I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 290 Scalp tingling!!! [6 more]

He is a man ranked more than 100 in the Jiuyou tribe.

In this ancient times without numbers, ranking more than 100 people is actually no different from ordinary clansmen.

Only the most powerful men like Shan and You can obtain a detached status in a tribe.


That is also in the Jiuyou tribe, and He is an ordinary person.

In fact.

After Shan died, among the more than 100 people who escaped, He was already the most powerful man in the Jiuxuan tribe.


After the fleeing clansmen were separated, He became the most powerful man among the more than 60 people.

More than 60 men have fled for a whole day, nearly 20 hours, and all have no strength.

But they are now lost.

At a glance, they looked in all directions, and it was all white, and it was snowing everywhere, and no matter which direction they looked, they seemed to be exactly the same.

This made the more than 60 people in He fell into despair.

They knew that they could not find the way back to the Jiuyou tribe.

Even, they are very likely to die in this icy environment.

No food, no energy supplement.

Without a fire, the body cannot be kept warm.

Without weapons, you can't sleep at night, and even worry about being attacked by wild animals anytime, anywhere.

This made the more than 60 people in He, physically and mentally exhausted, and even had the urge to give up, lie down in the snow, close their eyes and sleep to death.

But God, it seems that he wants to play tricks on humans.

Just when Hedu wanted to take all the clansmen to give up and continue to search for the Jiuyou tribe, they seemed to vaguely see that there was a fire swaying in the place thousands of meters away.


The river screamed excitedly.


All the Jiuyou tribesmen were excited.

There is fire.

It means that at least you don't have to die, and if you're lucky, you might even get food.


He and these people are just like returning to the light, each and everyone is excited like chicken blood, their eyes are congested, and they hurriedly rushed towards the place where the fire was emitted at the fastest speed.

The speed is very slow, after all, there is too much snow.




When there were only 300 meters left, they could smell the smell of food in the air, and the smell of meat.

Meat oh my goodness.

In the winter when food is extremely scarce, being able to eat meat is a big happy event even for the Jiuyou tribe.

And now.

Do they really deserve to die?

You can actually meet someone eating meat in a place like this.

Almost didn't laugh out loud.

He's expression turned vigilant.

If the other party can eat meat in the ice and snow, then it should not be underestimated.


He was carefully watching the number of people and the approximate size of the other party.

At this glance, He found that the opponent's number was larger than his own, but not too much. With the overall physical quality of the Jiuyou tribe, he could definitely defeat the opponent.

Plus they have no other options.

If they cannot defeat the opponent, snatch the meat they eat, or obtain the flame of the opponent, they can only die in the ice and snow.

The threat of death made He and these people feel that they were full of energy.

They subconsciously lowered their footsteps without making much noise, and quietly groped towards those people.

But they don't know.

After practicing Wu Qin Xi for a long time, Li Yan, who is many times stronger than almost all ancient humans in terms of insight, discovered them long ago.

The location of Li Yan and his party.

"Tomorrow afternoon, we should be able to dig out all the white radishes, carrots, and carrots in this area, right?"

"Isn't the snow going to stop? It's still so big, I'm afraid it will take four or five days to go back, or even longer."

Li Yan narrowed his eyes, thinking about these things in his heart.

In the past two days and one night, Li Yan and his party have dug up tens of thousands of kilograms of white radishes, carrots, and carrots.

So many radishes are evenly distributed, and everyone has to carry hundreds of pounds on their backs.


Hundreds of pounds is a small number for ancient humans.

In fact, even in the rural areas of the 21st century, there are quite a few respectable farmers who can climb uphill with a weight of more than 100 pounds.

Then, let alone Xuan, Chun... these ancient human beings who endure hardships and stand hard work.

"More than 10,000 catties, plus potatoes, beef... Should be able to last for a long time, right?"

Li Yan calculates how long it will take 180 people to exercise together to finish the radishes.

During the calculation process, Li Yan took a piece of wild wolf meat jerky from Xuan after it was smoked and dried. The jerky was already roasted and sprinkled with salt.

Chewing on the jerky, Li Yan caught sight of dark shadows out of the corner of his eyes, quietly groping towards them.

This suddenly made Li Yan's eyes narrow, and looked in the direction of the shadow.

Xuan, Chun... Standing next to Li Yan, they saw what Li Yan was looking at, and they looked at it subconsciously, and suddenly... they saw the dark shadows that were groping.

·For flowers·


These people's faces became heavy.

In this world of ice and snow, the other party came quietly and groping, and 100% of those who came were not good, and they definitely took a fancy to their fire and food.

In other words, there is no need to show mercy, the other party is definitely the enemy.



Chunzheng wanted to speak, but Li Yan glanced at him and made a mute gesture.


Li Yan stretched out his hand to put down the jerky, he picked up the antler bow on the side, then reached out and grabbed 5 arrows from the quiver and put them on the bowstring, and then said softly:

"Everyone pay attention, wait a minute, after I shoot, you attack them with the fastest speed."

"By the way, Chun... You bring your clan with me and shoot at those people. It doesn't matter if you don't hit, just interfere with them."

"Remember, don't shoot yourself."

Li Yan made a simple arrangement.

All the clansmen were silent, but nodded slightly at Li Yan.

At the same time, they silently grabbed the bone spear on the ground under the pretense that they did not find the enemy, and their expressions became cold.

Really looking for death.

Dare to draw their attention.

Xuan, the clansmen of the original Jiuxuan tribe, were determined to pay attention this time, and to make a contribution this time to get the approval of the village chief Li Yan as quickly as possible.

Time flies by in this situation.


Last 50 meters!

In the last distance, the people from the Jiuxuan tribe almost crawled over, their purpose was to prevent Li Yan and the others from finding out.

And the last 50 meters.

They felt that it was enough to catch people like Li Yan by surprise.


No one hesitated any longer. With the loud shout of "kill" from the mouth of the river, all the Jiuyou tribe clansmen who were lying on the snow all jumped up and moved towards Li Yan and his group with the fastest speed. rush away.


At the moment when these people headed by the river jumped up.

"Om", "Om", "Om"... 5 harsh trembling sounds resounded in their ears.

next second.

He's face changed greatly, his scalp was numb, and he suddenly saw a black arrow zoomed in and zoomed in in front of his eyes.

until the last moment.

"Pfft", a black arrow pierced through the center of his eyebrows!

[The 6th update, asking for a reward, asking for a monthly pass, asking for flowers, asking for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!] Zhang.

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