I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 77 Successful hunting! [5 more]

That eagle, in Li Yan's analysis, is definitely an excellent hunter.

When there are human beings, it will never shoot. For example, yesterday, the eagle suddenly launched a sneak attack after dark, when everyone was "going home", and hit it with one hit!


Let the tribal people watch here, the eagle obviously won't do it.

In other words, the essence of the cage trap is that it can take the initiative to control the opening and closing of the trap when no one is there.

Fortunately, Li Yan's status in the earth tribe is too lofty, and now there are only old people and men, and they haven't bathed yet.


Under Li Yan's compulsion, although many people wanted to see how Li Yan hunted eagles, they still followed Li Yan's instructions and went back to the wooden shed "Liu Jiu Qi" where he lived.

But when I went back, I went back. Almost all the clansmen secretly observed the movements here through the gaps between the wooden sheds.

Set up traps.

This is a very novel thing in the minds of most clansmen. After all, except for the ground cage, the other traps were placed outside the tribe.

The vast majority of women, children, and the elderly have no idea what the trap is about.

And now.

Li Yan wanted to set traps in the tribe to catch flying eagles. Every tribe member was full of curiosity.

Even the men who went out to hunt bowhorn deer with Li Yan's own eyes, such as Di and Kun, who had seen Li Yan set up rope traps, and pothole traps, were all very curious.

They know how to catch fish.

Catch rabbits, bowhorn deer, they have also seen how to do it.

Swimming in the water, running on the ground... Li Yan can be easily caught. So, what about flying in the sky?

As far as the current era of human beings is concerned, most tribes can't even catch fish, let alone birds of prey that fly in the sky.


This girl, Luo, caught a "small fish" weighing more than ten kilograms, but because Li Yan did not explain in advance, when the girl came back, she was carrying a dead fish.

Li Yan looked at it helplessly, and had to say again: "To live!

The snail stuck out his tongue, very cute, and thought to himself: It turns out that catching an eagle is a live fish!

This time it was faster than before, within a few minutes before and after, the snail rushed back excitedly, a small fish weighing seven or eight pounds!

Li Yan doesn't care about the size, as long as it's not so small that the eagle is not interested.

Taking the fish from Luo's hand, Li Yan told Luo to go back to the earthen house, and don't come out, otherwise, he won't be able to catch the eagle.

Hearing Li Yan's words, Luo's expression immediately became serious.

She hated the eagle that ate the rabbit now. If she couldn't catch the eagle because she ran around, she would definitely hate herself!

When the snail hid in the mud house, the entire earth tribe, except Li Yan, could not see a single person outside.

Li Yan didn't intend to waste time either. He used a vine to go directly through the gills of the little fish, and tied one end of the vine to a piece of wood. Finally, he inserted the piece of wood into the ground and put it on the ground. Under the huge birdcage that Jin had already arranged, he pulled a vine that was overlaid on a piece of wood and walked towards the earthen house.

"Shh. 35

As soon as he walked back to the earthen house, Li Yan made a mute gesture towards the little girl when he saw Luo, who was probably going to ask himself what to do next.

I don't know if the little girl understood, anyway, after a shush, the little girl did not speak.

Li Yan closed the wooden door, leaving only a gap, allowing him and Luo to see the situation outside, and also allowing him to pull the tree vines and make the bird cage collapse the moment he found out that the eagle was hooked.

Among the earth tribes, it became unprecedentedly quiet.

It seems that all the clan members have disappeared, but as long as you observe carefully, you will see a dozen men covered with weeds around the bird cage.

These men were specially arranged by Li Yan.

Although the eagle is not too big, it should have a certain possibility to overturn the bird cage and escape.

These men lay in ambush near the birdcage, motionless, and the eagles probably won't find them.

As long as the eagle is really hooked, the moment the eagle is covered by the birdcage, these dozen men will swarm up in an instant, lie on the birdcage, and use their physical strength to trap the eagle. At the same time, one of the men also Will follow Li Yan's instructions and kill the eagle with a bone spear!

Everything is ready, the next thing is to see if the eagle will not take the bait!

1 minute!

3 minutes!

10 minutes!

Soon, half an hour has passed

The earth tribe still did not make a sound. But in fact, many clansmen already felt that it was too difficult, but Li Yan did not come out, and they did not dare to make a move.

The little fish that was used as bait was no longer as happy as it was before.

Under such circumstances, another ten minutes passed, and finally, the eagle that had been at the top of the big tree moved.

During this period of time just now, this eagle has been observing the situation.

Although I don't know why in the daytime, all the humans of the Earth Tribe disappeared, but after such a long time, it is true that there is no movement.

As for that subtle movement, this was very common in ancient times.

The eagle saw the lively fish. Although it ate rabbits, the eagle obviously did not intend to let go of this free fish.

Poor it, I'm afraid I never dreamed that in this era, there would be human beings who would think of a trap to deal with it.


When it was determined that there was absolutely no danger, with a "chirp" sound, a sharp neigh came from the eagle's mouth, it stretched its wings, and its two-meter-wide wingspan made its body seem to have swelled several times in an instant. The airflow was turbulent, and it flew towards the cage trap.

"Successful 3.3?" Li Yan's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth drew a cruel smile.

The other tribesmen and the girl Luo had the same expressions, all of them gleaming, and they all showed expressions of anticipation.



It was not until this time that the children and women of the tribe knew how fast something like an eagle could fly.

a certain moment.

The eagle appeared in the cage and trap. As soon as it appeared, it immediately stretched out its eagle claws, grabbed the body of Xiaoxiaoyu, and pulled it hard, but found that it couldn't pull it away.

The Eagles had no time to think about why all this was.


With a "click", Li Yan pulled the vine fiercely, and suddenly, a piece of wood connected to the vine fell to the ground!

[The 5th update, there are 5 more, please subscribe, please reward, please monthly ticket! 】.

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