When this disaster appeared, countless people in the entire Sakura Country were terrified.

The 30,000 members of the Self-Defense Forces who were originally stationed nearby to prevent accidents were basically strong people with a hundred level and four turns, which came in handy.

But even so many people could not completely stop the attack of monsters all over the mountains.

Even more panicked are the people in Dongjin City.

Before the monsters could invade the city, the entire Dongjin City was already completely chaotic.

The Transformation Temple in the city, as well as the teleportation arrays in other places, were all operating at full strength.

But there is a point, only in, not out!

More and more Sakura Country Self-Defense Forces are constantly teleporting over, but it will also take time for the teleportation array to start, and it is impossible for too many people to come over at a time.

Only some strong people who were originally in Dongjin City moved one after another.

The magic protection enchantment of the entire Dongjin City is open!

This is a city defense-level magic protection enchantment, and the durability value is much higher than the enchantment that the enchantment masters expanded with the enchantment core.

In the past, as soon as this enchantment was opened, the city was destined to be safe and sound.

But this time...

They are facing monsters from the other world, all of which have various affixes and existences that can directly break through the enchantment.

"Oh my God! Why are otherworldly monsters attacking us? "

"I checked the information, these monsters are all scarlet giants of the ninth otherworld of the Dragon Summer Kingdom!"

"Wow! How could the otherworldly monsters of the Dragon Summer Kingdom come to us! "

"I heard that it's because of the mirror brought back from Treasure Island last time?"

""Ninety-four zero" Das gives! I'm leaving Dongjin City! "

Countless people were in chaos.

It is a pity that now the teleportation array in Dongjin City can only enter and not exit.

No way, they are too late to transfer the fighters of the Self-Defense Forces, where is there still spare teleportation array for the people to use?

Only some big people can temporarily leave Dongjin City for refuge through a special teleportation array.

For example, the Shimizu family where Shimizu Yukino belongs.

However, neither Yukino's father nor his parents left for the time being.

In the transfer area of the Career Transfer Shrine, the middle-aged parents waited outside a room.

Many people were already running around, but they didn't move because they were waiting for Shimizu Yukino.

"Yukino is still on an SS-level second-turn mission, what can I do?"

Yukino's mother was extremely anxious.

"In this way, you wait for her here, wait for her to come out, regardless of the success or failure of the second turn, take her back to Akita Prefecture first."

Yukino's father stood up and made a calm face: "I can't wait." There are five mythical scarlet giants in total, and I must participate in killing one. "

"Please be careful."

Yukino's mother couldn't stop her husband, so she could only say worriedly.

But the two didn't know...

Now that Qing Shui Xue is holding Fang Yu's cursed wooden comb, it is completely easy to pass the SS-level second turn mission!


The monster outbreak in Dongjin City, which shocked the world, spread throughout the world almost instantly!

When Sakura Country and Higashitsu City reacted and blocked the monster.

Countless people around the world were shocked!

Especially those who are waiting for the bad news from the Long Xia Kingdom.

"Watfack? What's the situation? Isn't it the ninth otherworldly outbreak of the Dragon Summer Country now, how did it become the Sakura Country? "

"It's over, I heard there's something wrong with the mirror! Not only that, the top powerhouses we sent to study the mirror are all dead! "

"Harpass, our Fire Hammer God of War has left us forever, Shett!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"God, shouldn't it be Long Xia Guo?"

"I saw a video circulating live, it was that mirror! All red-haired giants flew out of that mirror! "

"Fak! I just said that there must be something wrong with that mirror, it is definitely the bait given by Long Xia Guo! "

"But that mirror is far away in the Sakura Country, how can it be linked to the Ninth Otherworld of the Dragon Summer Country? Completely counterintuitive! "

Countless people exclaimed.

In major forums around the world, countless people discussed this matter in an instant, and they felt incredible and unbelievable.

Not long ago, they were all discussing that this time Long Xia Kingdom actually killed a strong person like Yu Zheng himself, this time the ninth otherworld outbreak, wouldn't it be a burst of Long Xia Country?

As a result, in the blink of an eye, it actually became the cherry blossom country?

And the root of everything is the weird copper mirror that was brought back to the cherry blossom country by Shimizu Yukino when he was on Treasure Island before!

For a time, many people in the North American Empire rejoiced!

"Farke, I also said before, why didn't I snatch that mirror back to our North American Empire, I didn't expect that our high-level was prescient!"

"Good! Our high-level is too stable, fortunately this mirror is in the cherry blossom country, otherwise we will be attacked by the red-haired giant, it will be too terrifying. "

"It's just that this time we suffered heavy losses, and Master Vilas of the Sun Never Set Empire also died over there..."

"How exactly did Long Xia Guo do it?"

"Then you need to say it! Definitely by comb! "


This situation made the top officials of the North American Empire all solemn, and they took another action...

Fang Yu's comb was too much of a threat to them!

A way has to be found!

Through that causal master, as long as you consume enough life, you can deduce the causal line of the deceased, so as to know something in the memory of the deceased.

Before consuming ten years of life, the rules of copper mirrors were deduced.

But if you want to calculate the restraint method of the wooden comb, the life consumption is more than that.


"To know more, this is another price! I will consume more life! I refuse! "

The master of cause and effect simply refused.

"Without your ability, the North American Empire and even the whole world would fall into eternal darkness and be ruled by the Dragon Summer Kingdom, I suggest you think about it!"

The high-level coercion and inducement of the North American empire were used.

Unfortunately, the master of cause and effect was not moved in the slightest.

So the senior management of Eagle Sauce said that now this situation has to use some means!


It was also when countless red-haired monsters were raging in Dongjin City, the cherry blossom country.

In Longxia Kingdom, a remote wooden house outside the imperial capital.

Lin Junjun's old woman was applying a mask while a mobile phone message was played.

That conch is also nearby.

Listen to the news playing on your phone.

“...... The scarlet giants who originally appeared in the ninth otherworld of our country have now all moved to the capital of the cherry blossom country, the outskirts of Dongjin City. "

"It is reported that this is a miracle that can only be done because of the newly appointed Ninth Otherworld Legion Commander Fang Yu!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Then about Fang Yu, this young genius, there may be audiences who are not familiar with it, now I will introduce you to..."

This series of reports made Lin Junjun and Yu Susu in the conch all silent.

"Look, I said he was useful to Long Xia."

Lin Junjun laughed and cried: "That old immortal, this kind of talent, he has to start, what do you say he wants?" "

"His presence, the threat remains."

An emotionless Miaoling woman's voice came from within the conch: "Good thoughts, evil thoughts, all in one thought!" "

"Grass. I really want to smash this conch of yours. "

Lin Junjun vomited.


Nineth, within the otherworld.

The millions of soldiers in the six fortresses, as well as the top powerhouses who came to support, were originally not very clear, what was the specific situation.

After all, they are in the other world and cannot communicate with the outside reality.

Fang Yu also couldn't relay the situation in Dongjin City in the Sakura Country to them.


Soon! There are dedicated liaisons who come from outside the otherworld, enter the otherworld, and bring back a video to everyone!

It was a tragic video transmitted from the scene in Dongjin City.

Soon, the video was playing on the screens in the squares of the six fortresses.

All the soldiers of the Ninth Army in the fortress saw the situation in Dongjin City.

I saw that the video footage was taken from inside the Magic Defense Enchantment in Dongjin City, and it should be a reporter stationed in Sakura Country.

Not only are there pictures, but there are even fluent commentary in Longxia!

"Hello everyone! Now, we can see that the northern part of this Dongjin City is already full of red-haired giants..."

"The tallest mythical-level giants are more than thirty meters tall, and they are almost as tall as that city wall!"

"And as we all know, the current city wall is also Tu Yile, and the real defense depends on the protective enchantment!"

"But those scarlet giants from the other world have some affixes that ignore the enchantment!"

"You see, there is a double-affixed strange line over there, it should be with ignoring enchantment and jumping enhancement, watch it swoop and jump, soon... I wipe, to my face, I slip first! "

Then there was chaos.

In the picture, the city of Dongjin is full of chaotic people.

There are also many professionals who spontaneously form battle squads to kill some small monsters that have broken through to the city.

But know.

All the otherworldly monsters are level 150 top!

And the professionals in the city are basically not full level, and some even have not even reached a hundred levels.

Even adults, elders, there are many stuck at level 60 or even level 30...

Therefore, once the otherworldly monsters invade the city, they will bring very tragic results.

Although there are a large number of members of the Self-Defense Forces outside the city to cooperate with the enchantment and block the monsters, the defense line is too long to miss a single one.

Outside the distant city wall and protective enchantment, there was a continuous thunderous terrifying roar, which even made the entire Dongjin City tremble non-stop, like small earthquakes from time to time at the same time.

That is the strong man besieging a mythical monster.

At this time, there were also many strong people from the North American Empire and Great Australia who came to help, but there were not many people who came, let alone top.

They just came to do them a symbolic favor, lest no one cooperate with them later...

But it is impossible to really send a top powerhouse over.

After all, I am also worried about dying on this battlefield!

Hapas is so strong that he died, really thought it was a joke?

In this case, Sakura Country could only bleed heavily, and took out all the wealth accumulated over the past few decades and all kinds of top-level magic scrolls!

But it will take time to support these supplies.

In a short period of time.

This first wave of nearly a million scarlet giant race monsters, many of them have already entered Dongjin City, the entire Dongjin City... It's miserable!

Every moment, Sakura Country's Self-Defense Forces members are dying!

The picture on the video made the blood of countless warriors in the Ninth Otherworld.

"I wipe! Commander Fang, always drop God! "

"This wave is invincible! Even in history, 2.3 we have never attacked the capital of Sakura Country! "

"This is a sharp knife directly inserted into the heart of Sakura Country!"

"Hahaha! Sakura Country, this is lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot! "

"Study copper mirrors? Let you study the copper mirror, this is cool! "

Although the city of Dongjin in the picture is miserable.

But since history, how many geniuses and warriors of the Dragon Summer Kingdom have been killed in Treasure Island, border and other places?

I can't count!

The contradictions between the two sides have long reached the point of irreconcilability!

What's more, most of the people who are dying now are members of the Self-Defense Forces of the Sakura Country.

Which of those members of the Self-Defense Forces did not target the Dragon Xia Kingdom?

As a result, the tragic state of that cherry blossom country and Dongjin City made the anger in the hearts of the soldiers of the Ninth Legion explode, and they rejoiced!

That's when it was there.

Many people in the Sakura Country in the video cheered.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, Yaga!"

"Our magic scroll support materials have arrived, take out the mythical ones first!"

With the arrival of support from the strong people of the Sakura Country, the people of Dongjin City saw hope.

What they don't know, however, is...

At this moment, beyond the six fortresses of the Ninth Otherworld, another wave of brand new monsters was refreshed.

Moreover, each of them has a mythical scarlet giant, born in the scarlet light!

This also means...

The second wave of monsters against Dongjin City is ready!.

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