I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 361 Where is Emperor Sui...?! (Please subscribe to the full version or customize it yourself

Shu Province, Minjiang River section.

The authorities attach great importance to this excavation of the prehistoric underground palace...

In the evening of the same day, another team arrived at the inky black square.

The personnel of this team are very diverse, some are good at using joysticks, geophysical exploration and other scientific and technological skills, and some are mixed in the underworld, and their ancestors were tomb robbers~...

At night.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

In the inky black square, a temporary shed was built-up.

The shed was brightly lit.

The detection equipment was extended into the dark stairs...

Red and green lights intertwined...

"The air detection is within the normal range."

"There seem to be two heavy doors in front..."

"This is the square in front of the door!"

"There should be no problem, we can go down and take a look..."

In the shed, a pair of heads poked in front of the equipment, looking at the scene on the screen, and several professors and experts whispered.


Everyone changed into another set of professional clothes, with searchlights and cameras on their foreheads.

A team of professionals stepped carefully on the stone steps.

Listening to the footsteps, I walked to the bottom of the stairs...

The light disc player dispersed the darkness around!

Two huge stone doors more than three meters high stood in front of us...

The place where everyone stood was a square in front of the door!

Following the light, looking around...

You can see that on the stone walls on all sides, a series of bizarre prehistoric carvings appeared in front of everyone...

"This carving."

On the east wall, Professor Li Ji controlled his breathing with the help of the light and observed with concentration: "Emperor Sui ruled the world!"

The carving depicts a series of stories. The content of the story is relatively easy to understand. It is the promotion of civilization since Suiren drilled wood to make fire...

But the strange thing is in the last picture, the last frame of the pattern.

'Emperor Sui died in his old age...''The tribe of Suiming State is sad. In the night, the tribesmen hold torches one by one. The torches are connected into a long dragon, lighting up the ancient sky...''The tribesmen bury Emperor Sui! ''Suihuang was buried...' The last picture depicts Suihuang in the tomb!


It was an empty cemetery! "Where is Suihuang?"

Professor Qian Mu stood beside Professor Li Ji. He looked at the empty cemetery and asked in surprise.

Many experts took a deep breath and continued to look at the four prehistoric murals in the west, south, and north! "This one talks about Fuxi's rule!" "This one talks about Shennong's rule!" "This one talks about Xuanyuan Huangdi!"

In front of the gate of the Forbidden City at the bottom of the riverbed, surprised voices kept ringing.

Every wall records the scene of a human emperor governing the world and creating civilization... However...

What makes people dare not think deeply, or even think about it carefully, is that...

When each human emperor died in his old age, all of them had strange visions!

Some, like Suihuang, disappeared in the cemetery! Also, such as Fuxi...

In the picture showing Fuxi's death...

The picture magnifies the corpse of Emperor Fuxi who is being buried!

Professor Wu Han and Professor Qian Mu noticed that the Fuxi buried in the tomb seemed different from the Fuxi who was alive before!

That is, the two are probably not the same person!

As if they had noticed something.

All the experts before entering the square fell silent...they broke out in a cold sweat on their backs..."These carvings seem to be hinting at something."

Sun Ying, who was sent later and whose ancestors were from the lower three gates and entered the official special department after being recruited, said in a deep voice. "Okay."

"Professors and experts, let's go back first."

"I'll arrange some people to carefully protect and deal with the ancient monuments here."

The leader of the official team, a middle-aged man, had a flashing look in his eyes, and then clapped his hands to focus everyone's attention, and he said in a deep voice.

All the professors and experts retreated to the sheds in the inky black square.

The middle-aged leader stood alone in the small square in front of the stone gate. He looked up and scanned the carvings... He took a deep breath, turned around and left!

Middle-aged man, report the incident!

The phone was hung up for no more than twenty minutes.

A real army rushed over.

At the same time.

The surroundings of this section of the Minjiang River began to be isolated...

.,,8, All roads that may reach this section of the Minjiang River were blocked! The upper part of this section of the Minjiang River became a military no-fly zone... The officer in military uniform walked into the shed!

Several soldiers stood on both sides of the door of the shed.

The professors and experts who were conducting research noticed the officer, and the atmosphere gradually gathered... "Please sign a confidentiality agreement..." 0.. Ask for flowers 0.. .

"This underground palace is considered a top-secret event in the Celestial Empire!" "Any possible leak will be treated as treason!" The officer went straight to the point and said in a deep voice.

Hearing the voice, everyone looked at each other and knew that this time the archaeological work might have a big change. 'Top secret incident? ' 'Treason? ' Four walls, four stone sculptures.

The scenes depicted, the contents implied...

These experts and professors don't understand what it means!

But the members of the top secret group 's' in the Celestial Empire can easily guess what it means!

Department No. 10 is dedicated to investigating, collecting, and exploring all traces left by 'a' in history.

The head of the department picked up the red phone and dialed the number.

...0 "We judge."

"These four carvings may mean...the source of our celestial civilization, the three emperors and one emperor, that is..."

"The Suiren family, the Fuxi family, the Shennong family..."

"Xuanyuan Huangdi..."

"Possibly immortality!"

"They cheated their own lives and hid in the darkness of civilization..."

The person in charge said word for word.

His mouth was dry and he felt weak.

What kind of existence are these four? It is the origin of this land! He is the ancestor of everyone!

If this shocking news gets out...

can not imagine!

However, ordinary people should think that it is just a novel, right?

The less ordinary people know, isn’t it a blessing?

The head of department No. 10 thought bitterly.

The more they know about ‘a’, the more scared they feel, and even they can’t sleep at night...

What is the truth of this world?

Is this world still not the world they know?

"I see."

The microphone of the red telephone rang with a silent voice.

It's late at night.

Yanjing City.

There was a knock on the door of a certain office.

"Please come in."

The dignified middle-aged man responded in a deep voice.

"Put the book down and go back and rest first." The middle-aged man looked at the secretary and said.

The secretary hesitated to speak. He paused, put the book on the desk, and bowed to leave. The majestic middle-aged man pinched his eyebrows and opened a book... This book is all about... records of the source of the Celestial Civilization... Five.

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