I Created Mythic Revival

Chapter 107: Revenge and Followers

The tragic situation in the ancestral hall, people outside cannot know, but just listening to the occasional uncontrollable perverted laughter inside, the increasingly sparse screams of despair, and the blood seeping from the cracks in the door, their In my heart, I couldn't help feeling a chill.

Although each of these people is not a kind person, and they also have human life on their hands, but most of them kill people, and most of them regard it as a task. The novice will also be at a loss, and there will be a certain panic in the mood.

But in any case, no one has ever been as perverted as the guy inside, who completely treats killing as a pleasure, just like taking drugs. Such a person, even a companion, can hardly make people feel safe.

Because you never know if he'll be drooling at your neck when you can't see it...

Among these people, only He Luo, who was guarding the front gate, was worried.

His worry did not come from Zhang Zhe's madness, nor from the ordinary people who died tragically, but from the fear that the other party would kill him and kill the **** old ghost together.

Just in the midst of this worry, the movement and screams inside gradually began to subside.


As the huge door of the ancestral hall slowly opened again, Zhang Zhe, who was stained with a lot of blood, was like a drug addict who had just finished venting, his face was relieved.

In his hands, Father He, whose hands and feet were interrupted, with mixed expressions of fear, pain, disbelief, and numbness on his face, was dragged like a dead dog.

After seeing He Luo outside, Zhang Zhe didn't talk nonsense, threw the old man out of his hand, and then slowly disappeared into the night like when he came.

"Yes... it's you!" The old man He, who had just recovered from the pain and whose memory is not bad, looked up and recognized He Luo at a glance, and immediately regarded the other party as tonight's tragedy. The culprit behind the scenes.

After all, the devil just now, he can be sure that he has never provoke, the only possibility is to be entrusted by others, and the appearance of He Luo makes everything make sense.

Knowing the culprit behind the scenes, unwillingness and remorse welled up in my heart, but what this old man regrets was not what he had done, but that he was too careless and never killed him!

"I didn't expect it to be you! Win or lose, I have nothing to say, but as human beings, you and that demon will surely fall into the endless **** and never survive!!"

In the bloodshot eyes of Mr. He, there was endless pain and resentment, as if from beginning to end, he was the one whose family was destroyed.

Looking at the old ghost in front of him, whom he always misses, and now in such a tragic state of mental breakdown, He Luo also looked into the ancestral hall out of curiosity.

With just one glance, the terrifying and terrifying scene inside made He Luo instinctively swallow.

Those corpses with round eyes and unrepentant eyes seemed to have died of some kind of bitter torture and curse, and experienced unimaginable extreme fear.

Some corpses were hung, some were decomposed, and some were stacked on top of each other... The **** scene formed by them combined is absolutely unattainable even for cult sacrifices.

Even though He Luo knew that this was a gift for the evil god, he still instinctively felt a tingling in his scalp.

"A coward who will only watch his parents die, what are you waiting for, kill me! Let me accompany my son!!"

Seeing the other party's delay in making a move, the old man with a deadly ambition simply said something to stimulate him, and this sentence also successfully touched He Luo's inverse scale, pulling him back from the treacherousness in front of him.

There was no unnecessary nonsense, his eyes glowed with cold light, and a dark dagger appeared in his hand again. With the flash of cold light, it plunged straight into the body of the old man in front of him.


The severe pain made Mr. He's body start to tremble slightly, but when he regained his senses and found that the knife had not penetrated the vital point, he felt a little chill in his heart, because a bad guess appeared. in his mind.

"You will die, but you won't die so easily. By the way, you know what? Even if you lose some organs, you still won't die. I'll let you enjoy the process slowly until you start to repent! "

He Luo's voice was as cold as a knife and extremely cruel. Even with the mind of Mr. He who had been chasing for many years, he couldn't help but start to tremble in his heart.

The vengeful youth and the lamb to be slaughtered, this night is destined to add more blood and cruelty.


"Damn it, it's definitely him, can't be wrong, and there must be other people involved!"

Looking at the special wound caused by the black flame on the corpse, and the old man who was almost completely dismembered at the door, Liu Tao's tone was extremely determined.

Since the death of his former friend Caidie, in order to avenge her, Liu Tao has set his sights on the abominable murderer.

His powerful strength made him fearless and followed all the way, but the other party was too cunning, and every action had no purpose, just like killing people for the sake of killing people. After that, people have long since disappeared.

But even so, like a follower, he has been trying to track down and try to find the opponent's weakness.

And this time, it is obviously a little different from the past. That guy who has always been alone, actually chose to cooperate with someone, and it seems that this person must have a grudge against the guy who was dismembered outside!

As long as you follow this line, in the end, you may be able to predict the location of the opponent's next shot, prepare an ambush in advance, and even

Dear, this chapter is not over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is still another page ^0^ until you find that **** and smash him into pieces!

Thinking of this, the spiritual energy in Liu Tao began to boil, and the energy of the five elements also appeared faintly.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he turned his head and glanced at the horrific situation behind him, his face turned pale with fright, Liu Tao frowned, and ordered:

"Immediately give me the information about this family, the identity of the old man outside, and the people they offended, especially those who have disappeared now, don't miss anything, and then give me a good analysis. Who could possibly do such a thing!"

"Yes, sir."

Resisting the discomfort in his heart, after a respectful answer, the man hurriedly left the ancestral hall.

And just when Liu Tao shook his head and was slightly dissatisfied with his courage, someone ran in again from outside and came directly to him, reporting in a slightly urgent tone:

"Sir, Mr. Liu Guosheng, Director of National Security, just called and asked you to stop all actions in your hands and go back immediately!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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