I Created The Game World

Chapter 199: I'm Really About To Lose Money And Become The Richest Man

When Bai Ze was playing Yu-Gi-Oh in his previous life, he was once dominated by the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon. Even in the flashy environment of his previous life, the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon was quite a useful card, let alone the game in this world. environment.

The easiest way to get rid of the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon is to use combat to crush it. The Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon's attack power of 4000 is still a chance. It only has effect resistance, but no combat damage resistance.

In addition, there are monsters like [Lava Demon God] that use opponent monsters as sacrifices, which make people want to burn the card, or the effect of the water wave shield that does not take the target can counter it.

There is also the most direct, universal trap card [God's Proclamation], when the blue-eyed chaotic dragon is summoned, it will directly invalidate its summoning~.

There are many ways, but you have to have the right time to deal with it. Getting stuck is a difficult problem that can never be avoided in Yu-Gi-Oh.

For someone like Bai Ze who doesn't give a chance at all, even if Lu Chao knew about the existence of the Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon before, he would have to rely on the cards in his hand to have a chance to deal with it.

"I lost."

Being taken away by a wave, Lu Chao stood there in a daze, and it took him a while to react.

"Hiss~ This is a familiar scene."

"I feel sorry for the sand sculpture anchor, there is no room for manipulation at all!"

"Isn't this monster too strong, take it away in one wave?"

"Which idiot told me that the ritual monster is not strong? Is this not strong?"

"That's because the person opposite is called Xiaozhi!"

"Damn! I just found out that Xiaozhi's deck also has the blue-eyed white dragon, and he still uses the blue-eyed deck!"

The duel started quickly and ended even faster, causing great discussion among players.

Especially Lu Chao was still in the live broadcast, and there were hundreds of thousands of spectators in the live broadcast room for this duel, and some of his new fans were stunned on the spot.

These are the fans that Lu Chao gained after he participated in the competition. When did they see Lu Chao lose so badly?

The old fans gave them a popular science about the existence of Bai Ze, the origin of the Luchao deck, etc., and they seemed to have seen a new world.

What? You said the opposite is Xiaozhi?

Doesn't he play Pokémon?

"You still want me to join you?"

The gorgeous attack effects disappeared, and the domineering figure of the blue-eyed chaotic dragon also disappeared. Bai Ze's body leaned back tactically and looked down at Lu Chao.

"I... have another game!"

Lu Chao gritted his teeth, "I'll bet you 10 million! If I lose, the deck will be returned to you, and I'll give you another 10 million!"

"Forget it, it's boring, I don't want the card group anymore, you can keep it."

Bai Ze shook his head, with a completely uninterested tone, turned around and was about to leave the duel space.

At this time, Lu Chao shouted from behind: "Wait a minute!"

Bai Ze stopped in his tracks, the corners of his mouth behind the mask raised slightly, he turned around and said, "What? Why don't you leave?"


Lu Chao chased after Bai Ze, his eyes flashed left and right a few times, and he asked tentatively, "That...... your card, do you sell it?"


"Want it?" Bai Ze asked softly.

"Yeah!" Lu Chao nodded again and again, with hope on his face.

"Next time, next time I come back, if you can beat me, I will give you the card.

Bai Ze raised his hand and patted Lu Chao on the shoulder twice, "Come on, I'm optimistic about you.


Lu Chao's face became anxious, and he said hastily: "No, no, don't do it next time!"

"How about we fight again! Just one!"

"Forget it, next time for sure, next time for sure."

After Bai Ze finished speaking, without waiting for Lu Chao to say anything else, he directly exited the duel space, and then exited the second world on the spot.

Zizi ~ Lubricant is ready!

Now Lu Chao probably thinks about the figure of the blue-eyed chaotic dragon.

Now that he has already started to improve the deck, it means that it is unrealistic to continue to use the deck to bind him, and he must show something better to attract him.

Bai Ze originally planned to use Blue-Eyes Faerie Dragon and Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon, but he didn’t think he already had these cards, so he temporarily changed to Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon.

The duel between Bai Ze and Lu Chao was uploaded to the Internet.

The price of the monster cards used by Bai Ze, such as Moshenyi-Candle Doll, Mashenyi-Mandela Talisman Grass, and Myriad Hands, instantly changed from a weed that no one noticed to a sweet pastry.

Some people even asked if there is a complete card list of the deck that Bai Ze used at that time. Well, this is just thinking about the fart, as if he could collect all the cards with the card list.

At the same time, the price of other ritual monster cards has also been greatly increased, and the ritual card group has the meaning of a big hit for a while.


In fact, this enthusiasm will not last long, and the requirements for the card group are still very high if you want to play Ritual Monster.

The cumbersome summoning conditions alone are enough to keep 80% of the players out of the door. The monster cards of the ritual monsters in the main deck need to be drawn in the hand before they can be used. They are not extra decks that can be used directly. , A special ritual magic card is also required, and many players are afraid that they will be taken away by others without even getting the summoning conditions.

When players find out that their ritual decks are crazy cards, the wave of enthusiasm will naturally cool down.

After lubricating Lu Chao, this guy really became full of energy again.

In addition to setting up the arena to accept the challenges of players, he is also frantically buying blue-eyed chaos dragon cards on the Internet, and is also studying how to solve the blue-eyed chaos dragon's field, waiting for the next flop in the sunset.

The blue-eyed Chaos Extreme Dragon card Bai Ze still put a few cards in the sold cards, and even the card Bai Ze of the Three Illusions Gods sold one, as well as the Dark Mage Lao Ai, the Three Illusions

Machine Emperor, Earthbound God, Time Machine God, etc., these cards that can be called bosses in anime Bai Ze stuffed a few of them in the cards he sold.

It's just that these cards are either difficult for players to summon, or they are not as effective as expected in the general environment.

Playing games always flies by quickly.

After the update of the Tower of Trials, the eleventh to fifteenth floors have stumped many players as Bai Ze expected.

Mirror beasts, collapsing bodies, alien knights, etc., these strange monsters that require specific powers to kill have become a big barrier in front of the players.

This wave of operations by Bai Ze not only brought a wave of popularity to Kamen Rider, but also brought benefits to players who have the ability to pass the level. The "training" profession has added several branches.

In the words of the game, there is one generation of gods, and the eleventh to fifteenth floors are the versions of Kamen Rider. Without the corresponding knight power, no matter how strong you are, you will still be blind inside.

At the same time, with the addition of the Fragmentation System, the explosion rate of the Tower of Trials has been increased in a disguised form. The number of players who challenge the Tower of Trials has increased significantly every day. With a ticket of 100 Dragon Coins each time, Bai Ze finds that he is far away from Tianlong. The position of the richest man in the country is getting closer.


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