I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 162 Worship as a god! 【2 more】


The largest wild boar smashed to the ground, and a very slight sound came out, but it fell into the hearts of all the clansmen, but it was like a muffled thunderous sound.

Then, the atmosphere of the place froze in an instant.


Deathly quiet.

If it weren't for the wild boar entangled in the vine hunting net still struggling, and the weak wild boar still twitching on the ground, at this moment, the men of the Earth Tribe looked like statues.

They didn't move, they were all so shocked by what they saw that they were speechless.

Especially ground.

As one of the "participants" in this matter, he knew better than any clan member how terrifying the wild boar just now was?

That is a full 10 layers of vine hunting nets!

This level of defense was torn apart by that wild boar, and it was so fierce!

But such a ferocious wild boar was shot to death by Li Yan with two arrows. This kind of thing caused the brains of these men from the Earth Tribe to crash for a while.

Their heads were blank, and they didn't know how to describe their thoughts.

"What are you doing? Kill those wild boars!"

At this time, Li Yan's loud shout suddenly resounded: "Remember, those three little piglets are all kept for me and cannot be killed!"

In fact, Li Yan himself was shocked.

It was only at this moment that he realized that the horror of his archery, coupled with the current physical strength, under the full blast, relying on archery skills, can actually produce such a powerful actual combat ability.

Since this wild boar can be continuously shot in the eyes with a bow and arrow, couldn't the tiger with the word "jade" be shot by this method?

It turned out that as long as the distance was widened, was he already invincible in this ancient era?

Thinking about it, Li Yan didn't forget the business.

The moment he reacted, he immediately shouted at all the shocked clansmen.

Hear Li Yan's shout.

Immediately, including the land, all the tribesmen reacted.

The ground that had been forced by the wild boar to get close to the trunk of a big tree was the first to pick up the bone spear that was placed next to it, and stab the moribund wild boar in the head!


A miserable howl sounded, and the wild boar twitched violently a few times before completely losing its breath of life.

The other tribe men also picked up the bone spears in their hands at this time and launched a violent attack on the remaining five wild boars entangled in the vine hunting nets.

"Puchi", "Puchi", "Puchi"... After one after another, the five adult wild boars lost their lives.

It's not over yet.

After killing the adult wild boar, many other clansmen jumped up and smashed the remaining 3 piglets with their bodies. Then, according to Li Yan's instructions at the beginning, they directly removed the tree vines of the tree vine king. , tie up the three little piglets.

It was not until all of this was done that all the men breathed a sigh of relief and completely relaxed.

After relaxing, every man's face showed excitement and excitement.

It worked!

They succeeded.

They actually hunted down such a ferocious beast as a wild boar.

Moreover, they hunted as many as 6 wild boars at one time, and even caught 3 wild boar cubs alive.

After the tribe raised rabbits, the people of the Earth tribe already knew why Li Yan kept these three little guys.

This is definitely to raise the wild boar, and then give birth to more piglets.

Over time, the tribe will have an endless supply of wild boar.

Maybe, until a certain day, the tribe does not need to fish or hunt beasts to get a steady stream of meat!

At this moment!

"Bring the wild boar and the three little piglets here. 35 Li Yan's voice sounded again.

Hear Li Yan's voice.


All the clansmen were refreshed and recovered from their fantasy. Their eyes were bright, and a strange color appeared between their eyebrows. They obeyed Li Yan's instructions, took the wild boar corpse and the piglets, and walked in the direction of Li Yan!

And what about Li Yan?

He was drilling wood to make fire at the moment.

The wild boar has been successfully hunted, and 3 cubs have been harvested. Now that the sky is about to get completely dark, it is natural to start a fire as quickly as possible, and then go back to the earth tribe.

Li Yan lowered his head and kept pulling the bowstring.

Compared with the beginning, Li Yan's current physical strength, when pulling the bowstring, can no longer feel the pain in his arm...

He kept his head down, and when he felt the tribal people approaching, he immediately said: "Kun, axe...you go back and find some resin, the kind of resin that supports combustion!"

Resin, the clansmen of the earth tribe also all know about it.

After all, using resin to fuel this kind of thing, Li Yan has done a lot in the earth tribe.

Li Yan only heard a "OK", and it didn't take long before he realized that Kun, Axe... These men came back with a lot of resin.

It was at this time that Li Yan, who had been pulling the bowstring and had already seen the thick smoke, discovered that a spark had fallen into the nest.

Li Yan's face brightened, his eyes were quick, he carefully placed the resin beside him into the prepared tinder, and then quickly poured the spark into the tinder, held it carefully in front of him, and took a few breaths.

When a lot of smoke came out of the tinder, Li Yan loosened the tinder and shook it gently in the air.

Only a few seconds.

With a "Boom", the tinder in Li Yan's hand burned.

He quickly put the burning tinder on the ground, added some dry twigs, and mixed some combustion-supporting resin. After two or three minutes passed, a fire appeared on the ground.

It was only at this moment that Li Yan raised his head, and immediately, his expression froze for a moment.

in front of him.

The Earth Tribe, all the men who followed him here, all stared at 3.3.

That look was different from before.

At first, they were shocked that Li Yan could fish.

Then, weave Li Yan of the back basket, and make these men worship and appreciate.

Then, firing kilns, weaving cages, and building earthen houses made the tribal people have a sense of distance called "respect" to him.

Afterwards, Li Yan arranged traps, mastered archery, and could drive out even tigers, killing a large number of wild beasts with ease, making the tribesmen respect Li Yan, just as subjects faced the emperor.

And now.

This emotion seems to have sublimated again.

This time, Li Yan felt that in the eyes of the people of the Earth Tribe, he was like a god, incomparably high above!

[Second update, there are 2 more, please ask for reward, ask for monthly ticket, ask for automatic subscription support, thank you!!!].

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