Li Yan is too busy.

At least today's Li Yan is the busiest day since he came to this era.

In the morning, he has been teaching the tribe how to make ice bricks and how to build ice cellars.

Fortunately, the local people of Yan Village have the experience of "practice makes perfect" in building houses. In addition, they all wear warm animal skin clothes, shoes and socks, so the construction speed is very fast.


This is also because building an ice cellar is simpler than building an earthen house.

You only need to stack the ice bricks together, pour a basin of water, and the water will automatically cool and freeze, sealing the gaps of the ice bricks, which is not only extremely strong, but also has strong stability.

The roof of the ice cellar is also very easy to build, just put a log as a beam, and then put a piece of tough wood on top of the beam.

The goose feather "one-eight-three" university will soon cover the wood, and then freeze, forming a semi-enclosed structure.


Just refrigerate the beef that was cut last night in the ice cellar.


According to the tribesmen, the winter here in Yan Village is not only long, but also cold, don't need to worry about the ice cubes melting.

And wait until after the spring, the temperature rises above zero, the ice cellar will not be needed.

At that time, all things will recover, and all kinds of beasts that disappeared on the grassland will all return. The clansmen of Yan Village can just keep going to the grassland to hunt wild buffalo.

After building the ice cellar and freezing the beef, it was noon.

Luo supervises the women sewing all kinds of winter clothes at the school, bun supervises the fishing of the tribes by the river, and the children constantly shuttle from place to place, delivering fish soup.


No one came back to cook for Li Yan.

Li Yan was also busy himself, so he randomly asked a little kid to ask for half a grilled fish and 10,000 fish soup, and he would have a meal.

By the afternoon.

The first thing Li Yan did was to test his archery talent for the adult men of the Jiuxuan tribe.

362 adult men, and ultimately, people with archery talent, 48 in total.

In addition to the adult men in Yancun, Li Yan finally selected 180 men who needed to receive basic physical training.

When these are done.

It was almost 3pm.

Kun and Xuan, the people who first built the two earthen houses next to Li Yan, actually built the two earthen houses in such a short period of time.

"Boom", "Boom"... The sound of two flames burning violently resounded next to the two earthen houses.


Fires were lit in all directions.

The roaring flames burned, illuminating the entire village. Because it was daytime, and because of the snow and ice everywhere, Yan Village seemed to be shrouded in a strange red.

Xuan was shocked to see this scene.

He still couldn't understand why the earth house was built like this.


He didn't even know what the kiln was, how the mud bricks came from, and finally, why a fire was burned.

However, seeing Kun, Yu... these clansmen, all showed a relaxed expression.

Xuan knew that the earth house should be completed.

This fire burned for a full hour. During this time, the goose feather snow in the sky was completely emptied, as if it would never fall in this area.

After the fire was extinguished, the earthen house was successfully semi-ceramic and became solid and stable.

Perhaps thinking of something, Xuan walked to the side of the earthen house and pushed with all his strength, only to find that no matter how hard he tried, the wall would not move at all.

This made Xuan look horrified.

He thought to himself: Is this the wall? It's amazing, even if I can't push it, others can't push it, maybe even a wild animal can't break it.

thought here.

Xuan took a deep breath in his heart, feeling more and more that Yancun was incredibly powerful.

The house is built.

Then, the next step, naturally, is to separate one kind of livestock.


Li Yan's "personality" is still very cruel. In addition to eating pig food, wild boars, which have always been kept away from people, are raised alone in the first "pig pen".

The short-horned cattle and the big-horned sheep were separated by a wall and developed into a "cow and sheep pen".

at last.

Li Yan took a look at the growth of those chicks and found that all of them had survived and were very healthy, so it was difficult for them to "die suddenly", so they were bred with rabbits.

Speaking of rabbits.

Li Yan is really convinced by the growth rate of this animal...

From the time he caught the rabbit cubs to the present, those two guys who seemed to never get enough to eat had grown to seven or eight pounds in less than two months.

Go on like this.

Maybe it can really grow up completely within four months, and then, after several litters of bunnies a year, after two or three years, the entire Yan Village can often eat rabbit meat!

Do it all.

It was almost 5 o'clock.

The tribesmen who went out to fish, dig foundations, make fish soup... all came back to the tribe at this time.

Naru, who oversees the women's sewing at the school, also announced the dismissal of school.

Li Yan finally had time to do her own thing.

Tonight, he is going to teach Luo and Mo how to formally learn mathematical addition and how to sew "low-grade" aunt's towels with wool and animal skins.


Before it was dark, Li Yan went to the woods to find some trees that were pressed by ice and snow, and came back with 100 sticks made of twigs.


While waiting for the snails and buns to come back to cook for himself, Li Yan began to practice Wuqinxi.

In fact, he usually practices Wu Qin Xi in the morning.

Before the sun sets in the afternoon, most of the time it is to supervise the practice of the tribe.

But this morning, in order to teach the people how to fish in winter, he did not practice 3.4 after a delay. Now, he naturally has to make up for it.

Li Yan went to the training ground to practice Wu Qin Xi in public.

His practice quickly attracted the attention of many clansmen, especially the new clansmen. When they saw Li Yan's figure, it seemed that he had truly transformed into a beast that was constantly changing, and they were all shocked.

Moreover, compared to the fierce tiger incarnated by the earth, when Li Yan was practicing Wuqinxi, the tiger that he transformed into was more lifelike and more powerful.

Even if the members of the Jiuxuan tribe didn't understand anything, they could see that the tiger that Li Yan turned into must be stronger.

And among these onlookers, among the original Jiuxuan tribe, there is an underage girl named "Ya", who is most serious and amazed~

[The 3rd update, ask for a reward, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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