Li Teng laughed angrily, he clenched the quaint scepter, and said with coldness in his voice: "Sure enough, he is a teacher, and he has sharp teeth." Beware of the trouble, there are some people you can't offend!"

Li Feng, the young man beside him, echoed: "That's right, dare to offend us!

"The bruise on his face hasn't gone away, dragging an old guy who has a hard time walking, do you think you can do it again?" Su Qin raised his eyebrows, and his disdain couldn't be more obvious.

"You, you... Hiss. Li Feng felt a pain in his face and couldn't help but bared his teeth.

See here.

Li Teng's anger in his heart was even worse.

He held the ancient scepter tightly in his right hand, and the faint evil aura permeated his body, and the people around him shivered, feeling that Li Teng's aura was countless times more terrifying.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a terrifying figure.

Li Teng shouted angrily: "Okay, since that's the case, then let the strength speak! Two wins in three games, the winner not only has to get all four pseudo-artifacts, but I also have to add a bet, you kneel down and apologize to me!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar.

It is a great shame to kneel down and apologize, especially since several parties are people with heads and faces, and the strength of the forces behind them is strong.

Such a bet is tantamount to tearing your face, which is really irrational.

Su Qin suddenly became solemn, he faintly felt that this Li Teng's state was wrong, he was too irritable, and this bet was not like what a person who had lived for a thousand years could make!

It wasn't just him who noticed the difference, but someone else.

Gao Yao whispered: "Senior, how do I think that person makes me a little uneasy. "

"Xiao Yaoyao, you're right. The man had the wrath of the beast in his body, and there were more than one. "The Empress is extremely dignified.

"Fierce beast!" Gao Yao suddenly realized, no wonder he felt uneasy.

She had been on the run from the Netherworld for several years, and was very sensitive to the presence of the aura of fierce beasts.

"Then what should I do with this bet?" Gao Yao was a little worried, the fierce beast resentful soul that could reside in the human body must be a terrifying existence in ancient times.

"With Su Qin's strength, plus two thousand-year-old artifacts, it's not a big problem. The Empress said lightly.


She breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing this challenge from Li Teng.

Su Qin snorted mockingly.

"I'm afraid you're not dreaming, the four pseudo-artifacts are ours, why should I bet with you! Unless you can come up with something of equal value, I doubt it, do you have it?"

When a word was spoken, Di Siya, Bai, and Gao Yao were suddenly stunned.

Yes, things are theirs, so why gamble? At least it should be fair.

Li Teng's hand clenching the ancient scepter was trembling, and it became more and more difficult to restrain his emotions.

He said angrily, "Okay, then I'll bet on this artifact." Two wins in three games, you and me, the loser kneels!"

With that, he raised the ancient scepter in his hand, which exuded an evil luster, and was a real artifact.

"It's ok. So be it. Su Qin said lightly, becoming more and more sure in his heart, this Li Teng's mind was probably eroded by this evil artifact.

All that's needed next is the duel location.

Naturally, this is not the case at the entrance of the palace, where there is a large number of housing and civilians, and fighting here is bound to cause a large number of indigenous casualties.

If you make such a big mistake publicly, there is a high probability that you will be sanctioned by the state, and you will be forever banned from stepping into the Netherworld for a hundred years in prison.

This is, on the top of the Joan Tower of the city wall, Empress-Emily spoke: "Ladies and gentlemen, there is a wide enough area outside the southern city to suffice. "

Su Qin looked up at the empress and saw that she had bright teeth and bright eyes, ice muscles and jade bones, dressed in luxurious clothes, graceful and noble, and there was no lack of feminine softness, she could be called a beauty with a score of 98.

The two looked at each other, and seeing her nodding slightly to herself, Su Qin also nodded politely.

The blue-eyed white dragon and the ice dragon were summoned, and everyone jumped on the dragon's back and went outside the southern city.

And Li Teng and the others also summoned the flying machine of the mechanical clan, turned into a streamer and went to the outside of the southern city.

Emily, the Empress of the Seventh Empire, was also surrounded by a group of guards, and arrived at the majestic walls of the southern city, watching the crowds facing each other on the walls not far away.

Life Science VS Dragon's Blood Family + Qinggu Academy.

For the people of Ghent, this is also a rare occurrence.

The people of the Moka civilization gathered towards the southern city wall to watch this duel.

"Two wins in three games, the bets and artifacts, incredible. "

"I've heard of Su Qin's name for a long time, and today I just took a look to see if it was as powerful as in the video and legend!"

"The probability of Su Qin appearing is not very high, although he is not very old, but he is indeed an elder in terms of status. "

The sound of the crowd talking aroused the curiosity of the Empress Emily.

This young man, named Su Qin, seems to be very famous in the Moka Civilization.

Su Qin and the other four are in the east, and Li Teng and the others are in the west.

The two sides are like fire and water.

Needless to say, the next thing to do is the showdown.

Li Teng patted Li Feng, who had a blue nose and swollen face, and secretly gave him a card.


"In the first game, let Li Feng go. If you lose, you can get the field back. "

Although Li Feng's nose is blue and his face is swollen, his strength is also an eight-star first order, although he has just broken through, Mo Kado is still a seven-star and tenth-order

But after all, it was an eight-star magic card master.

Li Teng squinted, staring at Su Qin as he spoke, and said in a strange manner: "How about it, does Teacher Su want to come out to fight with me, a junior who is not angry." "

"To deal with this kind of junior, I'll come. Bai stood up, his demeanor was in stark contrast to Li Feng, who had a blue nose and swollen face.

Li Feng was so angry that he had a toothache, and said angrily: "You are also worthy of calling me junior, Bai, don't be too proud." "

When he had said that, he leaped to his feet and landed at a distance from the city wall.

The strength is not weak, the eyesight is extremely strong, and the distance does not affect the effect of viewing.

"Go ahead. Su Qin patted him on the shoulder and said, "At the critical moment, I can help you." "

"Hey, then I'm relieved!"

White self-confidence.

He came to Li Feng, and the two were a hundred meters apart.

Not so long ago, a battle broke out between the two, and it was Bai who won.

"White, this time, the result will be very different. Li Feng pinched a dark magic card and looked down, the smile on his face was a little weird.

"Let's get started, don't waste time. Bai said calmly.

"It's really arrogant, tsk, it's really the descendant of the dragon blood family. "

Li Feng no longer has any procrastination.

Throw out two magic cards in your hand, and at the same time, summon the natal magic card!

Three pillars of blue light fell from the sky, the diameter of the pillars of light was enough for tens of meters, and three giant biochemical transformation mecha appeared in front of people's eyes.

They are a mechanical ape, a mechanical bear, and a mechanical warrior.

They are the iconic magic cards of life technology, which are combined by powerful creatures and machines, and their combat effectiveness is very strong, and they belong to the first-line magic cards in the same quality.

Shiro stopped talking.

The two Seven-Star and Tenth-Order Legendary Demon Cards in his hand were played, and at the same time, he summoned the Natal Demon Card - the blue-eyed white dragon!

Accompanied by a high-pitched dragon roar, two holy blue-eyed white dragons and a true red-eyed black dragon appeared on this land.

Just before the battle was about to break out.

Li Feng smiled evilly: "Very good, Bai, I'll give you another surprise! Hey, the eight-star magic card master can summon four magic cards." "

After that, he raised the magic card in his hand and shouted sharply: "Come out, give them some little surprises!"

The vibrant meadow was suddenly corrupted and turned into a large black slime.

And in this black slime, a giant magic stone rose out, its height was tens of meters, and the black current in the magic stone was surging, and the demonic energy was surging.

"The Corrupt Demon Stone is a quasi-epic magic card, release the skill-infected!Infection Transformation Crazy Ape, Transformation Thunder Bear, Transformation Giant Warrior!"

The corrupted stone condensed three clouds of slime and threw them at the three-headed monster.

The corrosive slime seeped into the machinery, into the flesh, and they let out a painful roar... Until tens of seconds have passed.

The Transformation of the Wild Ape, the Transformation of the Explosive Thunder Bear, and the Transformation of the Giant Warrior have been transformed into infected beings, and there is no spiritual brilliance in their eyes, but they are all empty and a little crazy.

As they were corroded, their strength jumped to the eight-star first order, and their combat effectiveness increased in a straight line!

It's just that...... Such a scene falls in the eyes of some people, but they feel uncomfortable.

Empress-Emily knows the Corrupted Stone, which also exists in this world, and every time it appears, it causes a lot of casualties to the Empire.

Its ability is to hatch a large number of low-level beasts, impact human cities, and even infect many powerful beings. Both biological and mechanical beings can be infected.

"White is in danger. Disya murmured.

It's just that the number of enemies is large, and a quasi-epic quality appears, and the other three have also become eight-star first-order strength.

"Attack!" Bai did not hesitate to give the order: "Destroy the corrupted magic stone first!"

The two blue-eyed white dragons condensed light bullets from their mouths, and the pair of dragon claws of the true red-eyed black dragon fell, and the crimson energy beams bound the three corrupted enemies.

Bang bang——!

Two dazzling beams of light shot at the Corrupted Stone, striking its shell, and the blazing light illuminated the Corrupted Stone, accompanied by a cracking sound.

The corrupted magic stone that was standing was completely shattered, and a large pool of black sewage poured to the ground.


Bai frowned, he felt unusual.

Eight-star quasi-epic enemies shouldn't be easily defeated.

looked at Li Feng again, but saw him smile a little smugly.

He pointed to the true red-eyed black dragon.

"Infected with a real red-eyed black dragon!"

The black slime on the ground gathered into a cloud and turned into a black poisonous dragon, which was like a black arrow hitting the body of the true red-eyed black dragon.

Countless microorganisms penetrated its dragon scales and eroded its body, and the body of the true red-eyed black dragon was distorted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body gave birth to pustules, bone spurs grew, and even mutated hands and claws grew, and its strength was also raised to the eight-star quasi-epic quality.

"Shiro, you've been fooled! When shattered, the Corrupted Magic Stone will become a myriad of bacteria and viruses, and they can infect an enemy. "

"What. Bai Xin was shocked, he had never heard of this kind of magic card in life technology, it was really too weird, and it was extremely powerful.

"White, now your true red-eyed black dragon is mine. Li Feng raised his head arrogantly and said: "Seven stars are enemies of my eight-star magic card master, today I will leave you a memory that will never be forgotten!"

The smile on his face grew rampant.

Bai Xi was angry, but he was very panicked in his heart, this was the first time he had encountered this kind of situation.

Although the blue-eyed white dragon is strong, it is a seven-star and tenth-order after all, how can it defeat four eight-star enemies?

on the city walls.

Gao Yao's face was ugly, did she have to lose the first game?

The Empress's voice came from her head.

"Xiao Yaoyao, he uses an ancient magic card, once it is contaminated, it will erode his mind. Although the strength is strong, people will gradually become corrupted into fierce beasts!"

"Hmm. Gao Yao nodded, there was nothing he could do about it.

She had seen many people shaking their heads, and it was clear that the defeat was decided.

"Teacher Su, what should I do?" she looked up at Su Qin, but saw that he was still calm, as if the situation in front of him was still under control.

"How about this confident Mr. Su, it seems that the probability of us winning the first game is ninety percent, haha!" Li Teng laughed wildly.

Even Empress Emily looked at Su Qin, not knowing how he would react.

Su Qin still remained calm and said calmly: "The winning rate of nine out of nine, what is the difference between rounding up and sending to death in my case." "

He didn't deliberately raise his voice, but the absolute confidence in his tone made people feel a little trusting.

"But..."Emily was puzzled, how could such a situation be reversed? She herself was also a powerful magic card master, otherwise she would not have become the queen of a country.

But she couldn't see how to defeat a strong enemy.

"To defeat them, one magic card is enough. A light flashed in Su Qin's hand, and a seven-star tenth-order demon card blue-eyed white dragon appeared.

"Blue-eyed white dragon?" Li Teng, who was still a little worried, suddenly relieved his mind after seeing this magic card.

Snorted coldly: "I'll see if you continue to pretend, how can you reverse the situation with just one white dragon!" Let me tell you another secret, the real red-eyed black dragon is present and also occupies a white magic card mark, he can't summon a third magic card!"

"You'll see. After Su Qin finished speaking, he shouted: "Bai, catch this magic card!"

The magic card in his hand turned into a white light and flew into Bai's hand.

After Bai caught the blue-eyed white dragon, his eyes were full of confusion.

"Blue-eyed white dragon, Mr. Su, what does this mean?"

On the city wall, Disya was equally confused, not understanding what Su Qin meant.

"No matter!"

Bai gritted his teeth, since it was given to him by Mr. Su, it was useless.

He absolutely trusted Su Qin.

"Activate the magic card-thousand-year block!" Bai raised his hand and shouted, a special magic card appeared in the center of his eyebrows, imprinted with the artifact-thousand-year block.

"After the Millennium Building Block appears, I can summon an additional Natal Demon Card, come out, Blue-Eyed White Dragon!"

"Magic card!?"

Li Feng was stunned, there was still this kind of magic card, and its ability was even more incredible.

Accompanied by a holy white light, the blue-eyed white dragon appeared!

A three-headed blue-eyed white dragon appeared at the scene.

"Well, even if that's the case, what can it be. The three-headed blue-eyed white dragon is no match for me!" Li Feng said.

Bai Ran ignored him, and instead looked at Su Qin.

On the surface, it is a duel between the two, but in fact, the key to determining the outcome is Su Qin himself!

"Bai, follow me, fuse!" Su Qin said.

Li Teng snorted, "Huh." It's just a matter of delaying time. "

Until the next second.

"Fusion!" Bai followed Su Qin to read out these two words.

At the same time.

The three-headed blue-eyed white dragon suddenly burst out with blazing white rays in its body, and the white rays were intertwined, and its dazzling light even made many people unable to open their eyes.

In the dazzling light, the figures of the three-headed blue-eyed white dragon were twisted and fused together, and the dragon roared loudly through the heavens and the earth!

The holy white dragon spread its wings and levitated in front of everyone's eyes.

It has three dragon heads, each of which is stamped with a dragon mark on the center of the eyebrows. Its aura has broken through to eight stars, and even reached the quality of epic.

"This is the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon!" his eyes did not take his eyes off, and his heart shook.

"Turned into one?" Li Feng was stunned, the light of the three-headed white dragon in front of him was too dazzling.

on the city walls.

Empress Emily subconsciously looked at Su Qin and secretly thought, "All this is under his control." "

Li Teng clenched the scepter in his hand, and a turbulent wave set off in his heart.

He is also a card builder, and he understands the power of such a magic card, and also knows the difficulty of its construction.

With Su Qin's strength as a seven-star card builder, how could he create such a powerful magic card!

"It must be Qinggu Academy, Qinggu Academy helped him cheat!" Li Teng gritted his teeth.

It was different from the surprise of everyone.

Disya was a little surprised, but she was thinking more about something else.

recalled the white dragon that snatched his thousand-year-old artifact.

"Three heads, the white dragon... That dragon is also three-headed. She looked at Su Qin with small eyes, and couldn't help but have some doubts: "That sacred dragon, it shouldn't be Teacher Su's!"

"What do you think, watch the duel, it will be beneficial for you in the future. Su Qin's hand tapped on the door of her head.

"Oh. Disya's thinking was interrupted, she rubbed her forehead that was a little painful, glanced at Su Qin complainingly, and then looked at the duel.

The three dragons of the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon unleashed a beam of destruction at the same time, and the beam staggered and corroded the true red-eyed black dragon, and slammed into the three corrupted creatures.

The already super-first-level combat power, coupled with the suppression of attributes, the three-headed hatching and transforming creatures were killed in seconds!

"Li Feng, the blue-eyed ultimate dragon restrains the evil existence, you are doomed. Bai Leng said in a cold voice.

"Not necessarily!"

Li Feng shouted loudly.

"Corrupt the magic stone, give up the true red-eyed black dragon, corrupt and erode the blue-eyed ultimate dragon!"

The countless bacteria and viruses in the body of the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon suddenly rushed out, turning into a black arrow again, and instantly sticking to the True Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon.

"Haha, your Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon is mine!" Li Feng's smile gradually disappeared, and he saw that the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon was not eroded at all.

"You're thinking too much. "

The corners of his mouth raised into a smile.

"The magic card constructed by Teacher Su, how can it be so simple. The Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon possesses the purest divine light, and it is impossible for your Corrosive Magic Stone to erode it!"

"Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon, put an end to it. "

The loud roar of the dragon sounded again.

The blue-eyed Ultimate Dragon's body emitted a holy light, and the sewage that corroded the magic stone was naturally restrained, turning into wisps of green smoke and disappearing into the air.

A few seconds later.

Only the Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon was left on the battlefield, spreading its wings and levitating in the air, flickering like a small sun.

The victory or defeat was self-evident, Li Feng suddenly felt that his vitality was exhausted, his whole body froze, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

Seeing this, Gao Yao was puzzled: "Senior, what's going on?"

"Where there is power without a price, this is the price of using evil magic cards. Unless the victory drains the enemy's vitality, it will be counterattacked. The empress said lightly, this kind of price is already light, and she has seen the heavy death on the spot.

"That's right. Gao Yao muttered: "But why doesn't Teacher Su's magic card have a price?"

The empress narrowed her eyes and was stopped by Gao Yao's words.

"Poof. Gao Yao snickered, showing a simple smile and said, "It turns out that there are also phenomena that cannot be explained by predecessors." "

"He's, he's very human. "

After that, the empress no longer showed up.

The first battle is over.

Win with white.

However, the eyes of countless people converged on Su Qin.

Several magic card masters sighed.

"The peerless genius card builder of Qinggu Academy really lives up to his reputation. "

"There is no vanity under the fame. "



PS: Update. 5.8K word count. I won't note it later.,Just say it after the update every day.。

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