Curse the wooden comb, two seconds, instantly kill a hundred geniuses!

These hundred geniuses are all geniuses of New Matai, Inca and Siba.

The reason why Fang Yu killed them was because the three of them actually launched a war attack on the entrance to the Third Otherworld of the Longxia Kingdom!

Most importantly, they actually conspired to use the small forbidden spell skill to control the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Third Legion of Longxia, so as to achieve the effect of balancing Fang Yu!

This moment erupted too suddenly.

Countless people around the world were instantly shocked!

"New Mattai? Inca country? Siba? Long Xia has Fang Yu here, how dare they? "

"They may think that when Fang Yu rises, they have nothing to play, so they might as well fight a wave?"

"This is not putting the safety of your country at ease!"

"Those more than a hundred geniuses died so unjustly, they actually don't know anything!"

"Shouldn't the most terrifying thing be Fang Yu's wooden comb? I remember that it took a long time to kill people before, why is it only two seconds now? "

"They've all taken away the woven bags on them, right?"

"Even so, this is too exaggerated, two seconds to instantly kill all enemies of the same level within the range?"


Around the world, I don't know how many people talk about it.

Shocked by the sudden outbreak of war.

He was even more shocked by the terrifying power of Fang Yumu's comb.

In front of Fang Yu's eyes.

The young geniuses of those other countries were all trembling even more, and even many people were scared to pee!

One by one, they crawled in front of Fang Yu.

However, Fang ignored them now.

Now, everyone in the world knows that the countries of New Malaysia, the Incas and the West Pakistan took the initiative to launch a war against Longxia, "zero zero seven" and the ultimate purpose of the war.


It is to give all enemies in the world a most complete deterrent!

Longxia, South China Sea, outside the entrance of the Third Realm.

A full 200,000 professionals of the Three Kingdoms Alliance Army are surrounding layers of protective enchantments, unleashing various skills to bombard!

It was a fly-like scene.

Within the protective enchantment, the 50,000 Longxia Legion soldiers who came out of the town field were extremely nervous.

They didn't know Fang Yu's plan.

But it was ordered from above so that they only need to watch the play ... This makes them a little confused.

Why not take advantage of the fact that the opponent's attack cannot pass through the enchantment now, and find a way to destroy a wave of enemies first?

But right now.

I saw that in the sky outside the protective enchantment, the wind and clouds changed!

A gloomy and icy cold wind, from the surrounding ocean, rushed and rolled up, and actually formed a cold hurricane in an instant!

In the originally bright sky, suddenly there were blood-red clouds, condensing and forming out of thin air, dyeing this heaven and earth all a blood-red color!

Skylight blood red!

Immediately afterwards, a downpour fell.

That rainstorm was blood-red.

Outside the protective enchantment, a terrifying and eerie blood rain began to fall!

The sea surface also seemed to be boiling, churning hot blood-colored bubbles, and the entire ocean turned scarlet.

This made those professionals of the Three Kingdoms Alliance Army who besieged the Longxia Enchantment, a total of more than 200,000 people, all of their faces changed drastically, and they were shocked!

"What's the situation? Why did it suddenly rain blood? "

"It's a little weird! Looking red, the sea water turned to blood? "

"Fak! Could it be that Fang Yu came? "

"Quick, get ready! How could that kid come so quickly? "

For a while, someone soon took out the soul protection mask, special woven bag, soul attack scroll, and other props specifically aimed at Fang Yu from the storage bag.

Right at this moment.

A woman dressed in red, with her hair scattered, suddenly appeared at the highest part of the sky.

Her feet were slightly down, her long hair was draped, and her hands seemed to hang down weakly.

Her appearance directly caused the blood rain in the sky to burst out at ten times the speed before.

In the nearby sea area with a radius of 100 kilometers, there was a bloody rain in an instant!

The air was suddenly filled with a strange smell of blood, which made countless people obviously feel unwell, as if surrounded by horror and weirdness!

The more than 200,000 people who attacked densely were all drenched in blood!

When they looked up and saw the red-clad figure in the sky, an unimaginable fear arose in their hearts.

"Quick, quickly attack her with the soul scroll!"

Under the roar of a top powerhouse.

Many of the people who had prepared soul attack scrolls had all taken out the expensive scrolls.

Then aim at the red-clad figure in the sky and release.

The next moment...

Countless gray soul powers, forming soul impact fluctuations, swept towards the red-clothed figure!


The soul attack scroll, which was originally given high hopes by people, turned out to be ineffective!

I saw that those soul attack fluctuations, soul arrows, soul sword qi and the like fell on Hong Yi's body, although it could obviously cause damage to her, but in just an instant, she recovered!

The soul arrow pierced a big hole in her head and healed instantly!

The soul sword qi cut her into two halves, merging in an instant!

Even if the soul blast blew her to pieces, she only seemed to disappear for a moment before she was completely combined.

This unimaginable horror picture made her like a real life-seeking ghost in the eyes of more than 200,000 professionals in the audience, strange and terrifying!!

"Impossible, this can't be!"

The professionals of the three-nation coalition army were instantly dumbfounded!

That's when it was there.

Ye Hongyi raised his hand indifferently, and the scarlet blood-colored light quickly gathered hundreds of kilometers away.

Rises from the bottom of the sea and stretches all the way to the sky.

Unexpectedly, a blood cage was formed within a radius of 100 kilometers!

This is...

After the Red Suit is upgraded to the Calamity level, the new ability, the Scarlet Prison, can be formed after chanting for a period of time and lasts for ten minutes!

Enemies trapped in the Crimson Prison will be more easily controlled by the soul, and inside the Crimson Prison, the space is blocked, and it is impossible for any enemy to escape the area for a long time.

It is an absolute blockade ability!

This is the disaster-level Ye Hongyi!

Not only that, now Ye Hongyi's recovery speed is more than a hundred times stronger than before, no matter how much damage she suffers, it is an instant recovery!

And most importantly.

Now the disaster-level Ye Hongyi, his spiritual attributes have been improved again.

Previously, after eating dog food crit, it was only more than 4,000.

Right now...... Counting the increase in angels from Miss Lin Nayin, it directly skyrocketed to more than seven thousand, close to eight thousand spiritual attributes!

This is already the spiritual value of the world's top legal powerhouse, it can be imagined that the more than 200,000 invading coalition troops in the field, no one can resist her soul control!

Of course, when the soul controls the professional, the upper limit of the number of controls in red clothes is a hundred times that of her spiritual attributes.

Otherwise, it will be overloaded, resulting in weakened control.

So after the red-robed chant ended and the scarlet prison was formed, she directly burst out with ability soul trembling!

With a ghost crying wolf howl, all the enemies in the audience saw the most terrifying thing in their lives!

At this moment, the whole audience was completely chaotic!

And the most terrifying picture immediately appeared.

When Ye Hongyi trapped the target with the Crimson Prison, making the scene extremely chaotic, a wooden comb appeared in her hand.

Curse the wooden comb!

That cursed wooden comb is now a nightmare-level terrifying existence.

The effective range of the curse, five hundred kilometers.

In other words, when Ye Hongyi held a wooden comb, its crazy growth curse directly spread thousands of miles!

All the intruders at the scene had hair on their bodies growing at an extremely terrifying speed.

Although many of them brought special weaves, at this moment, they basically had no effect.

This is the nightmarish cursed wooden comb!

If the catastrophic weirdness is almost incomprehensible, then the nightmare-level pollution source can already create unimaginable despair!

So this moment.

Blood rains! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Cage Crimson!

Curse a thousand miles!

The cooperation of Ye Hongyi and the cursed wooden comb made the sky over the South China Sea feel like a hell!

This scene made all the soldiers of the Longxia Legion in the protective enchantment completely froze.

Astound! Terror! Unbelievable!

"I wipe, it turns out that Fang Yu's big guy will make a move, no wonder we can watch the play!"

"This is too fierce, isn't it? Alone, create a hundred kilometers of cages and trap all enemies! "

"I heard the system prompt, now this place belongs to the Crimson Prison, there is no way to leave!"

"It's miserable! Those guys can't run at all! I'm going to be slaughtered by a wooden comb! "

This image has even spread to all parts of the world at the same time.

Because there are official staff of Longxia filming here, there are many channels that are broadcast simultaneously.

When this scene spread around the world, the world went crazy!

At this moment, whether it was white-skinned, dark-skinned, brown-skinned, or other yellow-skinned professionals, they all looked at the various pictures on the screen, and seemed to stop thinking for a while.

They saw that the trapped professionals of the Three Nations Alliance were crazy and hysterical, but they could not escape at all.

They saw that there were top powerhouses of the alliance controlled by souls, directly attacking each other, and in a short period of time, a Xiba country powerhouse at the level of deputy legion commander was blasted to smithereens by his teammates around him.

They saw that there were some professionals with lower level attributes who were covered in hair in just over ten seconds and were cursed to death by wooden combs.

The despair on the faces of all the intruders is clearly visible.

Even in just a minute after the appearance of the red clothes, there were already a large number of professionals kneeling on the ground in the void, crying for mercy, and frantically confessing their mistakes!

It's a pity that they are all nourishment for the blood-stained scissors that Fang Yu fancy.

It's impossible to let one go!

"This is the end, according to the current situation, it is only a matter of time before their 200,000 coalition troops die!"

"It was completely delivered to Fang Yu's muzzle!"

"But it's not scientific! Fang Yu's weirdness, how could it be so terrifying? "

"I saw that someone wanted to use a woven bag to contain it, but just got close and was thrown away by the control of the woman in red!"

"God, this Fang Yu's ability is completely incomprehensible!"

"I declare that the world belongs to Fang Yu! Tomorrow I will immigrate to Longxia Country!" "

"Laugh at me, you are a black skin, do people Long Xia want you?"


The whole world is crazy.

The picture here was broadcast all over the world, making countless people shout madly, and the positive combat power produced by the cooperation of red clothes and wooden combs was presented in front of everyone for the first time.

This terrifying and terrifying scene above the South China Sea has shocked countless people to the extreme.

The most important thing is that in this battle, what special containments, soul attacks, and even soul protection masks do not play a big role.

Because inside the Crimson Prison, all enemies are easier to be controlled by the soul, which is equivalent to canceling out the effect of the soul shield!

Plus being suppressed by attributes in a state of fear.

Under the double blow, even the top powerhouse of the other party can already be controlled by the red clothes to partially move.

Although it is not completely controlled, even if it is only controlled part of the action, it can already dominate the battlefield!

It's crazy!

This is despair!

A red coat, a wooden comb, directly killed a coalition legion of more than 200,000 people, so that the world's unknown number of top powerhouses, like falling into an ice cave!

Even in Longxia, there are countless people who are once again shocked.

Every city in the country erupted into unimaginable 3.1 shouts and shouts.

They worship Fang Yu!

Fang Yu once again brought them a surprise, this face was more than a hundred times more terrifying than they imagined!

Originally, when people learned that the alliance of three countries attacked the entrance of the Longxia Otherworld, they were all indignant and worried at the same time.

But now...



Looking at those invaders, one by one dying in horror and weirdness, Longxia cities across the country, hundreds of millions of people cheered Fang Yu's name!


Inside Treasure Island.

Fang Yu was in the treasure island, and also projected all this onto the peak of a mountain through soul projection.

He took Lin Nayin and stood on this mountain, watching the scenery.

"I'm going, do you want to be so exaggerated?"

At this time, looking at the South China Sea picture projected by Fang Yu, this beautiful singer was directly dumbfounded.

In fact, she still blushed a little.

Because just now, in order to make the red clothes go berserk, Fang Yu directly made some moves beyond friendship to her... Until now, there was still a residual temperature on her small mouth, which made her shy and happy.

When she thought of the violent and terrifying scene in red clothes on the surface of the South China Sea now, she had her share of credit, and she was overjoyed in her heart.

There is a sense of pride.

Standing tall, the pandas trembled slightly...

Fang Yu was not proud when he saw the adoration of the little beauty beside him.

Instead, he smiled lightly: "In a while, there will be more exaggerations." The three countries of them dare to attack our Longxia, and they must pay the price! These 200,000 people alone... Not enough! "。

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