"I actually found chili peppers, and they are still hot peppers." Li Yan came back to his senses and felt incredible.

Could it be that my previous nagging was heard by God?

Then, God sees himself pitiful. After more than 100 days, he still eats grilled meat or boiled fish with no taste. The best ones are crabs and river shrimp. So, the first seasoning was specially sent?


Li Yan was a native of Chongqing in his previous life, and Chongqing is most famous for its hot pot, so Li Yan can eat numb and spicy food. This is also the reason why Li Yan went to work in a city in the coastal area and is not used to the eating habits of the coastal area.

And now.

It doesn't matter what kind of food you can make with only chili peppers, but something is better than nothing! ! !

Think so.

Li Yan's eyes flashed with light, he stretched out his hand, and under the curious eyes of the tribesmen behind him, he picked a sharp pepper, put it directly to his mouth, and bit half of it in one bite.

Because there could be no pesticides in ancient times, Li Yan is not worried about his own safety.

As for the uncleanness, there may be sediment or bacteria on it?


After more than 100 days of exercise, Li Yan feels that he has long since developed a strong stomach!

The pepper was bitten in Li Yan's mouth, and just after chewing a few times, a hint of spicy taste immediately amplified on Li Yan's tongue.


He took a breath and was pleasantly surprised: "Okay, okay, this taste is really enough, even I think it's a little spicy, haha~~"

Li Yan was overjoyed when he discovered the first seasoning, chili.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he would have wanted to sip a little girl to vent his emotions.

The little girl saw the change in Li Yan's face and the action of eating chili peppers, and she thought to herself: This is also edible.

Thinking of this, Luo also took the initiative to pick a pepper and took a light bite.


In just a few seconds, the little girl's originally curious face changed immediately.

She opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue, gasped, and looked at Li Yan with a hint of resentment in her eyes. Complaining that this thing is so unpalatable, Li Yan didn't tell her.


Li Yan was amused by the snail sticking out his tongue, as if he was a little puppy, and followed, thinking again.

When I found the pepper, I definitely couldn't do nothing and let it grow freely here.

But although he is an orphan in the 21st century, he has been very poor since he was a child, but he has never cultivated land! So, how to grow peppers! ?

Should it be planted in spring, or summer?

When planting, do you need to water more or let it learn to absorb water from the ground on its own? If these problems are not resolved, Li Yan feels that he is likely to plant the peppers alive.

"Damn it, it would be great if the system could reward me for my skills and experience in growing crops such as peppers." Li Yan felt a trace of resentment towards the system.

What's wrong with rewards?

The production skills of sanitary napkins are nothing, after all, all the women and little girls in the tribe can use them in the future, but the arrangement of the traps, even if they are not rewarded, they will.

When I was in the 21st century, didn't I watch Wilderness Survival? At most it can't be so detailed!

In the end, Li Yan decided to transplant one or two chili peppers first and try it out...what kind of method can make the spicy roast survive.

As long as you can survive, after you have experience, you can peel off the pepper seeds, and you can have a steady stream of peppers in the future.

But then again.

"The peppers have already been planted. It seems that a dung pit has to be dug. After all, dung is a non-polluting and pure natural fertilizer." Li Yan pondered in his heart.

Having decided what to do, Li Yan immediately took out the bone shovel that he carried with him for emergencies, and dug out two peppers.

The rhizome has not been damaged in any way, and it is still wrapped in the soil. It should be able to survive in the early stage, right?

After digging out the two chili peppers, Li Yan asked the clan to pick up a whole bunch of chili peppers, about ten kilograms of chili peppers, ready to go back to make dried chili peppers to release the spiciness to the extreme.

Do it all.

Only then did Li Yan meet the curious eyes of the little girl and all the clansmen, explaining that this is chili, which can make food more delicious.

But this time, the little girl and those men didn't believe it.

They all tried the taste of chili peppers just now, and because they had never been exposed to the spicy taste, they were all overwhelmed by the spicy taste.

This thing can make food more delicious, how about cheating?

They just assumed that only a "big guy" like Li Yan would find it delicious, so they obeyed Li Yan's arrangement, and the group accelerated and walked in the direction of the rabbit hole.

It's past six o'clock now, and in more than an hour, it will be completely dark, and it's time to go back.

But when he went back, Li Yan said subconsciously, "It would be great if I could find soybeans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, wheat, crystalline salt, iron ore..."

But it turns out that although Li Yan has passed through and still has a system, this world does not have such a transcendent existence as God.

No matter what Li Yan said along the way, they walked all the way back and did not encounter any resources that could be used at this stage.

However, there are some fruits that are already full and huge, and they will ripen after a while.


Along the way, it was slow because of the search for resources to use. But when you go back, you only need to go in one direction, and the speed is much faster.

At about 6:30, Li Yan and his party came to the direction of the rabbit hole.


Li Yan and his party saw that in the rabbit hole that the rabbit had entered before, there was a hemp-grey hare with one foot caught. roar.

The arrival of Li Yan and his party seemed to make the hare realize that a fatal crisis had come, and his struggle became more intense.

Li Yan's eyes lit up slightly, he immediately handed the two pepper plants to the snail, and ran towards the hare.

I don't know if the weather is too hot or not, but Li Yan always feels that this hare seems to be suffering from heat stroke!

[The 5th update, today's update ends! If you like this book, I hope you can support it, and leave your valuable comments in the book review area, thank you! 】

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