I Created Mythic Revival

Chapter 177: crazy

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No one knew what it was, but it had the pale body of an eyeless giant frog, with a wide mouth and clawed hands. What should have been the nose had a cluster of short pink tentacles.

The moment he saw this strange creature, even with the sheriff's tenacious will, he felt that his reason was quickly leaving him.


But just as his legs trembled and the hand holding the gun shook involuntarily, a gunshot suddenly came from his ear.

The muffled sound of the explosion made the sheriff reluctantly recover a little sanity, but before he could make other moves, more than 20 gunshots rang out, just like the voice of the soul, and finally let his sight escape. The terrifying monster in front of you.

Turning his head to look, the twenty or so policemen who were alive just now had turned into corpses.

Each of them was blasted out of their brains by their own guns, and some of them were beyond recognition, but because they were too familiar, the sheriff could still barely recognize who these people were.

And that's what makes the fear all the more real.

He didn't dare to look back, not even to stay for a second longer. With heavy steps, the sheriff slowly walked in the direction he came from, and his speed became faster and faster until he started to run and scream...

As for the kneeling believers, their eyes have obviously become abnormal. Only the old man at the head is still fanatical.

At this time, Lu Chen's body was suspended in mid-air, and he was quietly watching the director's farther and farther back.

Inertness accounts for a large part of human nature, and a battery full of inertness without pressure is only a defective product after all.

So, they need a push.

And the darkness that cannot be countered by conventional power is the most ferocious whip, it will easily squeeze out the potential of most people.

Let them practice harder, let them believe more devoutly...

But before that, darkness also needs to spread.

In Lu Chen's original plan, this seed should have been planted by him later, but now, since someone has set up the stage, he will save some trouble.

As for the creation under his feet, Lu Chen never paid attention to it.

just a seed...

When the stream is opened, it will be watered and grown.

And his sickle is already behind him, ready to welcome the harvest season.

However, there is one more thing to do now...

Art has been a police officer for more than 30 years and a sheriff for more than 20 years. He has encountered countless bizarre and bizarre cases, but he has never been as frightened as he is today.

He didn't even know how he got back to the police station, but after seeing the familiar and safe environment, he fell asleep.

This time the sleep was not stable, because he had a dream, a not very good dream...

In the dream, Yat saw a huge lonely city built by piles of boulders of Phosphorus, and towering stone pillars covered with green mucus, permeating strange and inexplicable evil thoughts and evil nature.

Looking up, the endless high walls were covered with hieroglyphs, and from the unfathomable place under the feet, there was a sound of chaos that was almost unpronounceable.

This voice, he remembered, he remembered...

That indescribable terrifying white monster!

The other party suddenly appeared in his dream and appeared in front of him! !

That kind of truth is enough to break the barriers between dreams and reality!

In the end, Art woke up from the nightmare, and his clothes were already wet with cold sweat.

In front of him is the frightened wife, and on the side, there is the director who came to visit.

At this moment, Att, who stared at the frightened eyes, obviously frightened them.

"Att, what's wrong with you?"


In the face of his wife's concern, Art just shook his head when he came back to his senses. Speaking of such a bizarre thing beyond the scope of understanding will only make the other party more worried.

And looking at the director who was hesitant to speak, he naturally understood what the other party wanted to ask, and also understood that he couldn't give a decent explanation at all, so he could only choose to tell the truth.

But before that, he took away his wife.

When there were only two people left in the room, Art began to tell the terrifying vision that he would never forget in his life.

In the quiet room, time passed quietly. When Art finished saying everything as it was, he thought he would be ridiculed and questioned. After all, these things sounded too absurd.

But at this time, the director frowned, and his expression looked a little serious.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent, and it wasn't until after a while that Art heard the director's sigh:

"If it was before today, I would definitely not have believed your nonsense, but now, at least I do."

Seeing the doubts on Art's face, the director continued to explain:

"There's something you probably don't know, just this morning, when you were in a coma, a horrific massacre spread throughout the city.

The gathering place of a group of gangsters, blood flowed into rivers in just one night, and all the dead were decapitated and smashed to pieces. That horror..."

Having said this, the director stopped, took out a dozen photos from his pocket, and threw them to Art:

"You'd better see for yourself, I still have something to do, I'll go first."

Then the director left the ward. Before leaving, he did not forget to leave a sentence:

"If you're healthy, come to the police station to report quickly. Without you, I can't do it alone."

When the door of the ward was closed, Art also picked up the photos curiously, and when he saw the indescribable corpses in the photos, he realized what the director just meant.

This horrific atrocity is definitely not done by ordinary human beings. In the photo, everyone was strangled and torn apart in an extremely cruel way, and their stomachs were ripped open, as if they had died of some kind of malicious torture and curse. Removing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The remaining bones are swaying and colliding in the cold wind, as if they were smashed by a shrewd butcher! t.

After looking at those photos, Art fell ill in the following days, and he would wake up in nightmares every night.

Again and again, keep reincarnating.

In the process, the originally strong will was quickly worn away until it was on the verge of collapse.

He didn't know when this endless madness would dissipate, and how did the cold reality arise!

Until one day late at night, Art couldn't bear the fear of looking directly into the abyss, and while his wife was sleeping, he took out the revolver under the pillow tremblingly.

Now, the only thing he can do is to use a bullet against his head to reach the land of annihilation.

Maybe that day, he should do it...

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