I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 293 Sign in for seventy consecutive days! 【3 more】

Do the more than fifty members of the Jiuyou tribe dare to escape?

If there is no spring... These archers, holding antler bows and arrows, stare at their every move, and more than two dozen Yancun people hold bone spears, watching their every move, they Really have the guts to run away.

But the power of the bow and arrow has brought too much psychological shadow to these people.

Therefore, in the case of being aimed at by the bow and arrow, coupled with the fact that they were cold, hungry and tired, not only did they not dare to run away, but no one wanted to run too much.


When Li Yan uttered the words "fire", they were still a little happy in their hearts.

Although they didn't understand what Li Yan said, they still knew what fire meant, so they thought that Li Yan had accepted their surrender, and now he was asking them to find firewood and light a fire for them.


Let other clansmen watch over him, making him a little uncomfortable, but it's better than freezing to death in the ice and snow, right?


In their opinion, this is the clansmen of Yan Village who have just merged with them, so they still don't trust them.

After a long time, it shouldn't be like this.

As for whether they would betray Yancun, as long as Li Yan didn't die, they probably wouldn't dare to betray.

Fifty or so men, when they all want to collect firewood from the ice and snow as quickly as possible, so that they can light a fire, have a good meal, and sleep peacefully, the speed of picking up firewood is amazing. Incredibly fast.

In less than half an hour, piles of firewood were moved to the "camp" by the slaves of Yan Village.

follow closely.

They saw that a few clansmen, like feeding dogs, dumped a basket of wild wolf jerky on the ground, looked at them indifferently, and said coldly:

"Eat it!"

The fifty or so slaves were all stunned for a moment. They finally realized that the attitude of the Yancun clansmen towards them was somewhat different from that of the clansmen.

However, they were so hungry.

So, seeing that Li Yan had "prepared" so much food for them, and it was all jerky, these people rushed over excitedly, reached out and picked up the jerky on the ground, regardless of whether it was hot or not, cooked or not, hard or not. Not hard, gobble it up.

While these slaves were eating, a total of thirty Yancun tribesmen, under Li Yan's order, took advantage of this time to find some vines with thorns, tied them to the branches, and made the simplest Whip, watch over these slaves.

When I saw a strong slave who was not full after eating a few pieces of jerky, and was about to snatch the jerky from other slaves, there was a "pop", and one of the Yancun tribesmen slapped the slave with a whip. .


The thorns cut through the skin of the slave, and a bloodstain appeared directly on the slave's skin.

The severe pain caused the slave to grin, and a violent expression appeared on his face. He suddenly raised his head to look at the man who beat him, subconsciously wanting to fight back.

But at the moment when he looked up, he saw another whip shadow drawn towards him.


"Clap" sound.

A shrill scream came from the slave's mouth, and his eyes became more fierce and resentful. He stared at the man who beat him, and he almost didn't shout the word "kill", but he opened his mouth. For a moment, he quickly closed his mouth, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

He saw it.

He saw that when he wanted to fight back, all 20 antler bows were aimed at his head. As long as he dared to move again, in the next instant, at such a close distance, his head would definitely be caught by these Yancun people. To shoot.

The crisis of death instantly calmed the slave down.

He shivered, and quickly retreated, not daring to snatch other people's jerky, squatted on the ground, motionless, and even his breathing was weakened to the extreme.

Li Yan watched this scene calmly.

All this was ordered by him, so he didn't feel any guilt at all.

These ancient human beings from cannibal tribes really cannot be treated as human beings in a certain sense, so what Li Yan has to do now is to make them slaves and let them know that they are not even better than humans, and they are not as good as food. There is no difference, just a tool of Yancun.

The power of their life and death is all in the hands of Yancun, and in the hands of Li Yan.

They had better put away what they were in the original tribe, otherwise, the next second would be their death.

Li Yan attaches great importance to these fifty slaves.

Because this means whether he can start slavery in this ancient era.


Li Yan has made a decision. He is going to let all the clansmen rest, and the work of digging white radishes, carrots, and carrots tomorrow will be handed over to these slaves.

Even if it is delayed for one more day, there must be no accident in the matter of slaves.

These thoughts flashed through my mind.

Li Yan glanced at the slaves who were all squatting on the ground and shivering. Seeing that they should not "make trouble" now, Li Yan looked at Chun, Xuan and the others, and told them:

"Tonight, divide the clan into two halves, and one half will guard these slaves before I go to bed. If anyone has an abnormality, I will whip them directly. If they dare to escape or attack the clan, they will be killed. After I sleep, I will switch to the other half. The clansmen came to watch them, understand?


All three nodded solemnly.

Li Yan's emphasis on this matter made the three of them know the seriousness of the matter, and they felt that Li Yan seemed to care about slavery very much.

For the time being, I don't know how much delicious the slaves have. They just want to earnestly complete all the tasks given by Li Yan.

The next time became boring.

The fifty or so slaves, after eating some jerky and drinking some water made from melting ice and snow, all huddled together and fell asleep quickly.

Xuan took half of his clan to guard them and would never give these slaves any chance to escape.

Li Yan is sitting by the fire, silently waiting for the arrival of the 70-day consecutive sign-in!

[The 3rd update, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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