The stormy playground of Fudan University School of Medicine suddenly needed temporary maintenance.

Within ten minutes, all the students and teachers in the building were cleared…

Outside the stormy playground, I was stopped for warning…

Lu Li was wearing a white coat, followed Peng Hao by his side, and walked into the wind and rain playground in a low-key manner.

Because the rotation experiment related to the earth, if it is carried out in the old building, Lu Li is worried that there will be some uncontrollable changes, so the experimental site is chosen in a relatively empty and unobstructed wind and rain playground.

Walk to the center of the basketball court.

Peng Hao opened the box he brought over and took out a metal pendulum from the box…

Secure the pendulum to the ground.

Lu Li looked at the pendulum and condensed his thought:

‘Please select a doubling time. ’

“1000 times.”

After breaking through the time limit, this is Riku’s first attempt at the acceleration of the limit, adding the time realm above the pendulum.

Looking at the pendulum, there is not much change.

According to the time flow rate of the ‘pendulum’, for it, the time outside is almost static, then, naturally, it will not change the state of motion.

Conclusion 1: ‘Time acceleration’ has a very strong ability to resist changes in the external environment!


Accelerate time reclaim.

Lu Li did not hesitate and followed closely, adding ‘1000 times the time deceleration’ to the pendulum.

Change has come suddenly!

I saw that the pendulum began to turn violently like a windmill!

‘Shhh ’

The pendulum rubs along the iron axis, and sparks constantly appear, making a harsh, shrill sound!

‘Bang! ’

In an instant, the pendulum flew up with the pedestal, rushed out from east to west, and a small crater appeared like a meteorite hitting the earth!

Lu Li observed the trajectory of the pendulum in the air, quickly retracted the ‘Time Domain’, and the iron pendulum hit the ground heavily!

Recall the change just now.

Soon, Riku made an inference.

The Earth’s rotation speed is three or four hundred meters per second, which is almost equivalent to three or four kilometers per second for an object in a state of deceleration a thousand times the time.

At the beginning, the state of the base of the pendulum did not change, but the pendulum suspended in the air was wrapped up in the speed of the outside world, torn, and changed drastically…

That is to say, if the object is rooted in the ground, the time-limited deceleration effect will not change its motion state.

However, when the object is suspended in the air and in a state of ‘extreme deceleration’, it can cause great damage!

Conclusion 2: ‘Time deceleration’, especially the ‘time deceleration’ of the limit state, is difficult to resist the effect of the external environment. Use with caution!


Next, Lu Li did some more experiments.

For example, accelerating an object in a thousand times faster in time, and then quickly withdrawing …

He found that the accelerating object still fell at its original speed and did not appear supersonic.

Because time acceleration is only the difference in the ‘time flow speed’ of the two space-times, there is no perceptible change for objects in that time.


About two hours later.

One by one, the experiments were completed, and Lu Li left with Peng Hao.

Behind them, the entire stormy playground was already a mess.

Another team of staff quickly entered to clean up the traces.


Lu Li returned to the old building.

Morris took the ten pieces of information that had been screened with big data and appeared in front of Lu Li.

“Sir, these are the ten people I have selected based on data analysis and best meet your requirements.”

“So far, all three of them are near the magic capital.”

Morris handed the document to Lu Li and said in a deep voice.

Riku nodded.

He sat at his desk, looking at the documents.

To find three clients, at least two of them, Lu Li hopes to work in regions such as ‘Africa’.

Therefore, one of the requirements put forward by Lu Li is that he has lived in ‘Africa’, and even, has a certain status and career in ‘Africa’…

Lu Li looked at the information.

One list after another, he singled out.

It’s five people in total.

The remaining five lists were handed back to Morris…

Lu Li looked at the last five, thought, took out two of them again, and handed them to Morris as well.

The last three.

Character 1:

Name: Zhao Dahua

Age: 46

Information introduction: The first batch of merchants of the Celestial Empire to develop in Africa, the current main activity area is in Rwanda, is the largest Celestial Empire merchants in Rwanda, the industry is concentrated in industry, agriculture and animal husbandry, service industry…

Thick black personality…

Character 2:

Name: Wang Hai

Age: 40 years old

Information introduction: Long-term active in the Somali region, retired special forces, has experience as a mercenary, recently smuggled back to the country…

Character 3:

Name: Hu Baoshan

Age: 55 years

Information introduction: Alone and bold…


Lu Li’s gaze withdrew from the information, and then looked at the blond young man in front of him.

“How’s it going?”

“Is life still comfortable?”

Lu Li’s eyes showed a thick smile, and his tone was calm, and he asked.

“Mr. Tuo, your blessing, I am still in this world!”

Morris bowed reverently and answered.

“The artificial intelligence you are working on, how is it developing?”

Riku asked.

“It’s going well, but you need to give it time to grow.”

Morris, answered.

“Do it well.”

“You go down first.”

Lu Li nodded and said one after another.


Morris left, and a moment later, Peng Hao appeared in the room.

“I’m going to meet these three.”

“Get it for me.”

Lu Li threw the three-point character information to Peng Hao and said in a deep voice.

After a pause, Lu Li said again:

“You can let Zhang Xiao cooperate with you, or, take a few well-behaved secret team members and do a simple drill…”


Peng Hao had no objection, he stood up straight and answered.

“Go ahead.”

Lu Li said.

Peng Hao took the information and turned to leave.


When selecting the character information just now, the three people selected by Lu Li all had ‘in non’ experience.

He changed his mind.

With a population of 1,226.55 million, Africa is not stable in social development and has a low life expectancy.

Lu Li decided to send all three to Africa.

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