I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 215 Test talent! [3 more]

Li Yan's voice was settled, and in an instant, the eyes of all the little boys lit up.

Want to learn something new?

Want to learn something new?

Hahaha, this is too cool, right?

In the minds of the little boys, they all showed the appearance of learning new things and showing off their might in front of adults.

Thinking of this, all the little boys nodded excitedly at Li Yan: "Okay!"

Li Yan chuckled lightly, waved at these little boys, and walked towards his mud house.

The woods are definitely a must.

However, before going to the woods, Li Yan planned to take the bows, arrows, and the remaining materials for making arrows to the woods.

Li Yan thought of a good way to save time.

He plans to finish making the arrows in the woods, and at the same time, make 10 more targets, and in the woods "060", to test the shooting talent of the men of the tribe.

Woman, Li Yan didn't think about it for the time being.

It's not that he is patriarchal, of course, Li Yan also has a certain machismo.

But the more important reason is that women's physiques are inherently weak, and now the strongest woman in the village is probably not much stronger than him.

In addition, the number of bows and arrows in the village is limited, so first teaching men to shoot arrows can maximize the overall strength of Yan Village.

From Yan Village to the place where the foundation of the city wall was dug, there is a distance of 3,000 meters.

With Li Yan's physique, it only takes more than ten minutes to arrive without carrying anything.

But because this time I brought dozens of little boys, none of these little guys have been outside.


Walking all the way, it took half an hour for these little guys to look at everything, and it took them half an hour to reach Di, Kun... These people dig the woods for the foundation.

As soon as he got there, Li Yan saw that the men in the village had used a bone shovel to excavate a foundation that was more than ten meters long. Li Yan didn't know how deep it was, but the width was the same as the two "parallel" lines he drew yesterday. Arc line", should be between 1.5 and 1.6 meters!

In addition to the adult men Di and Kun, there are also old men like Xing who also joined the excavation team.

They saw that Li Yan came with a group of little boys, and they were not as excited as the little boys to see Li Yan.

They just glanced suspiciously at the group of little kids behind Li Yan, nodded respectfully at Li Yan, and continued to dig the foundation.

Only the former tribal leader, Di, because his status in Yan Village is still very high, "stole the lazy", put down the bone shovel, and walked towards Li Yan.


He walked up to Li Yan, pointed his finger at the old people behind him, and explained, "The foundation of the city wall is too big, and only men need to dig it for a long time, so I called the old man to dig together."

After speaking, Di looked at Li Yan a little nervously.

He called the old man in the village to dig the foundation together without Li Yan's consent, so he didn't know if he did it right.

He actually thought about notifying Li Yan, but Li Yan slept too late yesterday, so...under the warning from Luo, Di also felt that it would be best to let Li Yan have a good rest.

Li Yan nodded with a chuckle: "Well done, starting from tomorrow, half of the women don't have to pick fruit and come here to dig the foundation of the city wall.

Li Yan naturally wouldn't blame it.

If the land only listened to his words and did not know how to think at all, then he would not be able to brainstorm ideas, and the development of the tribe and the creation of civilization would become much slower than it is now.

What's more, Li Yan originally planned to let the elderly and women all join in the work of digging the foundation.

As for picking fruits and supplementing other nutrients, during this time, women have picked enough.

After all, the clansmen in Yan Village not only eat fruits, but also eat a lot of meat and dried fruits, they only need to mix them.


Li Yan originally planned to let half of the women dig the foundation, and the other half of the women continued to pick fruit, and at the same time, looked for things like white radish.

The decision he makes now is exactly what he wants!

After a brief exchange between the two, Li Yan and Di walked to the dug foundation.

Standing on the ground and looking down, Li Yan was even more surprised.

He found that, under the leadership of Di, the foundation excavated by the tribesmen of the village was not only wide enough, but also more than two meters deep, which could definitely be used to build a city wall.

"So, you don't need me to come?" Li Yan smiled secretly.

He is very satisfied with the ability of this smart man in some aspects...

If everything needs to be arranged by him, then his days will be more difficult and busier, and there will be less time to sleep.

"Just dig like this!" Li Yan nodded encouragingly.

The foundation has already been arranged. In the future, Li Yan basically does not need to worry about it. He only needs to come here to check the progress every two or three days.

Then, next, Li Yan naturally won't waste time. He waved at the little boy who was standing beside the foundation and watched the men work curiously, and shouted:

"Tree, come here, I will teach you how to make arrows!"

"Good! 35

A group of little boys happily agreed.

These little brats were so excited to hear that Li Yan was going to teach himself how to make arrows.

They hurriedly ran to Li Yan at the fastest speed, took out the straight twigs, dry feathers, sharp bones... one by one that Li Yan had prepared long ago, and placed them on the ground.

Li Yan started to teach on-site how to make arrows.

Perhaps it was because Yancun had come into contact with too many new things and learned a lot of production skills in the past 50 days.


Li Yan only made 10 arrows before and after, dozens of little boys, half of them learned how to make arrows.

Half is enough.

Next, Li Yan didn't make it so slowly. Together with the half of the little boys, he used the fastest speed to make all the materials into arrows.

3.4 The speed of making arrows with so many people is more than 10 times faster than that made by Li Yan alone.

It took only more than two hours before and after, and before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the remaining materials were all made into arrows.

In addition to the arrows made before, Yancun has a total of "1128" arrows with various feathers.

What Li Yan planned was to equip a 20-person archer squad, each with 30 arrows.

That is to say.

There are more than 500 arrows left to practice shooting, or to store for a rainy day!

After making the arrow, the next step is to make the target!

Then, test the tribal men's talent in archery!!!

[The 3rd update, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for automatic subscription support, thank you!!!].

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