I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 244 Courage Lost! 【2 More】

"Hey"... There was a violent and incomparable sound of breaking the air in the air!

The person Li Yan chose to shoot was the leader of the Jiuxuan tribe, "Xuan"!


Xuan led all the clansmen to a place less than 200 meters away from Yan Village. The closer they got to Yan Village, the more shocked the Jiuxuan tribe was.

They had already seen those earthen houses where Yan Village lived.

They were amazed.

What a group of terrifying human beings, and how powerful they are, to build such a house.

In ancient times, according to the "convention" that physique was proportional to IQ, Xuan Neng could become the leader of the Jiuxuan tribe, and he could become the strongest man of the Jiuxuan tribe. Obviously, he would not be too stupid.


He could see that living in such an earthen house would not only be very warm in winter, but also did not need to rush to rescue the fire when it rained.

That is to say.

The "tribe" in front of them has no crisis of life and death at all, and the only thing to worry about is whether there is enough food.

But the food.

Thinking of the prairie before, the abandoned beast corpses all over the ground, Xuan felt even more bitter, no matter how stupid and ignorant he was, he knew that the tribe in front of him would never lack food.

There is no shortage of food, and there is always fire, and the winter will not be eroded by the cold.

Xuan can think of how powerful a group of existences he will face?

And at this moment.

Li 127 Yan shot an arrow in order to stop the Jiuxuan tribe from 200 meters away and to free up a safe distance for all the clansmen in Yan Village.

It even made Xuan's soul tremble.


Too strong.

This kind of attack method that can move quickly in the air makes Xuan's scalp numb, and his heart "putong" and "putong" beating wildly.

Xuan felt like he was about to die.

As long as you are hit by this thing, you will definitely die!

That person, who is he, he is so strong!

Xuan stared at Li Yan, who was being protected at the back by the crowd, horrified in his heart.

He couldn't imagine how powerful he had to be to be so far away that he could feel the danger of death even if he was as strong as himself.

this moment.

Xuan's eyeballs were shaking, and he subconsciously took a step back.

That is one step.

It seemed that Li Yan had long expected that the arrow that was whizzing towards Xuan's heart, in the next second, pierced through Xuan's arm with a "pop".

In the next instant, everything seemed to become quiet.

The people of Yan Village did not speak, and the people of the Jiuxuan tribe even held their breaths. Only on Xuan's forehead, a drop of cold sweat continued to seep out, rolling down his cheeks toward the ground.

"Stand where you are, don't move!"

Li Yan's loud shout broke the quiet atmosphere.

Li Yan's face was even more ferocious than before, and he didn't dare to have the slightest idea of ​​taking risks.

After the first arrow, after deliberately letting go of Xuan, Li Yan directly reached out and grabbed it. This time, he took out five arrows and put them on the bowstring.


Not at the arms of Xuan and these people.

Instead, it directly aimed at the eyebrows of the 5 strongest men in the Jiuxuan tribe!

At the moment when Li Yan aimed at 5 people.


"Puff!" 5


"Pfft! 39


In the Nine Profound Tribe, the pupils of the five strongest men shrank violently, their faces changed greatly, and their hearts seemed to stop beating.

this moment.

They seemed to have seen that in the sky that was about to become completely dark, there was a pair of sharp eyes staring at them.

As long as they move a little bit, in the next second, they will be killed by the owner of those eyes.

This feeling was so terrifying, so terrifying, that the scalps of all 5 people, including Xuan, tingled.

They were horrified and shuddered.

The horrific cry in their hearts: How is it possible? How can there be such a powerful man?

At the moment when their bodies were targeted by Li Yan, they subconsciously took a few steps back and bumped into the clansmen behind them, making a muffled sound of "bang", "bang" and "bang", forcing the entire Jiuxuan The tribe stopped moving.

"Say, your tribe?" Li Yan burst out again.

He held his breath, staring at the more than 700 other tribes of ancient humans, ready to attack at any time.

But this moment.

But no one answered his question.

All the members of the Jiuxuan tribe were shocked by Li Yan's power.

They really can't imagine how strong a person must be to be able to hurt the strongest man of their Jiuxuan tribe and their leader "Xuan" so easily at such a long distance.

What's more, with such a long distance, just one sentence and one action made Xuan, the five strongest men of the Nine Profound Tribe, lose even the courage to face them.

It can be said.

At this moment, the military spirit of the Nine Profound Tribe was dissipated.

If it was said that the Jiuxuan tribe only needed to launch the strongest attack, and at the cost of killing one or two hundred men, it was still possible to conquer Yancun.

Well now.

This may be gone.

Even Xuan was timid, how could other clansmen dare to offend this terrifyingly powerful "tribe"?

The members of the Jiuxuan tribe fell silent. They all looked at Li Yan, who was being protected by the Yancun tribe, and their eyes flickered.

from their perspective.

Li Yan should be the man with the highest status in this tribe. In any crisis, he should stand in front of all the clansmen.

So why is he standing behind everyone now?


Even if you don't understand why Li Yan stands behind his own clan, there is no doubt about Li Yan's power!


A full five or six seconds passed, and the range of the two men and horses was still extremely quiet.


Li Yan's loud shout resounded again.

The silence of the Jiu Xuan tribe quickly exhausted Li Yan's patience, and he already had the idea of ​​letting go.

The moment when Li Yan had the idea to shoot.

On the Jiu Xuan Tribe's side, the five men who were targeted had their eyes split open.

This time, they really felt like they were going to die.


Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

He wanted to understand something very important.

Li Yan didn't kill him directly just now, but shot through his arm.

So, that is to say, this powerful and trembling tribe on the opposite side, that powerful and despairing man, is not a cruel existence that even human beings eat.

thought here.

Xuan immediately raised his head, he endured the pain in his arm, imitating Li Yan's previous appearance, his voice was trembling, and shouted at Li Yan:

"Tribe, Jiu Xuan!

[Second update, asking for a reward, asking for flowers, asking for a monthly pass, asking for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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