Su Qin's short sentence, five words.

fell on the ears of the surrounding people, and only felt like a thousand pounds.

In every previous war, what he said never fell short, and it will eventually come true.

Gao Yao, Yuexin witnessed the birth of the Dragon Explosion King Bakar Moka and was absolutely convinced of him.


When you look into the distance.

Endlessly, the tide of fierce beasts poured up, and it was inevitable that they would not feel terrifying.

Someone is swallowing down the throat.

In the world in front of the black eyes, there are fierce beasts with wings in the rolling black clouds, and the ground is surging with a hideous monster several feet tall!

Most of them are purple pupils, with black scales like steel, bone spurs on their backs, and some of the half-snake people with snake tails are armed with weapons such as poisonous forks.

Bang bang——!

With a deafening sound, the ground in front of the fierce beast group collapsed, and the ancient fierce beast that was hundreds of meters tall crawled out of it, exuding a terrifying aura.

At the same time, on the front of the city walls.

More than twenty ancient mechanical giants appeared, intertwining with the giant ship in the sky.

A tearing beast rushed out of the tide of fierce beasts, it was a quasi-god-level fierce beast, and its destructive power was particularly terrifying.

Its skull cracked, purple electricity filled the air, and a mass of energy matter was gathered.

Its power can knock down a huge ship directly.

Allowing it to accumulate energy will inevitably lead to serious consequences.

on the city walls.

Bai looked at Su Qin and saw that he nodded slightly.

With a joy in his heart, he said, "Okay, I'll go and destroy it!"

He leaped into the air and stepped out of the air.

With three more eight-star epic magic cards in his hand, the three-headed blue-eyed white dragon appeared almost at the same time, and the sacred white mangs even pierced the black clouds in the distance.

"Fusion!" Bai shouted.

The space around the three-headed blue-eyed white dragon was distorted, and the phantom shadows of the three dragon heads in the white mangs became more and more condensed.

Almost at the same time, the dark purple beam condensed by the tearing beast rushed out, with a diameter of dozens of zhang, faintly, tearing the space apart.

Just as it was about to hit a flagship, three beams of destruction streaked across the sky "220", scattering the purple beam.

The aftermath of the energy vibrates, and the air explodes, mixed with the sound of a sonic boom.

Su Qin was firmly in the center, witnessing the battle ahead, and sensing that the magic power in his body was rapidly recovering.

The Millennial Eye emerged from his right eye, and in an instant, he saw through the twisted beasts in the black clouds, and... A strange figure.

Two dark green serpents coiled around her, their tails churning in the black clouds, and her human-like figure could be faintly seen, with a pair of ghostly eyes, staring at herself at the same time.

There is no doubt that she is Venominaga, the viper god!

Su Qin swept across the battlefield with a thousand-year-old eye.

Most of the beasts are five-star, and only a few are eight-star.

In terms of conventional combat effectiveness, the Seventh Empire is on par with the fierce beasts, and has a terrain advantage.

What really determines the outcome of the war is the top combat power!

He calculated in his heart that the number of fierce beasts in the quasi-god realm was more than twenty, which showed that the viper god had made a bloody investment.

"Teacher Su..." Michelle wanted to speak and stopped, he wanted to go up to help Yu Bai.

"Hmm. "

Seeing Su Qin, he nodded his head.

Michelle didn't hesitate.

The holy light gathered from his body, and the divine blood boiled! A large white feather lingered around his body, and a pair of flawless white wings spread out!

An angel with a kind and compassionate face emerged from behind him.

He summoned three magic cards again.

Nilbas turned into the holy helmet he was wearing, the Angel of Wisdom turned into a golden halberd that he held in his hand, and the Angel of Power condensed into an armour that covered his entire left arm.

The angel's wings flapped, and he turned into a white comet, breaking through the sound barrier, and his gauntlets gathered multiple holy auras to repel the quasi-divine beast that tried to sneak up on Bai.

"Haha, it's just right!"

Michelle said solemnly: "Be careful. This time the enemy is dangerous. "

"With Teacher Su pressing the formation, what are you afraid of!" Bai was full of energy, and summoned the true red-eyed steel dragon again.

The war was intense from the start.

Among the magic card masters on the city wall, whether they belong to the Seventh Empire or the magic card civilization.

They were all amazed at the combat effectiveness shown by the two.

"The blue-eyed ultimate dragon is too strong, and it specializes in restraining these fierce beasts!"

"In terms of strength, Michelle is stronger, he has already awakened his talent. "

"No, such a big battle, I have to record it!"

"You don't need to record it, someone has been live for a long time, and I even heard that there are gods watching the battle in secret... Shhh "

"The Immortal King!

At the same time that the Immortal King Borodin appeared, the Guardian Knights of the Five Kings appeared almost together.

Once again, the dragon's groan rang out, and Disia harnessed the dragon army to participate in the melee.

"No, I'm going!" Gao Yao was eager to try, but couldn't bear it.

She summoned the New Universe of the Sky, the New Universe of the Earth, and the Storm New Universe Warrior who sacrificed the strength of the quasi-gods.

Although it was not a magic card created by Su Qin, because it was one of the strongest magic card decks from the super ancient times, it showed that its combat effectiveness was not weak at all.

Soldier against soldier, general against general.

Su Qin still sat here calmly, looking at the battlefield with a thousand-year-old eye.

In the rolling black clouds, the viper god Venominaga was also dormant, and she was more patient with Su Qin.

I didn't want to make the first move, but in the end I lost my backhand.

"Su Qin, she's testing our patience. Emily was beside Su Qin and spoke.

Su Qin nodded, a smile raised at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Do you know why I didn't make a move?"

"Because you're going to scare the Viper God, right?" she guessed curiously.

"Nope. Su Qin said lightly: "Because I don't have much magic power anymore, sitting here is purely recovering my magic power." That idiot thought I was confronting her. "

Su Qin added: "Don't laugh, keep a calm posture." "

"Hmm. Emily suppressed the urge to laugh.

On the other hand, this is obviously clever but is mistaken by cleverness.

A wave of horizontal pushing, with Su Qin's lack of magic power, he will definitely be at an absolute disadvantage.

"How much magic do you have now?" her voice was thin and magically isolated from anyone else. production." It's 60 percent, let's watch. ".

Filthy. "

The Great War continues.

The destruction dragon Gandora X appeared! It blooms with red light outside the spar, penetrating through the kilometer, 360 degrees without dead ends, and sweeps out regardless of whether it is the enemy or the enemy.

Bai and the others had already retreated.

More than 20 quasi-divine beasts, seeing the appearance of the destruction dragon, it was like seeing a nemesis!

However, they were pulled by the vortex it released, and several of them still failed to escape.

A red mushroom cloud rises.

The ground was blasted out of a deep pit with a diameter of more than 500 meters, and the deepest point was close to 100 meters, and buried in the soil and rocks were several fierce beasts that unfortunately failed to escape.

It's now!Disya's eyes lit up, and she shouted, "Activate the fetters and summon the Dragon Blaster!"

The air cracked and cracked.

Bakar, the Dragon Blaster, appears.

With its appearance, the earth, which had been blasted out of the pit, was covered with magma, and pillars of lava and fire rose into the sky.

Devouring the seriously injured quasi-divine beast, Bakar pulled out his palm, turning into pure elemental energy and pressing it towards a hundred-zhang fierce beast.

Powerful as a quasi-god beast, it was beaten alive.

It sent out another palm, beating several quasi-divine beasts to serious injuries.

Exists for just a few seconds.

Defeat the multi-headed quasi-divine beast in an instant.

And at this very moment.

Su Qin's voice reached the battlefield.

It reached the ears of Disya, Bai, Michelle, Gao Yao, and Miria.

"Come back. "

After hearing this, the five people did not hesitate, and decisively turned around and withdrew, completely ignoring the obstruction of the fierce beast.

They all returned to the city walls.

"Whew. "

After a big battle, everyone was also a little tired.

When you look behind you again.

Shocked to discover, the viper god Venominaga is coming!

The black clouds formed a whirlpool, spreading over an area of dozens of kilometers, and the thunder flashed, and a snake tail could be seen twisting in the black clouds...

It is more than 300 meters long, and if it were not for the snake scales, it would even be mistaken for a dragon churning clouds.

In the center of the whirlpool, a strange wind rolled up.

Dozens of quasi-divine beasts that were still alive let out a whining sound, trying to break free but to no avail, and were finally swept up by the whirlpool.

Soon, there was a terrible sound of gnawing alive in the whirlpool!

The sizzle of bones shattering and flesh spraying.

Listening to Di Siya, Gao Yao and a few others had a chill in their backs!

Fortunately, I listened to Su Qin's words.

Otherwise, it would be too late to escape, and he could only be swept away by the strange wind, and he would be eaten alive and finally devoured like the fierce beast.

"She's coming!" Emily shook her hands.

The Seventh Empire has always been an enemy, a nightmarish existence.

She's going to really be in front of the world.

The neighing of the snake loomed, and the strange moan of the woman rang out.

A pair of pupils emitted a dark purple light, flickering in the vortex.

The tail of the huge snake's body was withdrawn, and it writhed and landed on the ground, smashing out a deep ravine!

Followed by.

The viper god Venominaga has finally appeared in front of people's eyes!

Its body was 100 meters high, like an ancient god, its arms turned into giant snakes, its fangs glowing with black light, and the poisonous mist was filled.

The charming woman and the snake merge together, and there is weirdness everywhere.

It wears dark gold jewelry around its neck, engraved with quaint characters, and the dark kyanite seems to imprison thousands of resentful souls, making a wailing sound.

When some people looked at her face, in an instant, their spirits were in a trance... Someone is holding their head in pain, feeling that their brains are about to swell and burst!

Su Qin stared at her true face.

Every strand of hair on the top of his head turned into a black snake, writhing on his head, wearing gold jewelry on his forehead, and a pair of dark purple pupils faintly blooming red!

She has no nose, no mouth, no ears, and her face is smooth and increasingly weird.

One of the thousands of black snakes laughed, and the other spoke human language.

"Little Brother Su Qin, why do you want to walk with these weak people, why don't you go with me... Happily ever after, carefree, how happy?"

Hearing her words, Su Qin was furious.

I couldn't help but say.

"Don't you have a point in your heart? Don't look in the mirror to see if you look like you. "

Emily snickered.

I didn't expect Su Qin to be provoked.

"I'm not like this, I'm not like this, it's all because of you thieves and thieves! Give me back a thousand thousand eyes!!" she roared, and thousands of black snakes on her head hissed at the same time.

The person who stabbed covered his ears and still felt a sharp pain.

"Go. She spat out a cloud of inky black venom.

Flying thousands of meters into the air, it burst into a corrosive mist, corroding a giant flagship into black rain that poured down on the ground!

The shrill and shrill sound was incessant.

Gao Yao covered her ears with both hands.

said: "Senior, is what she said true?"

"Hmph. The Empress snorted, her first expression of disdain. . .

"The growth of every fierce god is disgusting, a male snake, transformed into a woman... Forget it, you won't want to know what disgusting things she's done. "

Imagine her feeling unappetizing.

"This—" Gao Yao shuddered.

It's hard to imagine that picture.

In the distance, the shrill voice of the viper god Venominaga weakened.

"When I get the artifact back, I'll love you well... Wandering on the border between extreme pain and pleasure, tormenting to death. "

"Su Qin, what can you do? With your eight-star strength, how can you be my enemy! I have recovered the strength of a nine-star true god!"

The serpent in her arms writhed, her tail whipping the earth, and the sonic boom hissed!

The thunder lingered around her, mixed with the poisonous mist, and it actually formed a simple javelin, which was full of divine power and terrifying.

"Hell, we don't have a chance to make a move. An eight-star magic card master muttered, just looking at the viper god in front of him, he was already scared.

Almost all of them subconsciously looked at Su Qin.

He is the only one who can be the enemy of the Viper God here.

Su Qin opened his mouth and said, "The enemies I have destroyed have various reasons, but you are the only one who wants to be wiped out because of disgust. "

"Hehe, then I have to love you even more. A crack in her cheek led to a forked snake tongue.

"You don't have a chance, and you never will. "

At this moment, Su Qin slowly raised his hand.

In his hands, he holds five golden epic magic cards!

Emily, Disya, Gao Yao, and Yuexin were surprised.

It turned out to be it, shouldn't it be the Dragon Exploding King Bakar?

Su Qin said in a loud voice: "What I want to summon is - Axzodia!"

The many magic card masters on the city wall, as well as the warriors, heard this familiar five-character name, and they felt like they were electrified by their souls!

Get one’s dander up!

It's the Archmage of Darkness!

"Come out. "

Five epic magic cards flew out of Su Qin's hand, and they turned into a black ball of light and landed in five open spaces on the towering city wall.

The magic array emerged, and five giant ancient stone slabs rose.

They seal the left and right hands, left and right legs, and torso of the dark archmage Axzodia!

Disya didn't blink, for fear of missing the wonderful moment.

It's a rare opportunity to see the Dark Archmage appear.

Outside the city walls.

Viper God Venominaga had a twisted smile on his face.

"Dark Archmage Axzodia is indeed very powerful, but as a god, its strength will never surpass me!"

Five clouds of dark energy flew out of the five boulder versions, and they fell directly in front of the east city wall one after another.

A six-pointed star magic array with a diameter of 100 meters emerged.

Thousands of Flames Ignite and Beat!

The white pillar of light rose from the magic array to the sky, and faintly, the outline of the ancient and powerful back appeared in front of Su Qin and the others.

The dark archmage Axzodia appears.

Black chains imprison its left and right arms, left and right feet, neck and other positions.

The five megaliths on the city wall, ten chains of heaven bound his left and right wrists and left and right ankles.

"Axzodia, attack!" Su Qin said in a loud voice.

Accompanied by Su Qin's command.

"Snort. "

It spewed white smoke between its teeth, laughing at it.


Its left and right wrists exert force, and the black shackles 5.5 chains shatter.

Then the legs, and the neck, the black chains shattered into debris and smashed to the ground.

Axzodia stepped out of her right leg and stomped several beasts under her feet.

Its eyes were dark red, and its right fist ignited with flames, and the air flow was compressed and collapsed, hitting the viper god's abdomen.

It seems to be a simple attack, but it contains the power to destroy the withering and decaying.

"Ugh. Venominaga let out a dull roar, blood dripping from the corners of his eyes, and a shockwave sparked from his back, killing a large number of beasts.

It can be seen that the power of this blow is powerful.

With divine blood hanging from the corners of her eyes, her face became more and more strange, and her huge snake tail swept up a large cloud of dust and wrapped around Axzodia.

The small black snake let out a piercing laugh, and the two-armed serpent opened its jaws, its fangs piercing into its neck and right arm.

The viper's pupils glow purple and black, absorbing the energy that devours its right arm and neck...

In the blink of an eye.

Axzodia's right arm lost its luster and turned into a puddle of yellow sand, which fell to the ground.

"Oh no," Emily exclaimed.

"Teacher Su!"

Disya looked at him, and saw that his face did not change, and it was clear that everything was under control.

It was also relieved.


She witnessed the battle between the two god-level statues in front of her.

The serpent god Venominagar's snake body completely entangled Axzodia, devouring all the energy of his arm.

To make matters worse, the other head was bitten on its neck.

For God, too, this is quite dangerous.

"Su Qin, you're going to lose!" the black snake above the head of the viper god Venominaga let out a sharp whistling.

"Stupid and unaware. "

Su Qin sneered and said, "Thank you for temporarily lifting the Heavenly Chain Seal of Axzodia!"


Viper god Venomi Naga chuckled in his heart.



PS: I originally wanted to write it and send it again, but I saw more than 5,000 words. emm first [2/4]_

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