I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 227 Miserable without fire! 【3 more】

That's right, it's the Nine Profound Tribe!

At the beginning, due to the continuous torrential rain, the Jiuxuan tribe directly led to the outbreak of flash floods, which not only extinguished the fire that was finally saved, but also destroyed the entire "thatched hut" of the Jiuxuan tribe.


After the rainstorm stopped, the Jiuxuan tribe could rebuild the tribe on the spot, but because there was no fire, they knew that the tribe couldn't stand the cold winter, and immediately made the decision to move the tribe.

in this ancient time.

There are many large and small tribes far or near.

If the Nine Profound Tribe can find a small tribe, then they can merge with it and replace it.

If a large tribe is discovered, and that large tribe is not too brutal, the Jiu Xuan tribe can also join it.

This is the only way for all the members of the Nine Profound Tribe to continue.

Of course, if they were lucky, they encountered a forest fire.

Then, there is no need to do so much, just save the fire of the forest fire, and the Jiuxuan tribe can develop near a water source.

But a pity.

For such a long time, the Jiuxuan tribe not only did not encounter the forest fire, but also other tribes did not find it.


They can only eat raw meat, eat wild fruits, and continue to this day.

During this period of time, the Jiuxuan tribe had died from the original more than 1,000 clan members to only 732 people.

Most of the 732 people were adult men, because they had the strongest physique and the strongest resistance, so even if they ate raw meat, they survived.

The most dead are children under the age of three, and women who are pregnant.

Because ancient human beings, after all, are also human beings, they have eaten cooked food for so long, so their stomachs cannot digest the raw meat that bacteria breed.

Those women, after eating raw meat, almost all miscarried, and then died alive on this ancient land.

Nature, using its most realistic laws, made all the members of the Jiuxuan tribe realize one thing: when they lost the fire, then they were not even qualified to have children to continue the tribe.

So now, the men of the Nine Profound Tribe no longer dare to have children with their women, they are afraid that more clansmen will die.

Fortunately, there are still 362 men, which is about three times that of Yancun.

Therefore, the Jiu Xuan tribe can guarantee to survive forever. As for the continuation of the tribe, it depends on when they can find fire, or other tribes, join in, or replace each other!

And this moment.

There are more than 100 men in the Jiuxuan tribe. Under the leadership of Xuan, they plan to hunt down some wild beasts on the grasslands and have a good meal.

They were eyeing a dozen bighorn sheep.

The giant horned sheep is a huge beast, each weighs over a thousand pounds, and has 732 people. It only needs to hunt six or seven heads, mixed with dried wild fruits... The Jiuxuan tribe will not have to hunt and kill wild beasts for three or four days. .


As beast hunters in the ancient times, even if they didn't know any scientific hunting methods, the tribesmen of the Jiu Xuan tribe still knew how to hunt the beasts to the greatest possible extent.

in silence.

Xuan led the men of the Jiuxuan tribe, getting closer to the dozen or so giant horned sheep.



It took more than half an hour for this group of patient ancient men to finally spread out in a fan shape, approaching the dozen or so giant horned sheep within 30 meters.

This distance is very close.

It was at this time that there was a slight commotion in the bighorn sheep, and they seemed to sense that there was danger approaching.

That is the moment.

"Beast hunting!" Xuan's explosive shout resounded in this land.

follow closely.

A scene that is enough to shock the eyes of modern people appeared.

The loud shout just sounded, Xuan's body, like a taut bow suddenly loosened, his body bounced up.

In the next instant, he rushed out several meters away.

Behind Xuan, the other members of the Jiuxuan tribe jumped up one after another at this time, and at an incredible speed, they surrounded and killed the dozen or so giant horned sheep.

Xuan's speed is too fast.

Like Di, his physical quality far exceeded the limit of ordinary ancient men.

30 meters away.

It didn't even take 3 seconds before and after, and it was estimated that it took 2.7 seconds at most [100-meter sprint, the fastest world champion ran within 10 seconds!], those bighorn sheep just reacted, Xuan has already appeared in the largest giant horn sheep before.

follow closely.

Xuan's body jumped up, and he was condescending, holding a bone spear in both hands, and stabbed the body of the giant horned sheep.


With a ".~ snort" sound, the giant horned sheep was pierced by the bone spear from the position of the heart, and was killed instantly by the man Xuan.

Xuan's power is even greater than that of the earth!

After Xuan killed a giant horned sheep, almost half a minute passed, and the battle that took place in this piece of land came to an end.

More than 100 men from the Jiuxuan tribe killed a total of 8 giant horned sheep. The cold wind blew past, and the smell of blood wafted in the air, making these men who killed for survival look extremely ferocious!

On the Jiuxuan tribe's side, because there was no fire, they lived a miserable life where they didn't even dare to make children. Li Yan and Yan's (Nuohao) village people didn't know it anyway.


Ji and Chun have brought 21 antler bows and 220 arrows to the training ground.

50 meters away from the training ground, there are 11 reworked and more sophisticated targets.

Seeing Ji and Chun putting the antler bow and arrows in front of him, Li Yan said to everyone seriously: "Everyone, come here and get a antler bow, then get a quiver and practice archery.

"When you practice archery, you must remember to maintain the posture you have been practicing for the past few days."

"After confirming that the posture is completely correct, aim at the target facing you according to the method I taught you before.

"Yes." All the men shouted loudly.

[The 3rd update, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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