I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 210 Snails and buns! [4 more]

Long before the establishment of Yan Village, when he was still an earth tribe, Li Yan taught Luo to sew socks, shoes, crotch pants, ordinary pants, and animal skin coats.

Except for gloves and quilts, the winter items that the villagers of Yan Village need to use are basically gone.

The sewing process of gloves is too complicated, and Li Yan is not ready to teach for the time being. Therefore, with Luo's talent as a female celebrity and her experience during this period of time, Luo actually learned how to sew animal skin quilts before it got dark. .


This is also because the sewing of the animal skin quilt is relatively simple, just use two larger pieces of animal skin, fill it with dry hay, and sew it.

If it were changed into gloves, I am afraid that even a genius like Snail would be difficult to learn in a single day.

After reassuring Li Yan that he had learned how to sew animal skin quilts, Snail went to make dinner.

The meal is very simple, just leftover sausage, bacon and fish soup from yesterday, plus a pot of steamed potatoes!

Li Yan took a piece of charcoal and walked to a slate that Di Hekun had brought back before.

The slate leaned against the wall of the living room of the earthen house. It was nearly two meters high and one meter wide. It was a perfect "small blackboard".

There was no hesitation for a second.

Li Yan wrote on the slate with charcoal, and he wrote Arabic numerals: 0, 1, 2, 3... 100!

Li Yan did not continue writing until he reached 100.

On the one hand, the numbers used by Yancun are not too large, on the other hand, because teaching needs to be done step by step.

From 0 to 100, there are two jumps, the ones digit jumps to the tens digit, and the tens digit jumps to the hundreds digit.

Just these two points, it is not difficult to remember, but it is not so simple to learn.

Li Yan will arrange the "task volume" for these two girls according to their learning progress!

Of course, the main reason is because this slate can only write up to 100 pieces. If it is written a little smaller and denser, it will be difficult to read at night.

After writing the 101 numbers, Li Yan sat on the soil stool beside the "dinner table", thinking about how to teach Luo He Mo to recognize the 101 numbers.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened.

The snail had already heated up the leftovers, and put all the food for tonight on the table. At this time, the bun returned to the earth house, looking a little tired.

Once you enter the hut.

Mo saw the slate against the wall, especially the 101 numbers on the slate.

Same as snail.

These two smart little girls, the first time they saw these things, thought that Li Yan might have to teach them something new.

However, these two girls not only have high IQs, but also seem to have good emotional quotients.

They did not directly ask Li Yan what the numbers on the slate were, but prepared to eat their fill first, and then wait for Li Yan to take the initiative to explain.

Maybe it was because the two little girls wanted to know what the numbers were, so the meal was eaten very quickly. Li Yan was only half full, and the snails and buns had already been eaten. He put down the tableware and looked at him with burning eyes!

"Aren't you too curious for knowledge? 35 Li Yan can't help laughing.

Luo and Mo know that they have to teach them something new, which is not surprising to Li Yan, after all, their IQ is there.

But this attitude of wanting to learn new things made Li Yan a little uncomfortable.

After all, when he was in the 21st century, he didn't like going to school like that.

However, the two little girls were in such a hurry, what else could Li Yan say. Immediately, Li Yan accelerated the speed of eating.

Almost three minutes later, Li Yan took a mouthful of fish soup and put down the tableware.

"Inflammation. 99

Almost as soon as he put down the bowls and chopsticks, Mo and Luo looked into his eyes at the same time, pointed to the numbers on the slate, and said a little excitedly:

"What are those? Are they new?"


Li Yan nodded with a smile, he stood up with a "swoosh", took a twig, walked to the slate like a teacher, and said softly to the two girls: "Luo, Mo, wait a minute, I'll say it again, You read it again and keep it in your heart, understand?

"Understood." The two girls nodded excitedly, their eyes glaring at the slate.

Li Yan smiled and immediately stopped talking nonsense.

He pointed at the number "0" with a twig, and said softly to the two girls: "O!

The two girls immediately followed and said, "0!

Li Yan pointed to the number "1" again: 66139

The two girls read: "1"




101 numbers, when Li Yan said it once and the two girls followed it, it was quickly finished.

Looking at the two girls with a confused look, they obviously didn't understand the meaning of these numbers. Li Yan didn't explain it. He just looked at Luo first and said with a smile, "Luo, stand up and read it again. How do you read these numbers?"


The eyes of the two girls lit up, and they thought to themselves: Is this kind of strange pattern called a number? What is the use of a number?

Mo's eyes showed a hint of suspicion, she thought of the one, once, one day, one time that Li Yan often said... Is the one in this the number 1?


Mo is just guessing, not sure.


Hearing that Li Yan asked Luo to read it first, Mo immediately sat upright and recalled how Li Yan was reading those numbers before!

Snail's expression was a little stiff.

She is not a bun, has no super memory, and has no logical reasoning ability. Her talents are all in the liberal arts, that is, the liberal arts by rote memorization.


Seeing Li Yan's face that you have to stand up and read it again, Luo had to stand up and read: ".0,1,2,3..."

In the first dozen or so numbers, the snails read faster.

But after the twenties, Luo couldn't remember clearly. She relied on the method of guessing and masking, and when she got to 36, she made her first mistake!


When the snail made seven or eight mistakes, the snail finished reading 101 numbers.


Li Yan didn't care how much Luo got wrong, he looked at Mo and said encouragingly: "You also read it again.

"it is good.""

Mo stood up, and with his strong memory, he began to read the numbers: "0, 1, 2, 3, ..."

Mo has a much stronger memory than Luo, so when she read numbers for the first time, she read 67 before she made her first mistake.

When reading 101 numbers, it is no more than two mistakes.

The difference between the two is clear at a glance.

Li Yan frowned, then quickly stretched it out. He raised his right hand and continued to point to the numbers with a twig, repeating it over and over to the two girls.

Until the fourth time, Li Yan discovered a "fact" that shocked him!

This girl, Luo, has been rote memorizing all the time.

But Mo, it seems to be using logical reasoning to gradually master the progressive relationship between decimals?

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