I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 223 Successful incubation? [5 more]

Snail couldn't describe how he felt.

She never imagined that after she had humbly asked Mo for advice, learned the progressive relationship between numbers, and was able to recite numbers easily, Li Yan would use this method to spot-check her.

Li Yan, really, has a big conscience.

She fiddled with each other with her hands, and looked at the number on the slate with her eyes, which she felt familiar, but in the absence of other numbers, Luo thought about several answers, but in the end she couldn't come up with an answer.

Li Yan looked at Luna's depressed expression and burst out laughing in her heart.

Small sample.

Do you think that I can't cure you if you find someone to help you?

Of course, what is said, Li Yan did this because, if you want to really learn mathematics, writing numbers is a necessary part of learning.

"Mo, tell me." Li Yan looked at Mo.

"twenty three!

Mo stood up and blurted out directly.


Luo looked at Mo with a little adoration.

As far as numbers are concerned, Luo feels that in her life, she may never be able to compare to Mo.

Because the things to do tomorrow have been arranged during the day, the time to teach Luo and Mo to learn numbers will end before 7 o'clock.

So, that night, I asked Mo to teach Luo how to write numbers tomorrow, and Li Yan let the two little girls go to sleep.

At 2:00 a.m., Li Yan completed the 51st day check-in. When the time passed to 2:00 a.m., Li Yan woke up the two little girls, and then he went to sleep by himself.

In the bedroom, within a few minutes, Li Yan's snoring sounded slightly.

And in the living room.

Snail was sitting on the soil stool beside the dining table, with a blank expression on his face, as if he was waking up and dozing off. After all, she is still too young, so she needs more adequate sleep.

As long as you don't sleep until you wake up naturally, it is easier for snails to get sleepy when they just wake up.

The state of the bun is better than that of the snail.

When the snail was sleepy, she heated a pot of hot water with pebbles, took out the animal skin towel, and washed her face. After she woke up, she pushed snail's shoulder with her hand: " snail wash face 々 ~.


Luo Xiao's body trembled slightly, and there was a sense of "wake up from a dream", she then realized that she and Mo had to take care of the eggs that had not hatched.

At the same time, he had to find Mo to learn how to write numbers to cope with Li Yan's examination the next night.

thought here.

Luo immediately raised her head and glanced at Mo thankfully. She took the animal skin towel and washed her face. After feeling refreshed, she soaked the animal skin towel in water and wrung it dry. The hot water was poured into the toilet of the Tsuchiya.

After doing all this, when Luo returned to the living room, she saw Mo was standing in front of the slate, holding charcoal, writing down the numbers one by one, and fell into contemplation.

Luo didn't bother Mo, because last night, before they went to bed, Mo said that she had to find out the rules for writing numbers before she could teach her how to write numbers.


Taking advantage of this time, Luo Qing quietly walked to the fireplace and added firewood to the fireplace that had been extinguished.

There was no light, but the fire of the firewood in the fireplace made it possible to barely see what was going on in the living room.

The silhouettes of the two young girls, swaying under the firelight, seemed to be stretched infinitely, as if they were showing their teeth and claws.

Time just passed by like this.

Almost 30 minutes later, Mo's eyes lit up slightly, she figured out what is the regularity of the writing of numbers?

Again, just rote and jot down the spelling from 0 to 9.


For every decimal, you only need to add a number in front. As long as you can remember these, the writing of numbers is very simple.

Similarly, as long as this rule can be remembered, no matter what number Li Yan writes, as long as he can recognize 0 to 9, he can easily read it out.

Thinking of this, Mo's mood was a little excited.


. "

She immediately raised her head and shouted at the snail.

"Come here." Mo said excitedly: "I know how to teach you, look... this is 0, 1, 2... 9!

Mo pointed to the 9 numbers he wrote on the slate: "You remember these 9 numbers, and then..."

According to his own thoughts, Mo said the rules of digital writing that he discovered.

After listening to Mo's story, Luo this girl was shocked.

She thinks: They are also Li Yan's women, Mo is too powerful, how did she think of this.


With Mo's suggestions and guidance, the progress of snails in mathematics will be much faster.

During the next period of time, the two little girls have been practicing writing numbers and random checks in addition to adding firewood to the fireplace.


It's a random inspection of snails, snails first write a random number, and then ask snails to answer what?

Or, Mo first says a number and asks the snail to write it.

Under such circumstances, because the snail itself has a high IQ, after just three hours, the snail has almost completely mastered the reading and writing of numbers.


The two little girls became bored because...they didn't know what to do until Li Yan didn't teach anything new?


Luo moved an earthen stool and sat by the fireplace, ready to wait for dawn, then went out to make breakfast, and after eating, he was ready to go to school and check the homework he left for those pregnant women.

Mo was sitting at the dining table, staring at the 17 potatoes in a daze.

From time to time she picked up the potatoes and put them aside, picked up another, put the first one together, and fell into thought again.

".~1 becomes 2?" Occasionally, such a voice could be heard in the bun's mouth.

In such a situation (the money is good), the time flickers, and 1 hour has passed.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, when the sky was still dark, a slight cracking sound suddenly sounded in the living room of the earth house.

The sound was too slight, so at first, neither the snail nor the bun noticed it.

But follow.

"Crack", "Crack", "Crack"... The shattering sound became denser and finally caught the attention of these two little girls!

"What's the matter?" The two girls raised their heads, confused.


Mo is really at a loss throughout the whole process, she is good at rational analysis, she has no brain to figure out what this might be?

After being stunned for a few seconds, Luo suddenly looked happy, looked at the steaming tray where the "eggs" were placed, and shouted in surprise:

"Are the eggs hatching?"

[Part 5, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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