I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 42 Rabbit Skin Apron?

Speaking of roasted rabbits, this is what Li Yan is most looking forward to besides catching crabs for the first time.

Humans in ancient times thought well, each animal did have a different taste. Even without the addition of any seasonings, these animals taste different.

For example, the taste of most fish is: fresh and fishy! The animals on land are: fishy and stinky!

Among these animals, at least in the 21st world, Li Yan knows the four most delicious game, namely: rabbit, ji (ji), deer, and pheasant! [Note: This is what I heard from the old man at home, and it is not true! 】

From this, it can be seen that the taste of hare is definitely good, maybe even better than crab and river shrimp.

At most, it is not as great as a tortoise!

Li Yan's eyes flashed brightly, but he didn't continue to think about it. Whether the hare meat is delicious or not will be known after it is cooked, but it must not be as casual as the previous roasting.

Li Yan's eyes narrowed.

He intends to roast this hare like grilling or roasting whole lamb, so he needs to prepare a lot of things, such as: charcoal, stones, branches, cool white, bone knives, peppers, pottery bowls...

After thinking about it for more than ten seconds and deciding what he needed to prepare, Li Yan looked at the snail beside him: "Luo, let's go back first!"

After speaking, Li Yan walked in the front, Luo walked in the back, the two walked in three steps and two steps, and walked towards the location of the tribal fire.

Just halfway there, Li Yan saw dozens of men walking towards him!

It came just fine.

Li Yan's eyes lit up, he was still thinking just now, so many things, it would take a long time for him and the snail to move. Now, they are here, just let them help.

Anyway, since there is so much rabbit meat, I and the snails will definitely not be able to finish it. At that time, whoever contributes, the rest of the meat will be distributed to whomever.

With this thought in mind, Li Yan met the gazes of dozens of men and said:

"Earth, I want charcoal, stones, bone knives, branches..."

Li Yan made a gesture of the size of the branches and stones. As for the number, in this age without numbers, it is useless to make a gesture:

"There is also Liangbaikai, a pottery bowl!!!"

"By the way, take it to the fire." Li Yan finally reminded.

If it was before, Li Yan would not understand what Li Yan said.

but now.

At least Di and Snail can definitely understand this slightly simpler way of communication. As for other tribesmen, they can guess a little bit.

Hearing Li Yan say so many things at once, although Di understood, he was stunned, because he couldn't take it alone.

At this moment.

The stronger men from the two tribes, Kun and Axe, interjected next to each other: "Earth, we, together!"


He nodded immediately: "Okay, let's go together!"


The three of them acted together and went to the house where the earth lived to prepare bone knives, charcoal, stones, pottery bowls, cool white leaves, branches... these things.

Li Yan continued to look at the clansmen who helped with the peppers before, and said with a chuckle, "Chili, give it to me!"

When the clansmen heard the words, they nodded immediately and poured out the peppers wrapped in the animal skin.

Li Yan chose some of these peppers that he felt had the best flavor, and the rest of the peppers were put away by the snails, ready to wait for tomorrow after dawn, put them in the sun, and make them into dried peppers!

After choosing the chili peppers, Li Yan led the group towards the fire.

It just so happened that Earth, Kun, Axe... 3 people also brought what Li Yan needed.


Next, as long as the preparations are done, the whole rabbit can be officially roasted.

Li Yan was sitting on the ground beside the fire under the onlookers of dozens of men. He first stacked a few stones together to form the simplest version of an "oven", about forty centimeters above the ground. Enough roasted rabbit.


Li Yan poured the peppers into a ceramic bowl at one go. He washed a round piece of wood with river water and pounded it hard.

A few minutes later, the peppers were all mashed by Li Yan.

Following, Li Yan opened a jar of cool white, poured some into the clay bowl, and kept stirring with the log, and the water immediately turned red at an astonishing speed. A few minutes later, a large bowl of chili sauce appeared in the pottery bowl. It was red and red, and it looked like there was still a little chili sauce.

Of course, it is definitely far from the effect of chili sauce, but in this ancient era when there were no tools, it was enough.


Li Yan took the bone knife from the ground. Under everyone's breathless stares, he pressed the back of the bone knife with his right index finger and swiped hard on the hare's underarm fur.

A small crack appeared.

Li Yan continued to hold the bone knife with his right hand, while his left hand was clenching his fist, and both hands worked together to peel the hare in a squeezing method.

This skinning method was learned by Li Yan when he watched Survival in the Wilderness.

With this method of skinning, the fur can be completely peeled off without causing too much damage. Just this piece of rabbit skin, if it can be completely peeled off, I can definitely make a rabbit skin apron for this little girl.

The little girl is now almost twelve years old, she is not too young, and her body has begun to develop. Although she wears animal skins, she can't see anything! But after all, there are not too many shelters, and it is not very sanitary. It is time to make a bellyband for the little girl.

This scene was watched by dozens of men watching, and they were shocked in their hearts.

They found that they seemed to have learned something again.

At the very least, this method of skinning made Di, Kun... and the others feel that it was much better than what he had originally done.

Had they been able to skin this way before, the tribe would have a lot more fur. When winter comes and the mountains are covered by heavy snow, they may be as warm as when the spring and summer are handed over, and they even have the spirit to go out to hunt wild animals! ! !

Li Yan didn't know, he was just skinning the skin, and he could also teach the tribesmen something.


With the final "tear" sound, the rabbit skin and rabbit meat were completely separated and completely cut off by Li Yan.


This rabbit skin only needs to be washed and dried in the low sun, and it can be used to make a rabbit skin apron!

[Second update, ask for a reward, ask for flowers! ! ! 】

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