I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 258 Ice Fishing! 【4 More】

Mo's voice was settled, and all of a sudden, "Shu", "Shu", "Shu"... all of them raised their heads, all staring at Li Yan's face.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at him at the same time, not to mention, Li Yan felt as if he had come to some important occasion, and his expression subconsciously became serious.

He met everyone's eyes and nodded with a smile:


"Whether it's winter or summer, you can fish."

"You all come with me, I'll teach you how to fish in winter now." Li Yan's voice was sonorous and confident, with extreme confidence.

When his voice was settled, he immediately took the snail and walked towards the frozen river.

Not far from them.

Hearing Li Yan's answer, the originally quiet atmosphere suddenly exploded.

"I knew, I knew that Yan would definitely be able to do it, there is nothing that Yan can't do. 55

"Well, well, I also said that Yan must be able to fish in winter. 35

"It's amazing, there's no water, and I can't see the river, I can only see the snow, and Yan can even catch fish.

"Then it goes without saying that he is Yan, the village chief of our Yan Village. Also, Yan said that the snow that falls from the sky is called ice when it hardens. This is ice, you know?"


The local tribesmen of Yan Village exclaimed excitedly, but their faces showed the expression "As expected."

As for the newly joined clansmen, they actually couldn't understand what Li Yan was talking about.


This night, they did know what fishing is, so... they found the most important keywords in Li Yan's words: Yes, you can fish!


The new clansmen took a breath of shock in their hearts, shocked by this answer.

Although their brain development is similar to that of modern people, they have no knowledge or open thinking mode. They can't imagine how to catch fish.

Last night, they learned how to fish with Snail and Mo.

They know that fishing is to use vines to bind wood and bones, and then dig out a thing called an earthworm and wear it on the bones to catch those delicious and delicious fish.

But now that you can't even see the water, how can you fish?

Li Yan ignored them.

He took the two girls, Snail and Mo, and quickly walked to the frozen surface.

Without any tentative thoughts, Li Yan and the three walked up, and the sound of "squeak" and "squeak" came from the ice.

This proves that the ice layer is very thick and extremely strong.

"Luo, bun..."

Li Yan looked at the two women and said with a chuckle: "Go and get my bone knife and fishing rod, by the way, bring a rock over here, the bigger the better.

"Good. 35

The two women nodded quickly.

follow closely.

They raised their heads and looked at each other, and Luo was the first to say, "I'll get the fishing rod and bone knife."

"Then, I'm going to hold the rock. 35

The two little girls quickly negotiated what they were going to do, and then sacked their feet and ran in different directions.

The other clansmen came to Li Yan at this time to reach out.

The new clansman looked enviously at the animal skin coat and shoes and socks that Luo He Mo was wearing.

It should be warm to wear something so nice and heavy on your feet and body. They looked at themselves again. They were wrapped in one or two layers of stinky animal skins, their feet were not doing anything, and they were frozen red. If it wasn't for the strong physique of ancient human beings, this alone would have been enough to make them die. In ice and snow.

This is also the reason why ancient humans experienced food shortages in winter.

It's not that they don't want to go out to hunt wild beasts, but the price of going out to hunt wild beasts is too high, and once they go out, there is a great possibility that they will never come back.

I am afraid that only those guys in the Jiuyou tribe who eat people without blinking, dare to go out to hunt beasts when it is snowing.

But even so, every time the Jiuyou tribe goes out, they will pay an extremely painful price.

Fortunately, this tribe likes to burn, kill and loot, so, while paying a heavy price, they will rob countless women back to their tribe, and give birth to more tribesmen for the tribe, falling into a vicious cycle of cruelty!


The snails and buns came with bone knives, fishing rods, and stones.

Li Yan didn't say a word.

He took the bone knife, walked to the ice layer on the river, and used the bone knife to draw a circle with a diameter of about 50 cm.

Then, continue to use a bone knife to increase the depth of the gap in this circle.

When he felt that the depth of this gap was so deep that a stone would not shatter the ice next to it, Li Yan took a few steps back to ensure that he was absolutely safe, picked up the stone and slammed towards the river. As soon as it was smashed, there was a sound of "bang", and the ice layer shook violently. There was no crack, but the place where the bone knife had been slashed was shattered. All the ice and snow fell into the river. The hole just appeared.

Once the hole is made, the next step will be much simpler.

For fishing bait, it is difficult to dig earthworms temporarily. After all, the snow is so deep and thick, it takes a lot of time to dig out the earthworms hidden in the soil.

So, Li Yan hurriedly sent the snail back to get some steamed potatoes that he had not eaten last night, scraped it on the hook, and threw it into the hole.

Behind Li Yan.

Everyone in the Yancun tribe watched this scene with curiosity. When they saw that Li Yan had used this method to cut through the ice and made a hole for fishing, the eyes of each tribe suddenly lit up, and they couldn't help but darken. Think: Why didn't I think that I could still use this method to fish? Li Yan is so amazing, he is indeed the head of our Yan Village.

The smarter Luo He Mo, watching Li Yan's previous actions, had different ideas in their hearts.

The snail's idea was: Li Yan just slashed the ice with a bone knife (by Zhao Zhao), and then took four steps back before smashing the stone down!

Mo's idea is: After Li Yan slashed the ice with the bone knife just now, he has retreated such a long distance. Is it safe to only retreat such a long distance?

These two little girls are indeed the smartest women in Yan Village.

They memorized Li Yan's ice fishing skills and methods from the perspectives of liberal arts students and science students.

And this time.

Li Yan had just thrown the hook down for ten seconds when he felt his fishing rod sink suddenly.

66~ Haha, a fish is hooked. 99

Li Yan laughed, and then pulled up while everyone was watching.


A big fish with at least 20 pounds broke out of the water and looked extremely dazzling in the pouring snow!

[The 4th update, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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