I Created Cthulhu In Naruto

Chapter 361 Changes Are Coming Quietly

Meteorites will glow, which is not a very strange thing in Star Ninja Village.

Because the first meteorite that descended two hundred years ago also descended with color, it was a rich purple.

The secret peacock magic technique cultivated through the first meteorite in Star Ninja Village will also stain the ninja's chakra with this purple color.

So the purple on the Red Star Chakra is exactly the luster emitted by the first meteorite that landed on Star Ninja Village two hundred years ago.

At this time, although the light on the second meteorite is even more indescribable, it can only be simply described as a weird color of purple and pink blended in a strange way.

Of course, this description is also a simple description of this indescribable, according to the most acceptable way of understanding for human beings.

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But the light emitted by the second meteorite at night is three-point similar to the original luster of the first meteorite, which still makes people think that the first meteorite and the second meteorite may come from the same place , have the same power.

But judging from its size, the first meteorite was only the size of a handball, and this meteorite was two meters in diameter. It stands to reason that the power contained in it should be even stronger.

In this way, if this meteorite is used to practice Peacock Magic, it is entirely possible that the chakra will exceed the ceiling of all the practitioners of the previous meteorite.

This is exactly what Chixing wants to achieve.

However, just when Chixing stretched out the Chakra light wings and wanted to touch the strange colors on the meteorite, the colors on the meteorite seemed to repel each other at the same poles, and quickly moved away from Chixing's Chakra light wings.

Helpless, Chixing could only put away the light wings, and then sighed: "This thing doesn't react to my Chakra at all."

"Maybe my star cultivation is not strong enough to react with such a big meteorite?"

"How is it possible? Even Master Akahoshi's Chakra can't cause a reaction, you are the strongest in the village now."

Sibuan next to him spoke half-flatteringly, but Chi Xing immediately shook his head and denied such a statement.

"If that person is still alive, my peacock art is not as good as her."

The bald ninja Nighthawk also said at this time: "That woman disappeared ten years ago,

It has never appeared in so many years, so it must have died, right? "

Akahoshi shook his head, "Not necessarily. I heard from the ninja in Muye Village today that people in the village suddenly talked about her. This is not a good sign."

"What? If Natsume is still alive, then we killed Sandai Hoshikage..."

"Don't worry, even if Natsume wants to come back, her son is still in the village. As long as she has her son under control, she won't dare to act rashly."

Above the deep pit, three ninjas are plotting all kinds of tedious things happening in the human world from a macro level.

But in the unseen microcosm, a stream of shapeless color shimmering in the shadows cast by the moon was streaming slowly from a hollow sphere of scorched earth at the center of the taupe meteorite.

The volume of this hollow sphere looks no different from a handball with a diameter of less than eight centimeters, the surface is smooth and the stripes are clear, each stripe is filled with and is overflowing with a pink-purple color

And these small, or almost no space, colors are like gas, but they are not as normal as the gas does the rising or settling movement.

They drilled into the cracks of the soil in large numbers at an angle that Chi Xing and others could not see, and frantically ran in the sparse soil layer under the ground.

They are sneaking silently into forests, farmland, and caves where groundwater is stored...

No one can say for sure what the purpose of these colors is, but as if they did have a purpose, after long periods of subterranean prowling, they re-emerge above the surface through the underground water system.

Suddenly, a strange phosphorescence seeped from the bottom of a quiet pool in the forest without any bubbles rising in the water.

These pinkish-purple phosphorescences flow faintly like dense air on the surface of the pond, and in the water of the pond, you can also see this group of overflowing colors like oil flowers lightly blooming on the water surface.

In the forest under the moonlight, some nocturnal animals did not dare to approach the ponds "occupied" by these colors at first.

Whether it is snakes, leopards, hedgehogs, owls and other animals, they all stand far away on trees, bushes, and soil holes to observe these "uninvited guests".

Finally, a thirsty lizard came to the pond from an unknown dark corner in the grass.

It lightly licked the water in the pond twice with the tip of its tongue, and was stunned for a second, then the lizard head looked left and right.

But soon, it lowered its head to the water surface again, the tip of its tongue quickly licked the water surface like a spring, and the light ripples spread across the water surface, creating a ripple.

After solving the thirst problem, the lizard left contentedly.

Seeing that the lizard drank the water in the pond occupied by the color safely, other animals gradually let go of their courage and approached the pond.

Although the animal's intuition told them that the color was very dangerous, the thirsty breasts overcame this instinct.

A large number of animals gathered at the edge of the pond one by one to try to drink water. After realizing that nothing seemed to happen, they all feasted and left contentedly.

But these animals don't know what they look like from other perspectives.

When they finished drinking the colored water in the pond, the colors of these animals also took on a pale, weird pink-purple color.

Similarly, these colored waters are also sneaking into the farmland of Star Ninja Village, surrounding the roots of the crops buried in the ground.

And such situations are not uncommon in the forest near Star Ninja Village, and these are changes that even humans with keen perception such as ninjas can hardly detect.


In the second half of the night, there was a faint roar in the clouds gathered high in the sky, and thunder flashed continuously among the massive clouds.

Immediately afterwards, heavy rain fell from the sky, and the huge raindrops poured all the ninjas of Star Ninja Village, who were guarding the second meteorite in the village, back into the house.

And the meteorite exposed to the rain also ushered in its changes in this downpour.

The rainwater continuously washed away the scorched earth and dead grass clippings accumulated on the surface of the meteorite, which made the meteorite reduce its diameter at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the thunder in the sky became more and more intense.


A thunderbolt came, and it just hit the huge meteorite, leaving a scorched and cloudy depression on the surface of the meteorite.


There was another thunderclap, which also struck the meteorite, making the hole on the surface of the meteorite deeper.





Six consecutive thunderstorms descended on the surface of the meteorite, finally melting the entire meteorite into nothingness.

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