put it directly to his mouth, greatly took a bite.


The full juice poured into Li Yan's mouth, and the juice reacted on the tip of the tongue, which really made Li Yan's eyes shine.


It feels a bit like a kiwi, but it has a yellow peel with no fluff on the peel, so Li Yan thinks it's okay to eat the peel.

What's more, the Earth Tribes have eaten the peel for so many years, if they couldn't eat it, they would have died long ago.

Evaluating the taste of the fruit in his heart, Li Yan smiled at all the clan members very cooperatively, and agreed: "Well, it's delicious.

Immediately, the expressions on the faces of all the clan members changed subtly.

It was an excitement after being recognized.

Li Yan recognized that the fruits they picked were delicious. Is there anything more proud of them?

"Kun", one of the men who protect women, walked in front of all the women at this time, he also had a smile on his face and shouted at the women:

"Women, all pick fruits. Men, spread out and protect women~"

No one spoke, and when Kun said that, all the women swarmed away, looking for fruit trees in the woods.

The men are scattered around the woman, protecting the woman in the middle.

As long as there is a crisis situation, men can immediately come to the rescue.

Luo also wanted to go, but was stopped by Li Yan.

"If you want to go, choose a shorter tree." Li Yan warned and looked at the snail.

He has already enjoyed the privilege, and Li Yan didn't want to let Luo have the privilege before he really became his own woman.

"Short?" Luo looked at Li Yan suspiciously, not understanding the meaning of these three words.

Li Yan had already figured out how to explain it, and when he saw Lu's expression, he immediately raised his right hand, put his five fingers together to form a knife, and held it in the air where he was equal to his height, and said, "This is just a little taller.


Li Yan lowered the palm of his right hand and landed on the top of the snail's head, saying, "This is a little shorter!"

As expected of a snail!

She is too smart, Li Yan just explained it once, and she immediately understood what height is.

Look around.

Luo found a shorter fruit tree and smiled at Li Yan and said:

"Okay, snail, go to a shorter fruit tree."


The little girl happily ran towards the fruit tree.

Li Yan was holding the antler bow in one hand. While vigilant about the surroundings, he thought in his heart: "I don't know if the Dadi tribe ever fell when they were picking wild fruits. Nope, looks like I'll have to teach my tribe how to make stairs.99

Li Yan looked up quickly.

As for the stairs, even if the system does not give rewards, Li Yan feels that he is fine.

Because it's so simple.

There are hard and strong branches and vines all around, and they can be made into very strong stairs by binding them.

Perhaps this kind of stairs will dissipate after the water of the vines evaporates, but there is absolutely no problem in using it for three or five days.


At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from a certain direction.

All the men standing on the ground raised their heads, and they immediately saw that on the branch of a certain big tree, a woman fell from a height of five or six meters because her legs were not holding the branch firmly.

But the good thing is that the ground was all loose leaves, so the woman was only slightly bruised!

Several men hurriedly gathered around, wanting to ask the woman if she was okay, can she continue to pick fruit?

Li Yan frowned and thought:

The stairs must be made right away!

[The 2nd update, there is 1 update today, please reward, ask for monthly pass, ask for subscription, thank you for your support!!!].

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