I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 190 Celebration preparations! 【2 more】

Eat well!

Hearing a snack like Snail, they all sighed like this, and a smile appeared on Li Yan's face. This is what he wanted.

Of course the snails will be very full.

This girl, in addition to meat, has only eaten wild fruits and dried fruits since she was a child. Her sense of taste has long been tired of eating all kinds of wild meat.

Now that she eats potatoes, even if she thinks that the taste is just average, her body will tell her honestly: even if the taste of potatoes is not very good, it is better than eating only meat.

In addition, after dinner, the food has to be eaten together to make it more delicious, so... snails and the others will eat so much.

Potatoes are like magic, snails and buns are thinking about the taste in their hearts, but they eat more and more subconsciously.

That's the charm of the staple food.

"007" just eats vegetables, absolutely not many people can eat like this every day, because eating like that is not healthy at all, it needs a balanced nutrition.

And when tribal people get used to this healthy way of eating, one day, their body will form a memory, and they will not be able to eat the staple food!

Snails and buns, although both are geniuses.

However, after all, the focus is not on this, so the two little girls did not notice this.

What Luo thought was that it would be great if he could eat so full every day.

What Mo was thinking was, it turns out that I, Snail, and Li Yan have to eat so many potatoes, grilled fish and fish soup? Then, how much do all the clansmen of the whole tribe have to eat?

This girl, actually thought of mathematical operations again, and there is no one!

The three of Li Yan finished dinner.

The other clansmen who have been studying hard here did not eat dinner, but Li Yan and the three of them ate so cleanly that all the clansmen had a misunderstanding. They were thinking, are potatoes really better than roasted rabbits? ?

This made the hearts of each clan full of expectations, and some people secretly swallowed their saliva.

Li Yan did not stay at the fire.

Anyway, the clansmen have already learned how to steam potatoes, and then they need to do it themselves!

In his living room, there were still eggs to hatch, and that was the big deal. It is much more important than staying here to see what happens to the expressions of the tribesmen.

"Luo, bun, we're back, you all go to bed immediately!

Li Yan looked at the two girls with round bellies, like two or three-month pregnant little girls, and said with a chuckle.

"it is good."

The two little girls nodded quickly.

After Li Yan said this, they realized that it was very late now, and if they didn't go to bed, Li Yan would probably wake them up at dawn tomorrow.

Snail doesn't want her Li Yan to be so tired. She used to stay up all night, but now she stays up all night!

In the early morning of that night, the 44th day of sign-in was completed!

The next day, under Li Yan's order, Mo took the women who were picking wild fruits from the tribe early in the morning and began to transport the remaining potatoes back and forth.

Li Yan woke up at 11:00 noon, just before 12:00, and began to teach new things to the tribesmen.

Having said that, it must be said that the snail really can teach things.

Li Yan felt that his talent in teaching was far inferior to that of Snail. Under his teaching, tribal women, if they want to learn something, can only rely on talent.

But what about snails?

If nothing else, just open crotch pants, as Jingluo taught yesterday, more than a dozen of the more than 60 pregnant women have learned to sew open crotch pants.

What Li Yan is going to teach today is to sew animal skin coats and "adults" over 3 years old...ordinary trousers.

Among them, with the experience of open crotch pants, the teaching of ordinary pants is much easier.

But the fur coat is more difficult to learn.

Because not only sleeves, but also a collar, preferably a high collar, can wrap the neck when it is cold, so as to keep warm.

The places that need to be sewn and connected vary according to the size of the body and the size of the hide.

Not only that, you have to pay attention to the left and right symmetry, otherwise, one side is long and one side is short, and one side is high and one side is low, which cannot be worn.

And once the sewing is wrong, it is equivalent to wasting a piece of animal skin!

You can only use this hide to make other clothing.


You need to find a piece of animal skin, wrap it in a semicircle, sew sleeves on both sides of the animal skin, and cut two holes in an absolutely symmetrical place...

These two holes should be determined according to the actual body shape of the person wearing them.

It also depends on the size of the hide.

If it is the fur of a large beast like a ox, one can make several fur coats, but if it is a small and medium-sized beast like a plum antelope, one fur can only make one!

After cutting the "sleeve hole", you have to cut two pieces of other fur and wrap it into a cylindrical shape...just enough to cover the "sleeve hole" fur.

Wrap the two pieces of fur into a cylinder, connect them to the cuffs, and sew airtightly to make a real sleeve.

When you're done, cut the top layer into two even, symmetrical pieces with a bone knife, or add two new pieces of fur to make the collar!

These steps, in fact, there are not many steps, but it is still too difficult for humans in ancient times to complete them accurately.

Even for a genius like the snail.


For two whole days, Li Yan was teaching snails and tribal people how to sew animal skin coats. As for ordinary trousers, some of them had already been learned without having to teach them a few times.

Now, at 3:00 p.m. on the 46th day of the check-in, Li Yan finally sewed the first animal skin coat under his own guidance. Li Yan seemed to be doing hundreds of meetings. He was almost tired to 3.4 collapse.

"Sure enough, I'm just not fit for teaching."

"When the earthen house is completely built, let Luo Lai be the teacher. These women will all go to school to study, and I will relax, hey!"

Li Yan thought to himself.

After thinking for a while, Li Yan began to think about what he needed to do in the next two days.

In the past two days, he no longer plans to teach these pregnant women to sew new types of clothes.


What's more, by the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, the tribe's earthen houses will all be built.

That is to say.

Li Yan now has to start preparing for the celebration ceremony and the things he needs to use.

Take, for example, the cooking juicer.

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