“Sir, we have now put ourselves on the bright side…”

In the old building, in the garden, in front of the stone table, Du Wei began to play black and white Go, trying to cultivate Lu Li’s strategic vision from a macroscopic perspective.

Du Weiwei looked at the chessboard and whispered.

“Can’t go like this, go this way, here, this place is empty…”

“My next step is to directly circle a large piece of land.”

Du Wei waved his hand to see where the landing was about to fall, and said one after another.

Lu Li heard this, thoughtfully, and twisted the black chess pieces and landed in another place.

“Maybe, right now, there is a satellite in the sky, specifically watching us…”

Du Weiwei said.

“However, this is not a bad thing, it is intentional.”

“But, from now on, we need to start cultivating our forces in the shadows…”

Du Weiwei said for a son.

“In the dark?”

The expression on Lu Li’s face did not change much, and he asked.

“Or rather, it should be light and dark at the same time…”

“In the shadows, we need to start looking for overseas bases, recruiting talents, and developing members…”

“In the bright place, it can’t be too hidden, and it can’t be too dazzling…”

“The best thing is to start secretly absorbing a group of old leaders into the club and forming a strong interest group.”

Du Weiwei said.

“I am ready to secretly train a group of guards and let them enter the ‘hundredfold time acceleration’ field for a long time.”

Lu Li listened carefully, and then said.


“The acquisition of time also needs to speed up.”

Du Weiwei answered.

“How is the Rong family’s side?”

Riku nodded and asked.

“Today, it will officially begin…”


7:30 p.m.

Rongjia, the old residence of No. 186, Shanxi Road, Jin’an District, is brightly lit.

There were five convoys that drove into the house.

Rong Zhixin and Rong Zhikuan formally stood outside the Western Building to personally greet them.

The owners of these five convoys were the first guests invited by the Rong family…

Their wealth is not the same, most of them are in the billion level, and the top one is Wang Huazheng, chairman of Autumn and Summer Airlines Group, whose net worth is tens of billions…

These five people have several points in common, the first point is that they are not young, the average age is about seventy-five years old; Second, on weekdays, there is a lot of investment in the fields of health preservation and maintenance, that is, saving life; The third point is to make good friends with the Rong family.

“The last time I saw Old Master Rong was a few years ago.”

Walking in, the Rong family’s mansion, an old man who was not tall and held a cane in his hand, said with a smile.

“A few months ago, I visited Elder Rong, and at that time, the old man was not in good health.”

“But later, I heard that the old man’s body has improved…”

Wang Huazheng is 76 years old, his waist is still very straight, he heard it, so he answered.

Heard Wang Huazheng’s words.

The four old men next to him were thoughtful.

A few days ago, when the four giants of the Rong family rushed back to Shanghai, they guessed that the old man might be critically ill, but later it seemed to be okay again.

“Mr. Rong, I don’t know, is Old Master Rong in good health?”

An old man surnamed Ma looked at Rong Zhixin and Rong Zhikuan, who led them, and asked.

“The old man is recovering very well now.”

Rong Zhixin’s face was gentle, and he replied with a smile, but he didn’t say much.


The five old men were led to a banquet hall that was not too big.

Red carpets, crystal chandeliers…

Baroque sofas, each sofa has a small coffee table at hand, tea and snacks are placed on the coffee table.

Rong Zhiquan greeted several people in the banquet hall.

“My eldest brother, and the old man will come over immediately.”

“Everyone, please sit down…”

Rong Zhiquan, a picture of the host, invited.

Eight people were seated one after another.

This time, the sudden invitation in the name of Old Lady Rong made Wang Huazheng and others a little puzzled.

In their hearts, they are also secretly guessing what kind of medicine is being sold in this gourd.

There are a few, considering the old man’s age and the rumored physical condition, there are many thoughts…

Although everyone seemed to chat casually, in fact, they still put most of their attention on the door.

Not for long.

Two figures appeared in everyone’s eyes.

In the banquet hall, the conversation suddenly stopped…

Wang Huazheng, Ma Lao and others got up one after another.

I only saw that Rong Zhijian, pushing Old Master Rong’s wheelchair, walked in.

“Uncle Rong!”

“Seeing Uncle Rong’s spirit like this, I am also relieved!”

“Uncle Rong, I should have come to visit you a long time ago…”

“Uncle Rong…”

“Uncle Rong!”

Wang Huazheng and the others shouted one after another.

Their gazes looked at Elder Rong without a trace, and they were surprised in their hearts.

In particular, Wang Huazheng, chairman of Autumn and Summer Airlines, was the most shocked.

A few months ago, when the old man broke the news of his critical illness, he came to visit…

At that time, the old man was already at the end of his life, and his physical condition was exhausted!

Moreover, the three giants of the Rong family overseas have also returned to China one after another, which proves this…

But now, a few months later, looking at Old Master Rong, where does he look like he is about to die?

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Wang Huazheng respectfully shouted, Uncle Rong.

Rong Yiyou is a friend of Wang Huazheng’s father’s generation.

“I’ve been nourishing my body recently, and now that I’m better, I want to see you again, maybe, one day, I won’t see you again.”

Rong said slowly.

When his words fell, several old men in front of him quickly waved their hands, saying that Elder Rong could ‘live better than Nanshan’.

Rong Yiyou smiled and said nothing, he naturally did not mean that he would have problems, but rather, these juniors were not sure when they would go.

“Help me up.”

Rong Zhiyou said to Rong Zhijian beside him.

Old man Rong stood up, and then threw away his nephew’s hand.

He walked in front of Wang Huazheng and the others in turn, and patted the shoulders of several people one after another.


PS: Thank you all for your support!

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