I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 276 A sensation in Yan Village! [4 more]

"It's not an abnormal fetal position!"

Axe and Qing went out to prepare bone knives, hot water, towels... these things, Luo Yi pressed his hands on Yan's stomach a few times, and suddenly he was slightly relieved.

Although Luo has not delivered many women with Li Yan.

But Li Yan has mentioned what happens every time he delivers a delivery.

On weekdays, Li Yan will occasionally explain this knowledge to him, so, according to the feeling of pressing with both hands, the snail judges that the geese are not in the wrong fetal position.

As long as it's not a problem with the fetal position, it's fine, and there's still salvation.

after all.

How to use the massage technique to adjust the fetal position, even though Li Yan used her as "experimental material" to teach many times, she still did not grasp the core.

As Li Yan said.

If he is not there, and the village encounters a woman with an abnormal fetal position, then the best way is to cut the stomach directly and use a caesarean section to take out the baby.


The caesarean section Li Yan said is different from the caesarean section in the 21st century because it is cruel to the extreme.

There was no anesthesia, no hemostatic drugs, and even Li Yan didn't know exactly how to perform a caesarean so that the mother and child could be safe.


What Li Yan207 said about caesarean section is to sacrifice the woman and hug the child.

This is the only way and the best way.

If this method is not used to save the child, then, if the child is fully developed and cannot be miscarried, if nothing is done, the final result will be one corpse and two lives. such a choice.

The only choice is: to save the child, or one corpse and two lives.

This kind of multiple-choice question, for Yancun's current situation, almost anyone can make a decision in an instant.


Luo is a very kind little girl, so when she heard Li Yan say this, she prayed that she would never encounter such a situation.

it's good now.

It really didn't happen.

Since it's not the problem of fetal malposition, then what is the problem?

Luo began to recall other situations that Li Yan said.

Li Yan only mentioned a situation where the fetus is not positioned correctly and cannot give birth, that is, the "stock" of the butt is not big enough, and the birth canal is relatively narrow, so it is difficult to give birth.

The solution to this situation is to cut the birth canal with a bone knife, and after the baby is born, use cotton thread to turn it into a cotton thread that can be used for suturing to suture the birth canal to its original shape.


This method is more dangerous, because infection may occur at any time, and then the mother still has the possibility of dying.

But this approach is far more acceptable than undeniable death.

After all, in the ancient times, with this condition, there was no choice.

To determine whether the birth canal is narrow, Li Yan also taught the snail how to do it, that is, to see if the baby is about to be born in the birth canal.

At the beginning, when Li Yan taught this, he almost exhausted his imagination, even talking and drawing, so that the snail could barely understand.

As for whether the snail will really know, Li Yan can't guarantee it!

In other cases of dystocia, Li Yan has never delivered snails, because with the current "medical conditions" in Yancun, neither of these two cases, then the only thing that can be done is a caesarean section, at the cost of sacrificing the mother in exchange for Baby Safety!

But now, I don't have so much time to think about it.

Recalling the method Li Yan said at the beginning, Luo hurriedly looked at the birth canal of the goose, and found that it seemed as if Li Yan had said that there were signs of birth, but it could not give birth.

This made Luo happy, she raised her head quickly, and shouted at Qing anxiously:

"Qing, hurry up and go to Yan's Tuwu, and ask Mo to bring the cotton thread I woven before, as well as the thinnest bone needle, hurry up!!!

"Oh, well, I'll go right away.

Seeing that Luo seemed to know what to do, Qing was stunned for a moment, then followed, (bede) a look of joy appeared in the depths of her eyes, and she quickly nodded at Luo excitedly.


Qing ran towards Li Yan's mud house with the fastest speed.

Don't worry about Qing.

Now that she was sure what was going on, Luo took a deep breath, her hands were shaking slightly, and she would use a bone knife to cut open the birth canal of Yan, so that Yan could give birth safely.

"Axe, put the bone knife in boiling water and soak it for a while, Yan said before, this can be disinfected and you won't get sick. 99

"Good. 55

The axe has now completely lost its backbone.

Seeing that the snail has a way, of course he just let it go.


When the bone knife was scalded in boiling water, the axe glanced at the snail strangely.

He always felt that when the current snail was doing things with Li Yan, he secretly thought: It seems that she is indeed Li Yan's woman, and she is indeed the smartest woman in our earth tribe.


The axe handed the bone knife sterilized with boiling water to the snail.

Because there are no sterile gloves, the snail can only ensure that the part that is used for cutting is not contaminated with bacteria.

Holding the bone knife firmly, Luo found that her hand was trembling slightly.

This made Luo take a deep breath, and kept saying to herself: "Luo, you can't be nervous, you have to calm down, you have to be like what Yan taught you, it's fine, if you don't do anything, the geese will definitely die. , if you do it, she might still survive..."

With this thought in mind, Luo grabbed the bone knife, and while the axe was watching, she walked up to Yan, and she said to Yan:

"Yan, listen, it will hurt a lot later, but you have to hold back. When you hear me calling you, take a deep breath and use force. Only in this way can you and your child survive, do you understand?


Yan was already in so much pain that she was about to faint. She didn't think there was anything more painful than this, wouldn't it count as being slashed? She could hold back, she would definitely be able to.

20 minutes later.

Accompanied by the woman's increasingly shrill and weak screams, it kept spreading in the bedroom, and finally, "Wow", "Wow", "Wow"... a loud cry of a baby, in the axe. The earth house bedroom resounded.

Baby is born.


During this process, all the clansmen who came to inquire about the difficulty of giving birth to the geese were shocked.

1 second!

2 seconds!

3 seconds!

When the time passed 10 or so seconds, the atmosphere outside the Tsuchiya was actually a frying pan.

"It's amazing, the snail is amazing, she succeeded in delivering the baby, and the child was born, hahaha! 35

[The 4th update, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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