Yun's face was extremely firm, and the look in her eyes was even more determined to the extreme.

She doesn't want to be like other women, to become a man's woman so early, she doesn't want to be like other women, she can only rely on men all her life, and she can't even leave the tribe, she doesn't want to be like other women, she can only keep going all her life pregnancy, childbirth, and gave birth to ten or eight children for the Loess Tribe.

She wants to make her own decisions, she wants to go out and see the outside world, she also wants to hunt beasts like men, and she wants to gain the respect of all the clansmen.


Yun's voice was settled, all the members of the Loess Tribe here were moved, and their heads were about to explode.

What is Yun talking about?

Does she know what she's talking about?

Is she crazy? She actually said that she didn't want a man and wanted to be the leader of the tribe.

How can a woman be a leader?

Isn't the greatest contribution of women, to stay in the tribe and give birth to children to develop and strengthen the tribe?

this moment.

A kind of "deviant" idea was born in the hearts of all the tribes here.

Those men, when they heard that Yun didn't want men, just frowned, but at this moment, when they heard that Yun still wanted to be the leader, all the men sneered and their faces became angry.

This kind of thing is equivalent to hitting all men in the face.

What is it like to let a woman be the leader? A woman, after seeing a beast, can she stand firm? Can she have the courage to attack the beast? Can she not be scared to pee?




No matter how simple the ancient human beings were, after hearing Yun's thoughts, they naturally showed this expression.

However, no man spoke.

They express their contempt for Yun in this way of being too lazy to talk to Yun.

Yun's face showed a really such expression.

When she made this decision, she guessed how the tribe men would react. But guess what, when Yun really faced all this, the grief, anger and unwillingness in her heart as a woman all turned into violent mood swings at this moment, erupting like a volcano.

"Soil. 35

"Battle. 35

Yun looked at one of the men who was over 190 in height and roared like a roar.

Only in the first battle, with the fact of defeating men, let all the clansmen understand that she Yun, even if she is a woman, can be the leader and lead the tribe to develop.

She Yun, if she wants a man, will choose it herself in the days to come.

No need to be strong, as long as she likes it!

Because, she will become stronger than all men.

At this moment, the air seemed to be frozen with frost.

The previous leader of the Loess Tribe had just retired not long ago, and the new leader "Tu" is currently the strongest man of the Loess Tribe.


If Yun can really defeat the earth, then she can really be the leader, because the loess tribe, as well as most of the tribes in ancient times, did not have a rule that a woman could not be the leader.

It's just the long-term habit of all ancient human beings that makes them feel that women are not worthy of running for the leader.

But this moment.

When Yun smashed her challenge book on Tu's face, it seemed to break an invisible wall, making everyone's faces moved.


While moving, the faces of those men were even more ugly.


Not only did Yun have the idea of ​​being the leader, but she really did it.




Next to "Tu", the new leader of the Loess Tribe, came the excited voices of men.

Although the words are almost the same, the meaning is actually quite different.

Yun said: Tu, I want to challenge you!

What the man said was: soil, teach her a lesson!

Tu's face turned cold. As the leader, it was necessary for him to maintain the status of men in the tribe. Although the tribe had never stipulated that women could not be leaders, if Yun turned over, then in the future, the loess tribe would not be allowed to be the leader. mess?


Tu's eyes glared at Yun, and he shouted loudly, meaning: If you want to fight, then fight!

Loess tribe.

Fires were quickly lit one by one.

In the open space in the center of the Loess Tribe, dozens of fires formed a huge circle.

Outside the fire circle, stood the vast majority of the Loess Tribe.

Inside the fire circle, Yun and Tu stared at each other.

The men looked at Yun in the circle with contempt. They didn't believe that a woman could defeat the strongest man in the tribe, "Tu".

The women looked at Yun inside the circle with complicated expressions.

Their hearts were shaking, something was sprouting.

What was shocking was that they never thought that Yun would challenge the leader Tu on the day of her coming of age, and she even wanted to be the leader.

The budding thing is that these women are born for the first time, so women can also be leaders?... Such a thought.

No matter whether Yun can win 150 victories this time or not, some subtle changes will take place between the men and women of the Loess Tribe.

And if Yun can defeat the earth this time and become the leader of the loess tribe, then the loess tribe may form a strange situation.

Call it equality between men and women, it is estimated that many women still feel that men should have many women so that they can have more children.

Let’s just say it’s not equal. Even Yun can be a leader and can go out to hunt wild beasts, so what about them, can they also be leaders and go out to hunt wild beasts?

this moment.

A strange feeling breeds in the hearts of many women.

They felt that what surrounded Yun and Tu was not a fire, but a huge cage.

Soil is the hand of evil that "does anything wrong" in the cage.

And Yun is the bird who desperately wants to break through the cage.

a certain moment.

Under the gazes of all the people of the Yellow Earth Tribe, Tu Mou let out a contemptuous shout, and his body, like a terrifying beast, charged towards Yun's body.

[Part 5, ask for a reward, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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