I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 201 Paintings from Zheng Banqiao's Tomb 4 more chapters, please subscribe or order by y

In the conference room.

Zhang Jian and each expert made reports one after another.

Subsequently, Academician Xia Quande proposed the establishment of the ‘No. 02 Miniature Sandbox World’.

"We all know that at every stage of evolution of the creatures in 'Miniature Sandbox World No. 01', we have intervened and forcibly increased the speed of evolution..."


Academician Xia Quande put his hands in front of the podium. On the curtain in his hand was a projection. He said in a deep voice and paused slightly.

Images of various creatures from World 01, including Neanderthals and Homo floresiensis.

"These creatures are evolutionarily flawed."

Academician Xia Quande’s voice became louder.

"So, I propose to start the creation of 'Miniature Sandbox World No. 02'."

"This time, our goal should be to guide and evolve..."

Academician Xia Quande's face was rosy and his expression was fiery. He said loudly: "Miniature creatures with the same potential as us humans and us here!"

He trailed off.

The conference room fell into silence, and everyone was thinking about what 'Academician Xia Quande' said.

It should be 'necessary' to guide and evolve creatures with the same potential as 'human beings'.

Because that's the only way.

Only by simulating a civilized environment similar to that of 'Earth' in the sandbox world can they observe and guide the development direction of these 'miniature humans'.

!:;8, You can even directly steal their ‘civilization achievements’.

If the created civilization develops to the technological level of aviation and aerospace, then the simulation of this sand table will also need to simulate the environment outside the earth, that is, the universe, and it can no longer be a simple round sky and a place.

Of course, these main problems may also lie in the limitations of technologies such as genetic engineering, as well as the technical difficulty of making a sandbox world...

In a short period of time, many experts and researchers present had a lot to think about.

But immediately after, everyone put aside their thoughts and applauded Academician Xia Quande.

"The creation of the 'Miniature Sandbox World No. 02' can begin." "

"I also allow everyone present to continue to be the main promoters of 'World No. 02'..."

"But the premise is that everyone must hand over the authority of 'World 01' and at the same time fully hand over various tasks."

Academician Xia Quande and everyone present turned their attention to Lu Li and saw that Lu Li recorded a few notes in the notebook at hand. Then, he raised his head and said in a deep voice: "After that, you can have the next meeting with each other. , select a new person in charge of 'World' and create a promotion process for 'World 02'."

"Give me the plan."

Lu Li said one after another with a majestic look on his face.

Next, Lu Li walked to the front of the conference room and said a few words.

He distributed the contract accordingly to the scholars and researchers present.

Everyone signed the contract.

End of the meeting.

Lu Li left the conference room first, while Shen Youchu and everyone stayed behind for the second round of discussion.

Their meeting lasted several hours.

Everyone is willing to hand over the authority of "World No. 01" and join the creation of "World No. 02".

The birth of 'World No. 01' is very rough, and its potential must be far inferior to that of 'World No. 02'.

No one doesn't understand this.

After the meeting.

Several old professors and core members of the Immortality Club visited Lu Li one after another.

This time, because of the creation of World 01, Lu Li rewarded Professor Tang Ruizhao and Anthony even more. Professor Gretel, Professor Hou Gaoming, as well as Peng Hao, Tan Yanyu, Morris and others, Lu Li granted each of them "five years" of longevity.

Lu Li also granted Zhang Jian five years of life and agreed to let Zhang Jian's ninety-one-year-old grandson Zhang Wuxu join the Immortality Club and become a member.

In the creation of World 02, Professor Tang Ruizhao will not focus his main energy on it.

He will focus his research more on experiments and research in the third phase of the 'life project'.

Lu Li was resting in the study.

At this time, a piece of news caught Lu Li's attention.

‘A few days ago, Typhoon Yutu invaded Jiangsu Province. In the rain and strong winds, the tomb of Zheng Banqiao, a famous painter from the Qing Dynasty in my country, was damaged to varying degrees... The news provided two related videos.

Lu Li frowned, recalling the scene of him and Zheng Banqiao drinking wine more than two hundred years ago.

So I searched for relevant information on my mobile phone.

There are many kinds of news, some are true and some are false.

Among this vast amount of information, Lu Li saw an anonymous answer on a Q\u0026A platform called Xiaohu. The answer did not attract anyone's attention, not even a single like. The content is as follows: "I followed the teacher to the scene..."

"There was nothing buried in Zheng Banqiao's coffin, only a sealed mahogany box..."

"There is a painting hidden in the mahogany box. It depicts a young man and a woman with half her cheek turned sideways!" "Beside the painting, Zheng Banqiao mentioned some words. What he said in his words seemed to be that the painting was His best friend!"

"Just when we were about to do in-depth research, this national treasure painting was taken away by several unknown people!" Lu Li refreshed the picture again.

But I saw that this answer had been deleted.

Lu Li knew that this answer was probably not made up...

According to his understanding of 'Zheng Banqiao's' temperament, that painting should be the one that Zheng Banqiao painted for himself and himself that day. Zheng Banqiao could not sell this painting to others, nor could it be passed on to future generations, so he simply took it into the tomb... "Who took the painting... away?"

Lu Li leaned on the back of the chair, smiled slightly, and murmured.

Official Top Secret Team ‘s’. In addition, after the last joint investigation of the eight bases, the s, that is, Spirit God, was established in the last meeting. At the end of the meeting, the officials added two additional departments. They are, the ninth department: full-time investigation, collection, exploration, immortals hidden under society...

Department 10: full-time investigation, collection, exploration, all traces of ‘a’ left in history… at this moment.

The painting leaked from Zheng Banqiao's mausoleum was rushed to the research desk of the tenth department of Yanjing. "Through the determination of radioactive carbon, as well as the observation of paper and Zheng Banqiao's brushwork..."

"We judge that this painting should be from Zheng Banqiao's later years, about 260 years ago, that is, around 1760!" The expert wearing reading glasses judged.

Beside the expert, several middle-aged men with dignified faces took a deep breath and looked at each other when they heard the result.

Through this painting, they pushed forward the year in which ‘a’ appeared by nearly three hundred years! .

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