I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 158 Useless traps? 【1 more】

wild boar~~~

Li Yan was pleasantly surprised. He never imagined that he had been thinking about not eating sausages a few days ago. It had been a while before he met wild boars near the edge of the tribe, and they weren't even one or two. Depending on the situation, it was very possible. It was a herd of wild boars, with at least five or six!

Looking at the footprints of these wild boars, each of them is extremely huge, which proves that they are all adult wild boars, and they are probably not smaller than the giant horn sheep.

That is to say.

If a wild boar counts as 1,000 catties, then, as long as this group of wild boars can be caught, then at least five or six thousand pork can be obtained.

Aside from the fact that pork can be used to smoke real bacon, pig intestines can be eaten, pig small intestines can be made into sausages, pig hearts, lungs, and livers are all good things, and... Li Yan himself knows what to do with them.

after all.

As a traveler in the 21st century, if you have never eaten pork, have you ever seen a pig run?


"It would be even better if I could meet some piglets." Li Yan thought to himself.

Wild boar.


Compared with wolves, wild dogs... these dangerous carnivores, wild boars, such omnivores, are actually not too difficult to domesticate.

Omnivorous, which means you can eat anything.

So, even if the system does not reward domestication skills in this area, Li Yan also thinks that if he only feeds "vegetarian vegetables", he might be able to domesticate pigs?

It doesn't matter even if it can't be domesticated into a domestic pig. Anyway, if you keep it, you don't need to pull it out and slip it out. It's raised in a pigpen, and it can be slaughtered and eaten when it becomes an adult.

If you can meet the little piggy, it will be really beautiful!!!


Li Yan's heart was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. Beside him, the faces of men like Kun became heavier.

Kun looked into Li Yan's eyes, he was stunned at first, unable to understand the change in Li Yan's expression, and then, in a very heavy tone, said:

"Beast, this beast is dangerous, more dangerous than a big cat!!!

Kun's voice was extremely solemn, obviously emphasizing the danger of wild boars, which also proved that ancient humans like Kun knew how powerful wild boars were.


Although the tiger is the king of all beasts, when it comes to the forest, when the tiger meets a wild boar, it will actually tremble three times.

Especially for humans, the wild boar is rough and thick, and ordinary spears can't pierce its fur at all, and the sharpest bone spear is needed.

In addition, the strength and size are extremely huge, and if it hits it, it will not die or be disabled.

However, the physical strength of wild boars is still very strong, and it can attack for a long time. Therefore, whether it is for tigers or ancient humans, wild boars are beasts that must not be actively provoked.

Li Yan glanced at Kun again, thinking: Ancient humans also knew that wild boars were very powerful? It seems that the clansmen of the Earth Tribe are very observant.

Thinking like this, Li Yan followed with another smile. While soothing the nervousness of the tribal people, he smiled and said:

"Well, wild boars are more dangerous than big cats, but we have to hunt wild boars. Wild boars are delicious, and we can also make sausages! Sausages..."

Li Yan was stunned, he suddenly thought that Kun seemed to have a similar taste to the people of Chongqing, and immediately laughed and said: "It's better than all the food that the clansmen have eaten.

Li Yan's voice settled.

The tribesmen all fell silent.

Among them, all the women looked at Li Yan with admiration, and they thought: Sure enough, Li Yan is so powerful that this beast, which is more dangerous than a big cat, can also be hunted. Also, is this beast called a boar?

The men's eyes lit up slightly.

Since hunting with Li Yan, these men have enjoyed the feeling of crushing their prey. Hearing that Li Yan is going to hunt wild boars without poisoning the arrows, suddenly, Kun is a little bit more. The smart man immediately said in surprise:

"Yan, are you setting up a trap?"

Li Yan glanced at Kun more sideways.

Yes, Kun!

The ability to think is simply getting stronger.

Li Yan was a little surprised, but quickly smiled and shook his head and said, "No, traps are useless?

Trap useless?

Kun frowned.

Traps are useless, and there are no poisonous snakes here, so how does Li Yan hunt wild boars?

Kun began to use his "wisdom" to think quickly.

"New thing?" Soon, Kun looked at Li Yan uncertainly.


It's really amazing, even Kun can think of making something new to hunt wild boars, this is more than amazing, it's really amazing!

Li Yan nodded with a smile: "Yeah.

Li Yan does plan to make something new to hunt wild boars.

Because the target of the wild boar is uncertain, the traps are not easy to arrange in advance, but when they find the wild boar, they will temporarily set up the trap, which is useless and will alarm the wild boar.

If the front is tough, it might kill and injure a lot of clansmen. This is not the result Li Yan wants.

Then, in the case that the arrows can't be poisoned, it is necessary to make something new.

What Li Yan thought of this time was to make a "big net"!

The big net is made of vines, blocking all the way of the wild boar. At that time, he only needs to shoot the eye of the wild boar with a bow and arrow, and the wild boar under the severe pain will go crazy and run around.

Some may hit the tree and wait for the pig, and some will run wildly in all directions.

When escaping, you only need to hold the layers of the big net tightly.

Even the wild boar can smash one layer, two layers, three layers, four layers, and even many layers of large nets. But you can't keep crashing, can you?

As long as the wild boar can be restrained, there is a possibility of successful hunting.


This method can only be used in ancient times, because in ancient times there were too many vines that were tough enough to withstand hundreds of pounds, or even two or three hundred pounds.

If this is in the 21st century, there is no such powerful material.

Materials that can really withstand this weight are all expensive, and generally no one will use them to capture wild boars, which are listed as protected animals.

Did not continue to think about it.

Li Yan looked at Luo and said, "Luo, stairs, have you learned it?" He looked into Luo's eyes.

The little girl is so smart, of course she knows what Li Yan is talking about.

She immediately nodded obediently: "Well, I know how to make stairs." She was still eager to try.

"Ah, very good."

Li Yan nodded with a smile: "You lead a woman to make stairs and pick wild fruits. 55

After speaking, Li Yan put the stairs on the trunk of a fruit tree, grabbed the trunk of the stairs with both hands, and climbed the big tree step by step. In this way, he wanted to show all the people how to use the stairs.

After the demonstration, Li Yan didn't have the heart to watch the tribal women worship him. He immediately looked at Kun and said in a commanding tone:

"Kun, you go to call the land now, and let him bring half the men of the tribe here, and I will teach you to make new things for hunting wild boars!"

[The 1st update, today is still the 3rd update. The female ticket has two or three days to be discharged from the hospital. After being discharged from the hospital, it will immediately return to the daily update of chapter 6. After the female ticket recuperates for a few days, it will return to the daily chapter 8 in about four or five days. The above update speed, thank you readers for your great support!!!]

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