The sense of smell can also stimulate the taste buds.

Li Yan knew this in the 21st century, but he didn't think about it. For a group of ancient humans who had never seen barbecue, how much stimulation was the smell of barbecue to them?

this moment.

Li Yan even felt that the atmosphere around him was a little depressed.

He raised his head and looked around with the help of the faint light from the burning charcoal, and vaguely saw: children staring at him, or looking at the rabbit meat that was about to be roasted in his hands, women licking Lips, maybe women are naturally shy, so although they also want to eat roasted rabbit meat, but there is no extra movement.

The most obvious ones are the men.

The eyes they looked at Li Yan were so hot that they were about to glow green, like hungry wolves who had never eaten enough.

Whether it is a man, a woman, or a child, their naked eyes mean only one thing: they want to eat!

Eat a fart!

Such a little meat, not for you!

Li Yan immediately lowered his head and pretended not to see it, no matter how innocent the eyes of those little brats were, he was never soft-hearted. At the same time, Li Yan murmured in his heart: It seems that he has to move into the mud house early, otherwise, every time he does something delicious, he will be surrounded by so many people, and no one can stand it.

Think so.

Li Yan forced himself to focus on the roast rabbit.

He saw that the surface of the rabbit meat had turned golden yellow, and hot oil was seeping out. He quickly took the previously cleaned log in his hand, dipped it in chili water, and smeared it on the rabbit meat.


Li Yan didn't paint the whole rabbit, this girl looked like she couldn't eat spicy food for the time being.

So, he only painted a third of it.

When Li Yan smeared the chili water on the rabbit meat, suddenly... the temperature of the flame, the chili water was roasted, and when the spiciness penetrated into the rabbit meat, it also volatilized a part of the spiciness and blew it into the air.


"Cough cough", "cough cough", "cough cough"... The sound of coughing was like setting off firecrackers, and it sounded densely. The choked tribal people's eyes were red, and tears were about to flow out.

They looked at Li Yan with resentment in their eyes, and thought in their hearts: It smells so bad, can it really be eaten?

Li Yan felt the eyes of these clansmen, but he just chuckled inwardly, not caring at all.


Spicy is the best flavor in the world, okay?

Seeing that Li Yan had no intention of stopping at all, and continued to smear chili water on the one-third of the rabbit meat, all the clansmen lost interest in the rabbit meat.

At least, they don't want to eat this kind of thing.

However, most of the women had already memorized the method of Li Yan roasting rabbits, and they all stood up one after another, wondering if they should try it.

Maybe you can bake such a fragrance?

Under the stimulation of chili water, the clan members who were still surrounding Li Yan left one by one. They really couldn't stand the pungent smell.

Don't say it's them.

In fact, Li Yan couldn't stand it a bit, but this kind of spicy taste that even he couldn't stand really excited Li Yan, and he became more and more looking forward to it.


There were not many people around Li Yan, and there were only three people left: Snail, Di, and Kun.

The snail is because she has already assumed the identity of Li Yan's woman, so no matter how bad it is, she still wants to finish dinner with Li Yan.

In the case of the land, it was because Li Yan valued so much and was interested in the chili peppers he brought back from outside.

As for Kun.

This guy is the most amazing. Like Li Yan, he likes spicy food.

Especially after being choked by the smell of chili pepper, it opened the door to his new world. He kept staring at the rabbit meat, licking his lips from time to time, wondering if he should be cheeky later, and asked Li Yan to share a little bit of chili pepper. Rabbit meat in water, how does it taste?

In this situation.

After another ten minutes, the rabbit meat was finally cooked. However, Li Yan didn't eat it directly because it was still very hot.

The four of them waited for a few more minutes, guessing that the temperature should have dropped before Li Yan tore off a piece of rabbit meat, and out of curiosity, the three of them ate it in their mouths.

Immediately, Li Yan's eyes lit up and he took a deep breath.

good to eat!

This is what Li Yan has eaten for a long time and really thinks it is delicious. Crabs can't compare!

"Luo, Kun, Di, you eat too!" Li Yan looked at the three of them.

He tore off three rabbit legs and handed them to the three!

Since there were only four of them, Li Yan didn't need to pretend like he didn't see anything like before.

The three were not polite to Li Yan, but Kun thought about it, returned his rabbit leg to Li Yan, and pointed to the place where the chili water was dipped.

This made Li Yan glance at Kun in surprise, but he tore off a large piece of rabbit meat dipped in chili water and handed it to Kun.


When the three of them ate their first bite of rabbit meat, they almost all had the same expressions as Li Yan, and their eyes were almost glowing.

Especially Kun.

He didn't know how to describe the taste, but the feeling of the spicy taste blooming on the tip of the tongue made Kun Re sweat, but at the same time, he felt that it was more delicious than anything he had ever eaten before.


A whole rabbit was quickly eaten up by Li Yan and the four of them.

The four of them drank a large bowl of fish soup respectively, and after burping, they left distracted and satisfied, ready to go back to sleep.

Li Yan didn't sleep directly.

He is used to it now, and sleeps after checking in every morning.

It's just that this evening, Li Yan always felt that the air was so oppressive and stuffy, and her chest seemed a little breathless.

Li Yan opened his eyes and listened to the snoring in his ears. He frowned, looked at the sky outside, and thought: Could it be raining?

While Li Yan was waiting, it finally ushered in the early morning of the second day.

"Congratulations to the host, the sign-in is successful! The current number of consecutive sign-in days: 13!" When Li Yan clicked on the number "13" on the illusory sign-in page, he immediately heard a systematic electronic synthesis sound in his mind.

"Go to sleep."

Li Yan closed his eyes.

The dark night is still extremely sultry!

Just when Li Yan was about to fall asleep in a daze, suddenly, a loud bang resounded throughout the entire earth tribe, awakening Li Yan who was not completely asleep.

He opened his eyes and immediately saw that, in the woods in the distance, a lightning bolt connecting the sky and the earth struck the ground vertically.

[The 4th update, a new January, I hope to have the support of readers with flowers, rewards, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets! ! ! 】

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