I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 178 Half, half? 【2 more】

The person who shouted was Mo, but what she shouted made Li Yan stunned, and the expressions of those little boys were stunned.

Fruit that grows in the ground?

Isn't it so mysterious?

These little kids all put on expressions of disbelief, although they had not been to the outside world because of their age.

But things like fruit usually grow on trees, so how could they not know?

So now, Mo said that she discovered a kind of fruit that grows underground, which caused a group of young boys to inadvertently have the idea of ​​"this is unscientific".

But Li Yan looked happy after a moment of surprise.


Fruit, under normal circumstances, will never grow underground, but if what Mo finds is not a fruit, then there are many kinds, and Li Yan can now export them as follows: peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, Taro……

These things, no matter what Mo found, was an exciting and happy event for the earth tribe. It was nothing compared to Ji discovering an egg, no… it was more important than Ji discovering an egg.

When Li Yan and those little boys had these thoughts in their hearts, Mo had already run to the furnace farm at the fastest speed.

"Flame, flame..."

Mo looked at Li Yan excitedly, with a hint of apprehension and uncertainty deep in her eyes. She wanted to say something, but she was too tired to run back from the woods 5,000 meters away. Out of breath, it looks like he wants to smoke.

"Drink first, then speak slowly."

Li Yan hurriedly scooped a ladle of water from a jar in the kiln and handed it to Mo.

Mo was stunned.

Following, she took the water ladle from Li Yan's hand, "gugugu" after a few sips, she immediately felt that her energy was much better.

This surprised Mo's heart and remembered this: after running tired, drinking a few sips of water will help relieve the situation.


Mo Cai quickly raised his head again and said to Li Yan:

"Yan, I found a fruit that grows underground, you see...々々..."

She carefully took the potato she found out of the hide and handed it to Li Yan like a treasure.

Then, Mo looked at Li Yan nervously.

Whether potatoes can be eaten or not, and whether they are useful to the tribe, I don't know, if it is useless, I am afraid that this time I have to find a hole to burrow in because of the shy nature of my youngest daughter's family!

"This is?…."

Li Yan and the little boys all looked at Mo's hand.

Among them, those little boys were all very curious. After seeing the potatoes, they all thought in their hearts: Is this the kind of fruit that grows underground? I don’t know if it’s delicious?

Compared with these little boys, Li Yan's reaction was much more intense.

At first, he just had a slight expectation, but when he really saw what was in Mo's hand, at this moment, his expression was immediately frozen, and his inner emotions fluctuated violently. The young girl kissed her fiercely, no... she was suffocating!


Mo found potatoes!

The frozen expression on his face could no longer be maintained at this moment, Li Yan laughed out loud, grabbed the potato into his hand, and loved it like he was looking at gold and silver jewelry.

Can he let go?

This is a potato.

The system rewarded him for his potato planting skills, not to mention the role of potatoes, which can make Li Yan indescribably excited.

Potatoes are definitely the most precious food that the earth tribes have obtained today. There is no one.

This is because potatoes do not have high requirements for the growth environment. Although they are not as good as sweet potatoes, they are far more than those of rice, wheat... these two crops.

Moreover, the yield of potatoes is extremely high, only lower than that of sweet potatoes, but compared with sweet potatoes, there are many ways to eat potatoes.

Even the current Dadi tribes can make mashed potatoes, dried potatoes, potato chips, and steamed potatoes (just like steamed buns, we call it kong in Chongqing), which is definitely one of the best foods to feed the tribe.

Although the earth tribe has no shortage of food.

But in fact, eating meat all the time, the nutrition is not balanced, you need to eat some vegetarian dishes.

Potatoes can solve this problem.

Because potatoes, in the absence of wheat and rice, can be eaten as a supplementary staple food.

Thinking that Mo has discovered potatoes, the Earth Tribe will be able to eat countless potatoes next year... Li Yan's heart throbbed.

He raised his head abruptly, looked directly into Mo's eyes, took a deep breath, and asked, "Mo, are there still potatoes? It's this kind of fruit!"

Mo's mood was also a little throbbing.

She is a smart person, so, just through the change of Li Yan's expression, you can be completely sure that this kind of fruit she found... No, potatoes, for the earth tribe, definitely have an extremely important role, maybe, more than The eggs found by the halberd are even more important.

At this moment, when Li Yan asked himself if he still had potatoes, Mo immediately nodded and said, ".~ Also, there are many, many!

"Far?" Li Yan was even more surprised.

"Far!" said Mo.

"How far?" Li Yan asked again.

Mo was stunned.

How far is this question, this is the first time she has heard, even a science genius like her doesn't know how to answer without learning numbers.

But immediately after, Mo thought of what Li Yan had mentioned before about "half", she immediately raised her head, and affirmed Li Yan:

"Yan, half, tribal to wild boar footprints, only half!

Li Yan has also visited the place where the wild boar's footprints were found, so she knows how far it is.

(promised good)

Therefore, she is using this example to prove how far it is.

Li Yan nodded subconsciously: Oh~ is it so far away? The place where the wild boar footprints were found was about 3,000 meters away from the Dadi tribe, so that means, the place where the potatoes are located should be 5,000 to 6,000 meters away from the Dadi tribe?

This thought settled in his heart, Li Yan raised his head, he glanced at the sky, and found that it was almost dark, and was about to say "Tomorrow morning, you take me there", but his expression suddenly froze, when Li Yan looked at it again When Xiang Mo was there, he was completely shocked.


Li Yan's eyes are full of inconceivable, he is so shocked by the powerful mathematical talent of Mo that he can't speak!

[Second update, have most of the readers run out of flowers in the past two days? Flowers are not rising very much, 0(T), please ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for a subscription, thank you!!!].

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