[First update, ask for flowers! 】


Looking at the river water in the jar, it didn't seep out at all, Li Yan took a deep breath, and the whole person relaxed.

If the pottery is fired successfully, then the bricks and tiles must also be fired successfully.

That is to say, the next step is to continuously manufacture mud bricks in batches, then transport them to the open space of your choice, and use clay for piling and bonding.

After all, it's just a mud house, and it doesn't need such a complicated process.


Li Yan also had to choose a few pieces of wood to use as beams and beams to support the house and enhance stability.

Behind Li Yan.

The vast majority of tribal people, seeing the jar in his hand, still don't know why.

This has nothing to do with the house, right?

But I like to think, but I don't think so.

At this moment, his body trembled, as if he had thought of something, while his eyes widened, his heart was shocked again!

Fill with water!

This kind of thing made by Li Yan can hold water, and it does not leak at all.

This kind of thing has never even been thought of before.

And now.

If they could manufacture these things in large quantities, wouldn't they be able to transport the river water to the tribal territory for storage.

Although the river water is inexhaustible.

But the point is, this is ancient times, and the night is too dangerous.

Even if this big river is only a few hundred meters away from their tribe... they dare not come to the river to drink water after dark.

This is actually very uncomfortable for the tribal people.

After all, drinking some water after dinner can help digestion. These jars and water tanks made by Li Yan can greatly improve the lives of tribal people.

These thoughts flashed through my mind, and this time, I looked at Li Yan with a hint of admiration.

He really can't think of how powerful a person must be to create so many powerful things.


The strength of Li Yan is not how strong he is physically, but the things he makes that make Li Yan extremely powerful.

"Yan, what? Filling water!!!" Di couldn't help but asked Li Yan.


Li Yan looked at the ground in surprise, and he let out a groan in his heart.

"Okay, earth, his thinking ability is no worse than that of the little girl Luo, no wonder he can be the leader." Li Yan sighed in his heart.

What Di said just now means: Li Yan, what is this? Can it be used to hold water?

This is obviously the most important function of the jar.

In fact.

Li Yan really planned to use the big water tank to fill the water and put it in the tribe's territory.

He could heat pebbles, put them in a jar, and bring the water to a boil.

In this way, Li Yan will be able to drink until it is cool and white, and the living standard and quality will be improved a lot.

What's more, Li Yan can also use this method to cook fish soup and eat food cooked in another way.

Surprised for a while, Li Yan nodded and said:

"Well, jar, water tank!"

He pointed to the jar and the water tank respectively: "Fill the water and drink it!"

He pointed to the water ladle again and made a scooping action: "Water ladle, scoop water, drink, be healthy!"

He finally pointed to the pottery bowl: "Bowl, um... with meat!"

Li Yan felt that his explanation was very clear, and the meanings were: Well, this is a jar, and this is a water tank, which can be used to hold water for drinking. That is a water scoop. You can scoop up the water and drink it, so it is healthy. That's a bowl...for meat.

Everyone quietly listened to Li Yan's description.

They understood some, but not fully. Still, all remembered what these things were called, and how "scooping" was done.

There is also a doubt, that is the meat, why is it in that bowl?

These questions, Li Yan can't explain clearly now.

After a long time, the tribal people will get used to it, and they will naturally understand what it means!


Time is like quicksand at the fingertips, no matter how ordinary people grasp it, it cannot stop the passage of time.

In a flash, three days have passed!

It is now 3:00 pm on the sixth day, and there are less than 10 hours left to sign in on the seventh day and get random rewards again.

During these three days, Li Yan did not start building a house, but kept firing bricks and tiles.

Perhaps it was because water jars, jars, and water scoops were very useful. In the past three days, the tribesmen went to carry a lot of clay back. Under the guidance of Li Yan, the earth tribe completed the firing of three more kilns. The system made Li Yan's firing of bricks and tiles much faster.

to now.

In the earth tribe, every household has used a large water tank, two or three jars and a water ladle.

Li Yan also got his wish to drink cool white, and the problem of gingivitis has also been greatly relieved in these three days, and he is about to recover.

When Li Yan boiled water by heating pebbles to conduct heat, the tribal people's performance was very dull, and they did not think that drinking boiled water would be healthier.


When tribal people drank fish soup for the first time and ate "boiled fish", they immediately understood that using pebbles to conduct heat and boiling water has such benefits.

This made the tribal people feel that Li Yan was simply too magical to describe.

And Li Yan's work of firing bricks and tiles has also come to an end. In the past three days, under the continuous firing of five kilns, he has fired more than 5,000 mud bricks!

5000+ mud bricks are still huge, and only need to build a one-story earth house, which is basically enough.

Next, just fire another batch of mud tiles.

During this period, Li Yan also tried to persuade, Di, Kun... they can also learn to build a mud house by themselves, which is much better than a grass hut.

However, the responses of Di and Kun were somewhat disapproving.

This is normal.

In the hearts of the people of the earth tribe, houses are used to shelter from the wind and rain, and other than that, they have no other function.

Even if the house built by Li Yan is bigger and more spacious than theirs, could it be possible to ascend to the sky?

Instead of wasting time and energy doing these useless things, it is better to save energy to prevent possible dangers at any time.

After all, this is the ancient times, and there is no telling when large carnivores, even carnivores that act in groups, will launch sneak attacks on the tribe.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

Li Yan also doesn't care about the opinions of Di, Kun... and others. Their understanding of houses has long been ingrained and implanted in the blood and bones.

It doesn't matter if you don't build a house now, when the autumn and winter seasons come and they are cold, they will know the benefits of a mud house!

And today.

Li Yan plans to burn five furnaces of mud tiles in the afternoon, and then start building the walls of the earthen house!

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