However, after listening to the words of this French female painter, Fang Yu just glanced at her lightly.

This made the brown-haired woman's heart half cold!

"You can shut up."

Fang Yu waved her hand, allowing the demon dice to continue to ban her ability to speak.

Trade with peace of mind!

At this time, Fang Yu came to the white young man Tolson.

This soul drinker was secretly linked by those strong people before, and formed the siege of Fang Yu in a way that the paper man could not detect!

This ability is different from Susan.

Susan couldn't do that.

Unfortunately, for Fang Yu, this ability did not have much effect.

At this moment, these people faced Fang Yu, all with a look of despair!

They wanted to open their mouths and beg for mercy, but it was a pity that Fang Yu didn't even give them a chance to speak.

I took care of myself and operated it next to me.

He moved the body of Utruf, the former number one powerhouse in the world.

"The goal of death cut off by blood-stained scissors is actually only physical death."

"His soul and consciousness can still exist in the corpse for a while."

"Just enough to let Ah Mi come over, give him a dream, and transform him into a water ghost puppet!"

This was Fang Yu's intention.

Now Yi Ning has been upgraded from the Fierce Soul level to the Nightmare level, and can make a second water ghost puppet.

This Utruf is also the first in the world!

Therefore, making it into a water ghost puppet is not a loss for Fang Yu!

Of course, for Fang Yu, this guy is the same as Skeleton Yuzheng, and he is a consumable.

At that time, just throw them into the Ninth Otherworld and go to the fortress.

"To make a water ghost puppet, the most important thing is to get the consent of the other party."

""193" Only in this way can the strength of the other party be preserved to the greatest extent."

"This Utruf ... Ami, it's over to you. "

Fang Yu was also too lazy to care.

Teleport Ah Mi directly!

Nautruf is already a dead man, of course, he can't stop Ami's current dream erosion.

With Yu Susu's body, Ah Mi released the dream entering skill and directly began to communicate with Utruf's soul consciousness.


A Mi opened his eyes, returned to Fang Yu's side and hugged his arm: "Master~!" Nailed it! "

Fang Yu smelled a girlish fragrance, which made him quite evocative, every time he with A Mi before...


Lin Nayin was a little shocked when she heard this title.

How does it feel...

A little weird?

Fang Yu smiled and directly asked Yi Ning to manipulate the water ghost to drag Nautruf into the River Styx.

Now that Yi Ning has reached the nightmare level, and with Yu Zheng's experience, the speed of making water ghost puppets is much faster than before.


The star mage Utruf, who had completely lost his self-awareness and became a puppet under Fang Yu, emerged from the River Styx and appeared in front of Fang Yu and the others!

"I actually retained 95% of my strength, although it was worse than Yu Zheng's 98%, but it was not bad."

Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Good fellow, how did you fool him?" "

"It's the same as what you said before, master, that is, after becoming a water ghost puppet, you can still retain consciousness and memory."

Ami's demon-like smile appeared.

"Actually, this is the truth, right? It's not foolishness. "

Fang Yu looked at Utruf in front of him, after turning into a water ghost puppet, even if he had no lifespan, he could move.

Now this guy is not much different from being alive except that his skin is a little pale.

And he really retains memory and consciousness!

It's just that now that he is now Fang Yu's puppet, Fang Yu makes him stand still, he can't make the slightest move, and he can't even speak.

At this time, Utluff found that he was alive again, and he had a feeling of the rest of his life.

Although he was very upset that he would become a puppet of the yellow-skinned monkey he hated the most in the future, he had no way to survive now!

This hairy bear country bald head looked to the side, and found that the strong people who participated in the siege of Fang Yu with him were all forced to trade demons here, and he had a terrifying feeling.

"His comb, his dice, his scissors, it's all horrible..."

Utruf was a little scared!

He was glad that he was the strongest in the world, and Fang Yu let him keep it...


This man is so naïve!

Fang Yu has made him a puppet, what consciousness and memory do you need from him?

"Demon, his head is given to you."

Fang Yu threw out the body of the demon dice and said with a smile.

"Boom! Awesome! "

The demon girl let out an evil laugh and flew in front of Utluff.

"We bet on our heads and trade fairly."

Fang Yu looked at Utluff and rolled the dice at will.

A little!


Fang Yu was a little speechless, why was his luck so bad?

Then Utruf looked confused when he saw this, what is this for?

But he didn't have any room to resist, and directly reached out and rolled the dice, three points!

Crush Fang Yu!

"Master Fang Yu, your head demon has taken it!"

The demon girl was very excited.

The next moment, Fang Yu's head directly exploded into a blood mist!

This scene, A fan saw in his eyes, and did not think at all.

But Lin Nayin was extremely nervous: "Big guy! You..."

Before she finished speaking.

Fang Yu's head gathered again.

"Don't worry."

Fang Yu reached out and touched her head, smiled, and his body was even stained with the blood that exploded from his head...

This scene is too weird!

Let Lin Nayin show a smile that is uglier than crying!

She found that with Fang Yu, her heart was a little unbearable!

Blowing up your head at every turn, breaking your heart or something ... It's terrifying!

After continuing two fair trades, Fang Yu won!

Utruf's head exploded, consciousness and memory, completely disappeared without a trace!

"Very well, now he is the skeleton Utluff."

Fang Yu was satisfied.

That guy never dreamed that Fang Yu would first make him a puppet, and then let the dice take away his head!

At this moment, Utruf is completely dead!

Or rather...

Completely became a tool puppet under Fang Yu!

At this moment, the equipment and skills of those strong people next to them were basically won by the demon dice.

During this period, two people threw three times in a row to six points, but soon other dice were on top and continued to plunder, making them want to cry without tears!


Fang Yu raised his hand and teleported an intellectual blonde beauty with eyes to the mirror world, it was Sophia!

"Mr. Fang Yu... This wave of otherworldly monsters is too ferocious, I consumed a hundred years of life, and now my lifespan is almost gone..."

The beautiful president said embarrassedly.

"Ferocious? That's not as fierce as you. "

Fang Yu glanced at her, smiled, and casually filled her with electricity!

Full life!

"Am I fierce?"

When Sophia heard this, she was a little puzzled.

As a native of the Ice Bird Country, although she knows the Longxia language, there are some things she still can't understand...

Fang Yu didn't explain it to her.

At this time, she saw Tolson next to her, who began to lose his organs, was already half-dead, and his skin became extremely white! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She said cheerfully: "You are really miserable, you already know today, why bother?" "

Seeing that she seemed to want to communicate with people.

Fang Yu let go directly, allowing that Thorson to speak.

The guy glared angrily at Sophia on the spot: "You gave Long Xia a dog?" Even if you survive by luck, you are still a sinner in the Ice Bird Country! Live in the shadow of Long Xia all your life, smelly cousin! "

"Oh? Is it? "

Sophia did not have the slightest expression on her face, and said lightly: "Because of Mr. Fang Yu's help, I can maximize my professional ability, lead the countrymen, and suppress the two otherworlds!" "

"By the way, you don't know yet, do you? Our Icebird Country has erupted into another otherworld... That's the main reason why I want to return to Mr. Fang Yu. "

"Only Mr. Fang Yu can help us in the Ice Bird Country!"

"And Mr. Fang Yu is very good, he just took away the 40% of the resources that our Icebird Country used to be occupied by other countries."

"Don't you think everyone is as stupid as you?"

Sophia finished with a sneer.

Tolson and the group of strong people were all stunned and looked unbelievable!

But for some dying people, Sophia didn't bother to look at their expressions.

She told Tolson this...

It's just that the other party is from the Icebird Country after all, and has also contributed to the Icebird Country, and finally send them on the road!

So in fear, despair and shock.

Those people, one by one, were taken away by the devil dice... Wait a minute!

Those with strong vitality can hold on for a while longer, and some more internal organs are taken away.

But those with weak vitality begin to die in a few minutes.


Global Abyss Challenge leaderboard.

One name after another began to disappear!

Everyone knew that it was the surplus value of those people, all of them were squeezed dry by Fang Yu's demon dice!

Then, I saw that on the Global Abyss Challenge Ranking, an extremely terrifying thing appeared.

That is...

The top ten of the ranking list have all turned into Longxia people!

Originally, there were four foreign powerhouses, but now they all died in Fang Yu's hands!

The top thirty, originally there were seventeen Longxia names, but now it has directly become twenty-four!

Gu Mengyi, who originally climbed to the 5th place in the Abyss Challenge Ranking as the youngest, was shocked to find that in a short period of time, she did nothing, and actually rose to the third place?

Originally, the second and fourth Longxia powerhouses were Tang Youlong, and there was another Longxia powerhouse.......

But unexpectedly, these two directly became the first and second!

The whole world is boiling!

Whether it is the North American Empire or other countries, everyone knows that this change in the ranking marks that the world has truly entered the era dominated by Long Xia!

They weaken!

Long Xia came out with a square feather!

Next, Blue Star will be dominated by Fang Yu and Long Xia!

North American Empire, Sakura Country, Western Eight Kingdom, Great Australia, Hairy Bear Country... All countries have taken the initiative to offer more resources to Longxia!

In particular, the sun never sets in the empire, and after the white-haired old man who surrendered went back, he directly launched the surrender of the whole country.

The entire empire that never sets the sun surrenders one after another!

They are willing to pay 40% of the national resources in exchange for Fang Yu's protection like the Ice Bird Country!

However, Fang Yu ignored them for the time being.

They could only negotiate with Long Xia.

But Long Xia said that they couldn't be the master of this matter, and they had to wait for Fang Yu to come back.

In addition, the Three Kingdoms of A, which has always been hostile to Long Xia, is now miserable.

Fang Yu's demon dice are still raging in the Three Kingdoms!

Although the targets selected are all guys with a hostile value of more than 70 against Longxia, the most strong people in these three countries have a hostile value of more than 70 against Longxia!

That is, hardly have to pick.

As long as it is a strong person, go straight on!

Therefore, in order to prevent more people from being targeted by the demon dice, the three kingdoms finally took the initiative and were willing to give 30% of the national resources to Fang Yu in exchange for peace.

Although it is only 30%, because the area of the three countries is larger, the total resources sent are several times more than the 40% of the Ice Bird Country.


When Fang Yu learned about this, he didn't bother to pay attention to it at all!

"A Three Kingdoms, but an excellent source of internal organs and equipment."

"Peace? What about Nima? "

Fang Yu sneered!

Some countries that are otherwise neutral can be peaceful.

But in some countries, it is impossible to make peace, Fang Yu will not agree, and countless people in Longxia will not agree.

For example, the Three Kingdoms of A, the Sakura Country, the Eight Western Kingdoms, the North American Empire... Wait a minute!

These countries, Fang Yu just ignored them for the time being.

After all, he still has an important thing to do next, that is, the 60-level SSS-level three-turn mission!

"These three-turn tasks, just go in and kill a mythical BOSS."

"There shouldn't be someone who doesn't open their eyes and comes in to snipe at me, right?"

Fang Yu thought to himself.

The second turn of the professional brings about the improvement of attribute points.

The three and four turns of the professional bring about the improvement of professional ability.

Once completed, a random, class-related buff attribute will be obtained.

2.8 For example, the painter ...

The best lucky painters can get multiple cast amplitudes, sometimes two or even three subordinates in one painting!

Gu Mengyi has this attribute.

"It's just that for me, the artist amplification attribute seems useless?"

"I hope there will be some weird amplification attributes."



In a small courtyard of Longxia, Jiangnan Su's house.

Young Lin Fan's face became even more ugly.

He learned the news that Fang Yu was in the Ice Bird Country and had actually killed all those ten powerhouses!

The most important one, Fang Yu showed some kind of invincible means, and it seems that there is no way to crack it at present.

In other words......

To kill Fang Yu became almost impossible.

But this Lin Fan did not give up.

He thought with a cruel look:

"Hehe, Fang Yu, you don't really think you're invincible, do you?"

"In that case... I'll burn you to death!" "

"You are about to start a level 60 three-turn mission, you are so inflated, you will definitely choose an SSS-level mission, right?"

"When the time comes... As long as I block you from completing the mission, you'll be stuck at level 60 forever!" "

"Then your lifespan will be a hundred years at most."

"Even if you let you dominate Blue Star for a hundred years, what?"

"I'll back down when you're at your peak!"

"When you are old and dying, I will ride your face!"

"When the time comes, all the women of your family!"

It can be seen that this guy hates Fang Yu to a certain extent.

But he was really confident in preventing Fang Yu from completing the transfer task.

As long as it is an SSS-level three-turn mission, it will definitely draw a strong person to enter the blockade!

In order to deal with Fang Yu, Lin Fan had secretly planned for a long time! .

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