I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 298 The complete trap! [2 more]

It is only about 10,000 meters away from Yan Village.

10,000 meters, or 10 kilometers. This distance, in the first two months, with the physique of the "Earth Tribe" clansmen, it only takes more than three hours to complete the journey easily.

But in winter, especially when the thickness of ice and snow exceeds 2 meters, or even more..., even if you put on snow boots, you need to walk for almost a day to reach your destination.

If there is another blizzard, every day or two, don't even think about going back to Yan Village.

at this time.

It was after 8:00 a.m. when Li Yan completed his 75th consecutive check-in.

Li Yan opened his eyes, only to feel that his whole body was wrapped in chills. He opened his eyes in a sleepy state and saw Xuan He Chun, who was carrying two buckets of jerky, and habitually dumped the jerky on the ground.


More than fifty slaves swarmed up, grabbed all the jerky on the ground, and baked it on the fire.

Compared to a few days ago, these fifty slaves seem to be more obedient.


The reason why they were more obedient was not because they completely accepted the identity of slaves, but because, on the way back to Yan Village with two or three hundred catties of backpacks on their backs, Li Yan issued an order that as long as there were slaves who could not keep up with the team speed, you will be whipped.

In this situation.

The slaves revolted again.

They felt that they had worked too hard, why did the other people carrying the sacks not only carry smaller sacks than them, but also lighter than them, they would not be beaten if they walked slowly, and they could also alternately carry forward with other Yancun clansmen at any time.

However, they had to carry heavy backpacks, and even if they walked slowly, they would be beaten.


Two days ago, two riots broke out in the ranks of slaves.


Under the strong suppression of Li Yan and the Yancun people, the slaves clearly realized their current situation at the cost of their two companions' lives... This kind of blood.

So, it's all become more honest.

It's better to be obedient than to die, just get tired when you're tired.

Li Yan had no sympathy or sympathy for the more than fifty slaves. After suppressing the commotion of other slaves by killing two slaves, Li Yan transferred all the radishes in the baskets of the two slaves to in the baskets of other slaves.

And that night, none of the slaves ate anything.

It was not until the next day that Li Yan agreed to give them some food in order to be able to travel normally.

Under such a cruel method, how could those tribesmen of Jiuyou tribe dare to disobey?

Wouldn't it be even harder for them to continue to do such tiring work because they were disobedient and had no food to eat?

The cruelty to these slaves did not make Li Yan feel any guilt in his heart.

In this world, there was no concept of slaves, so now he wants to use facts to make everyone clearly understand, what is a slave?


Compared with these, what Li Yan is more concerned about and surprised by now is that the snow has stopped.


Li Yan laughed in surprise: "No wonder I feel so cold, it turns out that the snow has stopped. When the snow stops, the surrounding environment will absorb the heat of our body, so it will be colder than when it snows.

Li Yan stood up with a "swoosh" and looked around.

Looking in all directions, what can be seen is still a piece of white, the trees are hung with ice and snow crystals, and the ground is covered with thick layers of snow.

"The snow has stopped, which means that I can go back to the village a day later. Anyway, it's been so long since I've gone back, so it doesn't make any difference whether it's earlier or later. And at such a close distance, if there is an accident in the village, it will be the first to encounter it. It is us who are at risk.99

There is no need to worry about the safety of the village. Next, Li Yan naturally needs to consider the development of the village:

"Let's go ahead today and teach Xuan and Chun... how these clansmen can identify the bark materials I need. When I go back to the village, I don't have to come out, and let others come out to find various materials."

thought here.

Li Yan's eyes lit up slightly. He saw that the people around him were taking turns having breakfast. The slaves were also squatting together to eat. After thinking about it, Li Yan walked up to one of the people and took some jerky from him. , with a bone shovel, walked towards a tree.

Li Yan plans to use a bone shovel now to knock off the snow and ice covering these trees to see if it is the material he needs.

When Li Yan and his clan were 10,000 meters away from Yan Village, they were looking for materials for making armor, shields, and paper.

In the loess tribe 100 kilometers away, something big and not small happened.


A muffled sound, which was not huge, spread among the loess tribe, awakening many clansmen who had not yet woken up.

Winter in ancient times.

The vast majority of human beings in the ancient tribes would become extremely lazy and would sleep very late and wake up very late.

This is not because ancient humans were really lazy.

It was because there was nothing to do when he got up. After all, there was no way to go out to hunt wild beasts. After getting up, the weather outside is so cold, and no one wants to go out and run around.

And today's winter.

It is definitely the most comfortable winter in the Loess Tribe.

For the time being, regardless of the sneak attack on the Yellow Earth Tribe by the more than 300 people of the Jiuyou Tribe, after Yun, the leader, led the tribe to defeat the Jiuyou Tribe, the Yellow Earth Tribe discovered the method of arranging traps to catch wild beasts.


Under the leadership of the leader Yun, the Loess Tribe used the bloody smell of the animal's internal organs to hunt down two batches of prey during this period of time.

The first batch were seven or eight wild wolves with no long memory.

The second batch was a few huge wild boars.

With these two batches of prey (with money), everyone in the Loess Tribe has eaten a lot of meat in recent days.

Although I can't eat enough meat, it's much better than a state where I don't eat meat at all.


Yun woke up from the confused state, she immediately turned over, walked out of her grass hut, looked at the place where the muffled sound was heard, and found that it was a clan's grass hut, and there was too much snow and ice, and the structure of the grass hut could not bear it. With such a weight, it shattered and collapsed directly, pressing all the clansmen in the grass hut into the ice and snow.

The cries resounded in the tribe, and many tribesmen hurriedly ran as fast as they could to dig the snow with their bare hands to save people.

But Yun stood still.

this moment.

A flash of light flashed in her mind, and she suddenly thought that her trap could become more complete, no, perfect!

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