I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 296 Tragic fate! 【6 more】


Deathly quiet.

All this happened too fast, not only the Yancun clansmen did not react, but the slaves also did not react.

When they recovered, Li Yan had already put away the bone knife, and the slave who suddenly went berserk and wanted to kill Li Yan also slowly fell on the snow, the wound on his neck was clearly visible and blood The fountain continued to spew out, dyeing the surrounding snow red, like a blood-colored rose.

But soon, it was submerged in the overwhelming snow.

Until this time, there was a sound of exclamation.

"Damn, these slaves, they dare to attack Yan. 35

"Looking for death, killing them, if you dare to hurt Yan, you must kill them.

"Yes, whoever dares to hurt Yan, even if I die, I will kill him."



Not only the 20 native tribesmen of Yan Village, at this moment, the tribesmen of the original Jiuxuan tribe also showed the same expression.

Especially the more than ten clansmen who were recuperating on the side showed a more fierce expression than anyone else.

In terms of belonging.

Except for the native tribes of Yan Village, they have the strongest sense of belonging to Yan 14 Village.

The injuries they suffered were so severe that in the past, the people of the Jiu Xuan tribe would definitely die in pain, even if they didn't die.

Because the wound will become infected, the skin will fester.

But there is Li Yan.

Except for the two clansmen who died on the spot, all the others survived, and the wounds recovered very well.

In addition to the clansmen whose bones were shattered, those clansmen who were only torn off a large piece of flesh by the wild wolf have recovered a lot from their injuries.

It is estimated that in a month or two, they will be able to work normally, and even hunt wild animals.

This made them feel grateful to Li Yan in their hearts.

Such a good leader, no, village chief, where can I find it?


This group of slaves, whose status was only equal to bacon and dried fish, dared to attack Yan. If it weren't for the inconvenience of their hands and feet, they would have even wished to stab these beasts to death with bone spears.

Anger turned into full of anger, burning in the heart of a Yancun clansman.

this moment.

No one cares about anything.

Except that they didn't dare to kill them without Li Yan's order, all the clansmen who were monitoring these slaves picked up the whips in their hands and severely beat the more than fifty slaves.


"Clap 6." to


The sound of the whips never ceased for a moment, and every time the whips went on, it left scars on the hands, legs, backs, and even faces of these slaves.

On both sides, 20 archers were all in place, and those clansmen holding bone spears also raised their bone spears and aimed them at the slaves.

They now wish that these slaves dared to resist, so that they would have a reasonable reason to kill them.

More than 100 clansmen, all treated more than 50 slaves in this state.

Let those slaves feel extremely bitter, how dare they resist.

At most, being whipped is a little painful, but you can always live, right?

Fortunately, the physiques of the ancient human beings were all good, and they basically didn't take a bath, so all of them were rough-skinned and thick-skinned.


After smoking for more than a minute, all the slaves squatted on the spot firmly, not daring to raise their heads to look at the clansmen in Yan Village.

They want to use this method to calm the anger in the hearts of the Yan Village people.

at the same time.

They scolded the clan who suddenly burst into flames and attacked Li Yan, and the whole family scolded it over and over.

Oh shit.

You should give some strength.

What's the use of having so much courage?

If you can't kill that person, why are you going to kill him? Really, we are so miserable now.

this moment.

Instead of resenting Li Yan, these people all hated the slave who wanted to kill Li Yan.

The ugliness of human nature, at this moment, was vividly interpreted by these slaves.

Li Yan stared coldly at the slaves being beaten continuously.

After watching for two or three minutes, Li Yan raised his hand slightly.


Everyone stopped moving.

Li Yan stood there, looked at all the slaves who were working hard, and pointed at the slave whose body was stiffening fast:


"Slave. 35 He pointed at all the slaves present, and said in a cold tone: "It's dark, eat!"

Li Yan is saying: Because of this person, you slaves can only eat after dark.

Li Yan is using this method to tell these people that if they are not obedient, they will not have to eat.

If one person is disobedient, then everyone is not allowed to eat.

This is the slave.

at the same time.

Li Yan is still using this method to transfer all the resentment in the hearts of these slaves to the disobedient slave.

after all.

The reason why they couldn't eat was all because the person was disobedient.


Hear Li Yan say that.

All the slaves bury their heads and work hard for a while, their faces turned bitter, and they glanced at the corpse with incomparable resentment.

Take 277 down.

No one dared to say a word of nonsense, and made one more small gesture. All of them took the bone shovel seriously and kept digging the radish in the snow.

at the same time.

These people also finally realized what kind of tragic fate they suffered, and how low-level the status "slaves" Li Yan arranged for them?

This trick of killing chickens to warn monkeys really has a remarkable effect.

After killing a disobedient slave, for the rest of the day, no matter how tired, hungry or cold, no slave would dare to disobey.

Thanks to the physique of ancient human beings are very abnormal, the physique of the men of the Jiuyou tribe is especially abnormal.


Even though they were covered in scars, these people actually persevered.

Wait until it gets dark.

These slaves could finally rest, and saw Xuan He Chun carrying two wooden barrels and dumping the jerky on the ground.

this moment.

A strange emotion surged within these slaves.

They felt that people like Li Yan seemed to be good. Although they became slaves with low status, as long as they were obedient enough, they could still eat.

[The sixth update, please reward, please ask for monthly ticket, ask for flowers, ask for automatic subscription, thank you!!!].

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