At this time, Fang Yu could hear the voice from Duanmu Xinyue.

This woman had always felt that Long Xia men were waste.

But now...

Fang Yu's appearance made her frightened and made her lifelong faith collapse!

She had to admit that Fang Yu was much stronger than her fiancé Rams!

Even if it is an SS-level professional Rams, compared with Fang Yu, it is not a grade at all...

And she, an SS-level hell puppeteer, is also not worth mentioning in front of Fang Yu!

Fang Yu felt it.

This woman has a Mu Qiang mentality, and now at this time, this Duanmu Xinyue seems to have a mood of worship for him, as well as a kind of submission!

However, Fang Yu was not interested in this woman.

Who would want a rotten product?

There were many other geniuses in the field who fell into eternal fear, but none of these people, Fang Yu planned to stay.

At this time -

I saw that in the soul projection screen, Luth Burton and other top powerhouses trapped in the River Styx had begun to trade demons with demon dice.

They kept throwing continuously.

There are constantly legendary and even mythical-level equipment and skill books, which are deprived of by the demon dice and transferred to Fang Yu's mirror world.

But at the same time, there are still many strong people, taking this opportunity, they are almost about to escape the range of the Styx.


"He seems to have only six more dice, and it takes time for the dice to kill... We can escape! "

"Relying on these waste water ghosts, you still want to kill me? Dream! "

Including Duanmuhong, the powerhouses of the Shao Bolton family were all sneering.

For the trapped Luth Bolton ... They had no intention of rescuing it.

Because they don't know how to save it!

Don't put yourself in it all then.

However, just when Duanmu Hong and they were about to reach the surface of the Styx River by cutting through thorns and killing water ghosts all the way.

Suddenly, five thunderous and swift electric light sword qi instantly swept down from the top 16!

Those five electric sword qi, like thunder, instantly bloomed in the audience!

"What the hell?"

"This skill is a level 150 skill!"

"How is that possible? Could it be that there is an ambush by a top Longxia powerhouse here? "

The faces of a group of strong men of the Bolton family changed drastically.

The rapid attack of electric light sword qi penetrated the chest of one of them almost instantly, and then, the electric light flashed, exploded, and directly exploded his figure to smithereens!

Without any reaction, that sword qi came too quickly! Too powerful!

The Burton family powerhouse who struggled in the River Styx and used many skills to kill the water ghost was actually killed in an instant.

The blood of the corpse was still wrapped around the thunder light, and it exploded in this River Styx!

Seeing this scene, Duanmu Hong's face became extremely ugly, her eyes were red, and she looked up at the edge of the River Styx...

I saw a familiar black-robed figure slowly entering this Styx region from the deep sea outside.

"How is that possible? Yu Zheng? You're not dead..."

Duanmu Hong's face changed drastically.

But soon, she and everyone else saw that the black-robed Yu Zheng who appeared in front of them was not the living Yu Zheng.


Yu Zheng whose head turned into a skull!

On his black robe side, five thunder sword lights surrounded, this is the SS-level class, the five thunder sword gods! And it is the Five Thunder Sword God that has developed to the extreme!

His combat power is comparable to that of Luz Burton.

But it is much stronger than the other Burton family here.

Luce Burton and several of the strongest were forced to trade by the demon dice.

Other words......

Now that Skeleton Yu is appearing here, there is simply no one who can stop his killing!

Today, the Bolton family can't escape alone!

And when Skeleton Yu appeared in that projection screen, the world once again fell into a boil.

"Isn't that Yu Zheng, who started civil strife a few days ago and wanted to kill Fang Yu?"

"Can you still move when you turn into a skull?"

"This must have become Fang Yu's puppet, right? Or has it become a puppet of other Longxia powerhouses? "

"Anyway, this skeleton Yu Zheng is also too fierce!"

"In the past, I was the top powerhouse who challenged the third place in the global abyss, so it's normal to have this combat power, right?"

"But he's already dead, and he died so violently, is this normal?"

After seeing this scene, countless people around the world were shocked and exclaimed!

Just appeared, one sword to kill a Burton family powerhouse!

Then with one move of the Five Thunder God Sword, he suppressed the other two Burton family powerhouses again, penetrating the head of one of them, and the chest of the other, the thunder light exploded, and two more corpses were added to this Styx!

Five Thunder Sword Hell!

The next moment.

I saw that the skeleton Yu Zheng flicked the long sword in his hand, and a sword qi prison burst out, surrounding the old woman Duanmuhong who still wanted to escape on the side.

Countless thunder sword qi surrounded, shrouding Duanmu Red!

Duanmuhong kept releasing his skills, throwing out the magic scroll, wanting to break through the thunder cage, but how could he be so fast?

Wait until the durability of those Five Thunder Sword Hells is still half of it.

Skeleton Yu Zheng has already killed all the Burton family powerhouses around who want to escape!

In the end, there is only one Duanmu Hong.

Imprisoned in the Thunder Sword Qi cage, he looked at Yu Zheng with an extremely ugly face.

This scene set off a monstrous wave in Longxia Country!

"I wipe, why did he keep that old woman?"

"That old woman seems to be of Chinese descent?" Did you tell me who she was? "

"I know! I just checked, that old guy is called Duanmuhong, and he is a special wanted criminal on our Longxia wanted list! "

"Shhh! Duanmu Hong? My father told me that this person seems to have betrayed Long Xia twenty years ago and caused something big to happen in the Ninth Otherworld, right? "

"Originally, our Longxia Kingdom, there should still be a top powerhouse, that is, Yu Zheng's wife, who is said to be an SS-level Heavenly Fire Mage, who was a thief back then!"

"It was because of that incident that the Heavenly Fire Mage also went into seclusion directly..."

"This Duanmu Hong, who killed more than 100,000 of our Longxia soldiers back then, actually eats and drinks well in the Bolton family?"

"No wonder Fang Yu wants to make a move against the Burton family, it should be because of this guy, right?"

"My grandma knows the inside story! She said that this Duanmu Hong used to like Yu Zheng, but Yu Zheng liked the other one, so this Duanmuhong became angry and betrayed us Longxia..."

"Meaning, this Duanmuhong and Yu Zheng belong to the meeting of the wrong family?"

"Our Long Xia actually many people want to kill Duanmuhong, but there is an otherworld containment, there is not so much time to set up a careful plan, not to mention that old thing is hiding in Bolton Castle, it is really difficult to kill..."

"I didn't expect to be served by Fang Yu today, it's really happy! Fang Yu is always dripping God! "

In the Longxia Kingdom, countless people paid attention.

In particular, many people who knew about that incident back then, even the parties involved!

Outside the imperial capital.

In the middle of nowhere.

Lin Junjun looked at the soul projection screen broadcast on the TV screen...

In the River Styx, the person she wants to kill the most in her life, Duanmuhong, is now trapped in the River Styx, trapped by Yu Zheng, who has become a skeleton!

"Old immortal..."

Lin Junjun burst into tears.

She never expected that she would still see Yu Zheng in her life.

Before she thought this old guy was dead.

But now it seems...

Yu Zheng's combat power was completely retained, and this terrifying ability came from Fang Yu, this magical and strange young man!

The most important thing was that Fang Yu actually dragged the entire Bolton Castle into the River Styx.

This big deal shocked the world!

In fact, Lin Junjun has always known where Duanmuhong is, but the Bolton Castle, where the Bolton family is located, let alone her, even if the elders of Longxia come out, it is difficult to break it in a short time.

And once it drags on for too long, the other powerhouses of the North American Empire will come to the rescue.

Therefore, if you want to kill Duanmuhong, it is extremely difficult!

This is why Long Xia Guo has not made a move.

But now, Fang Yu, did it!

The current Duanmu Hong, now the entire Bolton family, has been completely besieged by Fang Yu, in that Styx, waiting for death! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Duanmuhong, who was imprisoned by the thunder sword qi in the picture, suddenly smiled.


This old woman looked at the skeleton Yu Zheng and sneered: "Yu Zheng! You old guy, you're really dizzy! If you had chosen me back then, you wouldn't have been dead, hahahaha! Now even you yourself have become this person who is not a person, a ghost or a ghost, ridiculous! "

"If you think too much, it will be you."

At this moment, a tall woman in a black dress appeared in this Styx.

She is noble and elegant, with cold eyes and a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, it is Yu Susu, that is, Fang Yu's copper mirror mirror spirit fan!

She looked at Duanmuhong with a smile: "Why, didn't you realize that you will die?" Don't you think your granddaughter can still live? "

"You... You're alive? "

This scene made that Duanmu Hong's eyes widen: "Weren't you dealt with with this old ghost?" "

"You're a ghost."

Ah Mi glanced at her: "Grandpa is wrong." He thought that Fang Yu would threaten Long Xia, but in fact, Fang Yu was Long Xia's future hope! "

"Grandpa has two long-cherished wishes in his life, one is that Long Xia is getting stronger and stronger, and the other is to blade you thief traitor."

"These two long-cherished wishes, Fang Yu will do it for him! Now he is dead and a ghost, but this is of his own free will! "

The voice fell.

Skeleton Yuzheng, moved.

Thunder sword qi, in this River Styx, passed through in an instant.

A sword penetrated the left leg of that Mu Hong, and the thunder light burst!


Duanmu Hong was in the cage, unable to dodge at all, the entire left leg exploded and cracked in an instant, and the scarlet was pervasive!

Her face became extremely hideous and ugly.

"This sword is the heroic soul of the 120,000 warriors of the Ninth Legion of Longxia twenty years ago!"

Yu Susu's cold words, through the picture projected by the soul, resounded all over the world!

Then, the second sword.

Skeleton Yu 713 was wielding sword qi, and the thunder light sword qi exploded, instantly shattering Duanmu Hong's left arm!

"This sword is for the relatives of 120,000 warriors!"

Another sword, blowing up Duanmu Hong's right leg!

"This sword, for my father and two uncles!"

The fourth sword, Duanmu Hong's right arm turned into powder!

"This sword, for myself!"

At this point, that Duanmu Hong's limbs exploded, and the whole person had turned into a bloody man!

But her level is high, and her physique attributes are not weak, so she is not dead yet!

Her face was pale due to a large amount of blood loss, and watching Skeleton Yu Zheng sword after sword at her made her completely mentally collapse.

In particular, looking at Yu Susu in this Styx, her noble and dignified appearance made her think of her granddaughter...

Now Duanmu Xinyue is on Treasure Island, controlled by that Fang Yu.

Become a prisoner!

The hope of wanting to live is extremely slim!

And her entire family has basically been slaughtered in this River Styx!

In fact, except for her and Duanmu Xinyue, the rest of her family has no strength at all, and in this Styx, they are basically directly held down by paper people and water ghosts, and now they have all sunk.

She, the whole family is already dying!

"Impossible, this can't be..."

"Obviously it's Fang Yu who should be damned, our Duanmu Xinyue is about to join the Bolton family and become the top power in North America..."

Duanmuhong's eyes spurted blood, and his face was bruised.

But then.

Another sword, the thunder sword light burst, instantly penetrating her heart!

"This sword, for my grandmother, Lin Junjun!"

Yu Susu looked at Duanmuhong indifferently.

The old woman's chest was directly penetrated by the thunder sword light, exploding a blood hole.

But she's not dead yet!

During the last confusion.

The last three sword qi pierced through this Styx.

A sword pierced her mouth!

Two swords pierced through her eyes!

"These last three swords, for Long Xia - rise!"

With Duanmu Hong's head exploding into a blood mist, the whole person died too much to die!

And Yu Susu's last words caused an unimaginable wave of fanaticism to erupt in the vast land of Longxia!

Countless Longxia people, professionals, and even top powerhouses all had a feeling of blood boiling.

Especially the relatives of many warriors who died in the Ninth Otherworld twenty years ago.

At this moment, in Longxia, hundreds of millions of people wept!


[The picture shows Yu Susu (A Mi)~].

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